Catastrophe (X)

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Everyone's eyes almost popped out and turned and looked at the 'Allen Reeves' in Evonne's arm.

Evonne, "Are you sure? But we heard...."

Cheryl, "Irvin, you better not be kidding around here!"

Irvin just shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not joking here. He's the real deal."

Ricardo, "How did he.... survive?"

Irvin explained Allen's situation to Cheryl and the others. They too pitied him for his bad luck. Evonne hugged Allen even closer, "Ah, poor baby!"

Cheryl raised her eyebrows at Irvin, "Soo.... you're saying that this little kitten here saved you?"

Irvin didn't deny it and nodded his head, "Yeah, if I wasn't there at that time. I wouldn't believe it either. But he did. He threw body part at the zombies and actually took one down on his own."

Evonne kissed Allen's cheek, "Hehe! You're brave and also so smart too! Unlike your brother. Ugh, that man!"

Suddenly an arm snakes around Allen's waist and hoisted him out of Evonne's grasp. Evonne was going to yell at whoever dared to do that, until she saw who it was. Evonne sheepishly laughed, "Oh haha.... it's boss...."

Noel had been watching Allen like a hawk. He didn't know why but he felt that the boy was his. At first when he saw the boy and listen to his lyrical voice, he didn't mind that it was a girl. Even when he found out that the young 'girl' was actually a boy, he didn't mind. All that mattered to him was what he felt.

He was captivated from the start. His soul was tugging at him to get closer to the boy. As if he had found what was missing his entire life, his soul wanted to bind the youth to him, so that he couldn't go anywhere. To tame him, and make him his.

He didn't like it how the youth had been in his older brother's arm, in Evonne's arm. How his fair tender legs were exposed and could be seen by everyone else. He felt irritated inside. He should be in his arms, no one else. Those legs were only for his eyes to see as well. Noel breathed in his intoxicating scent, he smelled a mix of ylang ylang, frankincense, and jasmine.

It wasn't overpowering nor was it too faint, it was just right amount. It soothed his heart smelling it. It also felt very nostalgic to him, as it he's smelled it a hundred thousands of times before.

Noel didn't say anything to Evonne. He had taken out his handkerchief, that was made of the the most expensive fabric that is used to wipe his razor sharp knives. Noel started wiping the cheek that Evonne kissed. Allen was looking at the man with curiosity, his eyes blinked and his lips were pursed. Noel's throat felt dry from looking at the delicacy that was inviting him with that look.

Noel didn't use too much pressure and was very careful not to make Allen's skin turn red from his wiping. It was like tender kisses to his cheek.

Everyone else was too shocked. Their boss had just.... snatched someone from Evonne? Where they seeing things? Maybe they needed to get their eyes rechecked. Even though they all had like 30/10 vision, they felt that they must have eye problems to be seeing this scene. Who was their boss? Noel Strioh. And what was he known for? Being cold, aloof, demon boss that overworked his subordinates until they bled, and for having mysophobia.

But here he was.... holding someone and even wiping that person's cheeks. Maybe the sun was going to rise from the west tomorrow, and they will also all wake up and find that the zombie apocalypse was nothing more than a nightmare.

Ricardo turned to Wolfrik Quentin, the hand to hand combat expert in their group. "I must still be asleep. Hey, slap me awake."

Wolfrik smiled deviously. He had been itching to slap Ricardo for a long time now, since he was given the chance to. Why not take advantage of it? Ricardo should've known better than to ask Wolfrik. He had played a prank of him just the night before and Wolfrik was someone who loved at getting even with a person.

Wolfrik gave Ricardo a slap that sent him to heaven and back down to the Earth. He felt that he had just seen a bit of the after life and could've sworn that he heard the angels singing. He shook his head, trying to refocus his gaze. His cheek that had been struck was swelling up already.

The two's interaction made everyone else crack up besides the demon general and Allen. Allen had scrunched up his neck. He had shot several looks at Irvin to come and help him, he wasn't a stuff toy that could be passed back and forth between people. Irvin was at a lost too. Why did he have to be so popular that even his ice block brother of his was interested?

Noel frowned. Why did the person in his arm not pay any attention to him? Noel eyed his brother with a frosty look. It's because of his brother. Irvin felt so wrong, why was he getting a death glare from his brother now? Ah, he knew that he must've stepped on a big pile of dog shit yesterday or else he wouldn't be targeted like this today.

Irvin wanted to cry at this point but he didn't have any tears. Irvin slowly scooted away, step by step out of Noel's and Allen's view. Just as he was hidden by Noel's subordinates, he remembered that they had more important matters to do.

Irvin coughed, "We got a little side tracked here."

"Back to the main issue. Now that we've gathered everyone, we need to head over to base A as soon as possible."

Irvin gave his brother a look and Noel nodded. He understood that Irvin must've discovered something and it needed to be reported asap to the higher ups. Ricardo spoke out, "Wait, wait. Aren't you going to introduce us to Allen at all?"

Ricardo's swollen cheek made him look extremely funny and he sounded funny, Irvin almost burst out laughing. His shoulder was trembling as he was trying to hold his laughter. Irvin cleared his throat and tried to act serious, "Ah, yes of course."

Irvin pointed at the furthest person, "That's Cheryl Haden, she handles all the big guns. Next, is Evonne Hazenberg, she does all the tech things. Communication devices, satellite, hacking, etc. The man next to her is Nikolaus Eicher, he's 'quick shot'. You won't even be able to see him pull out his guns before you die and he's deadly accurate with his daggers. The pig man face next to Nikolaus is Richard Kranzer. Although he's a prankster he's a master at pick locking and getting anything that is locked, unlocked.

The tall man next to him that gave that powerful slap is Wolfrik Quentin, he's the expert when it comes to hand to hand combat. The smaller man next to him is Rolf Saville, he's the best sniper out there."

Irvin pointed to his younger brother, "This man here is Noel Strioh, my younger brother and he's also the expert in well.... almost everything. He's also the *cough* demon *cough* captain of their special ops team."

Irvin took his role as the appointed master of ceremonies, and pointed to Allen, "And he's Allen Reeves. The one and only younger brother of the bro-con maniac Kyle Reeves."

Cheryl and Evonne rolled their eyes. They can never take this man seriously.

Allen felt strangely comfortable in those arms but he didn't want to be carried. He mumbled, "Can you let me down?"

Noel stared for a second, engraving his look into his mind before letting Allen down. Allen sighed, finally his feet touched the ground. Allen went over to where they had hidden his bags and took them out. Just as he was about to sling it over his shoulder, someone else had taken them already.

Allen turned around to see Noel holding his bags into his hand. Allen didn't feel that he needed others to carry his bags. He tried to get it back from Noel, "Umm... I can carry it."

Noel ignored Allen. He turned away and started walking, "Lets go."

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