Bearer of Thy Oath (XIII)

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An unknowledgable light flashed in his amber colored eyes. The halos surrounding his iris fluttered with like flame. Was he angry? Yes. For the first time he was truly angry. He wasn't upset that they had bounded him, it was the fact that he would be compelled to complete whatever Adriel asked for. He could not afford to disrupt his plans. Not when it was so close already, he could not make a small mistake.

Adriel walked up to Uriel and rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes were filled with gratification that he was finally able to 'leash' his beloved. It looked rather nice against his pale skin. This was his mark.... at least for now.... Too bad it's use wasn't intended for what others would think of.

As much as he did not want to put this onto Uriel, he didn't have a choice since that man seemed to be disappearing here and there. He also had an unmovable sensation that stuck onto his chest, he needed to keep him close otherwise Uriel will perish one day.

He looked past Uriel and met with Sitri's gaze, "Leave us. You'll have your time."

Sitri pouted but he did not dare to disobey Adriel's words, this was their agreement after all. He took one last glance and left the chapel like a sad little pup. They had been planning this for a long time, and Adriel had been transcribing various spells and magic circles so that they could capture and ensnare Uriel.

Looking at those two golden eyes, that seemed to emit a scorching heat that would burn a hole through him at any moment, Adriel felt a little guilty at their hasty actions. Ah, his beloved was truly upset at his actions.

He lowered his hand and hugged Uriel, "Don't be mad. I won't ever make you do anything you don't want to Uriel. I... I saw something scary. This is just a precaution so I can stop it... Don't be mad at me, don't be mad at Sitri."

Adriel truly feared what he saw. A nightmare was what he wished it could be. He had first received a small piece of the vision in his dream, when he got the ring. It was blurry at first and he couldn't make out anything, but as the dreams kept reoccurring... the view became less distorted and he could make sort of what was happening. It also included more scenes with every dream.

The figure he saw was Uriel. He couldn't let things fall as it happened in the vision. The 'mark of enthrall' is only used to bind supernatural beings to you in master-servant contract. It needed the one who was to be bound to consume the blood of the contractor, which was what Adriel gave to Uriel. A small taste of his blood when they kissed.

It would make the one who was marked upon do whatever the contractor wished for, but it depended on how much energy one had put into the mark for how long it would last. If they did not have enough energy, it would dissipate after one use. The more energy one poured into it, the longer the affect. You could also continuously insert your energy into the mark to keep it active, but Adriel didn't want to bind Uriel to him like this.

And so, he didn't need to gather a lot of energy for it. He only wanted to trick Uriel into thinking that it was more then a one time use. Otherwise Uriel would break it with no hesitation. The mark that Uriel had would break after only one use. The mark also served as a locator, transmitting the location of whoever was marked to the contractor.

With the 'mark of enthrall', this would be his only chance to stop it. Even if Uriel hated him for doing it... he would bear on that hate. Nothing mattered more than those two... He would trade anything in the world for it to not happen.

Uriel pushed Adriel off of him, his cold gaze looked at him, "What is it that you wish to accomplish by binding me, Solomon?"

Adriel sighed and pulled to rub his head against Uriel's chest, "To keep you safe... Whether you want to believe it or not..."

Looking up, his eyes were as clear as the spring water. He placed his hand on Uriel's cheek, "Promise me that you won't try and remove it."

Uriel questioned him inwardly. Why ask for a promise and not command it? What was the use of putting the mark if he didn't use it? Was this just to own ownership over him?

Not seeing him reply, Adriel became a little concerned, that he would try and remove it. He pleaded with his eyes, "Promise me."

Uriel seriously looked at Adriel. Even though the original would've broken the mark, he needed to save his energy for the incoming trouble. He nodded slightly, "For now."

Seeing that he finally got something out of Uriel, Adriel took a step back. He called out to Sitri, "Come in."

Immediately, the figure leaped forward into his embrace. Uriel had to close his eyes, his inner emotion was spilling out. A wave of sadness erupted inside of him. How would Lin Jun Kai be like when he grew up? How would his first day of school go? Who would've been his first friend? Would he have a family of his own? What about his grandchildren? His first class picture, his first field trip, his first dance... It was always a regret for Uriel that he couldn't see it.

After pushing it down, his eyes opened to look at Sitri. The wave of emotions had calmed and were no where to be seen, "Prince Sitri."

Sitri saw his reflection in Uriel's eyes and narrowed down happily, "Un."

Finally, the other paid attention to him. His presence wasn't ignored and he wasn't pushed.... It had greatly wounded his heart with every rejection he received. If only it was always like this. He sighed contently. But not long after Uriel did what was expected, he pulled away.

Although he was angry at them for using the invocation on him, he couldn't stay mad at them for long. Uriel shifted back and walked towards the entrance of the chapel. Adriel still wanted to know why the other person did what he was did, but asking right now would be a pipe dream. Once he left, Adriel's and Sitri's facial expression turned solemn. Sitri looked to Adriel, "Did he notice?"

Adriel shook his head, "No."

Sitri, "Did you get what you wanted to know?"

Adriel looked at his hand, "En."

Sitri sighed in relief. When Adriel first told him of the visions, he panicked truthfully. He had thought of kidnapping Uriel and Adriel down to the Hell with him, but Adriel had assured him of another way. Only then did he accept it. After all, Hell was a much safer place then here in the mortal realm. When he was called back to Hell, he was quite annoyed. It took him awhile to control the chaotic demons in the underworld, before he was able to come back. Coincidentally, he had just returned to see Adriel and Uriel here in the chapel.

He clutched his fists tightly as he looked at the entrance in which Uriel left in. Now that Adriel was able to pry some information from Uriel's mind without alerting him, they finished the first part of the goal. It was only the second part that was risky. Only when time comes, can they tell if it will really work.


A/N: Hehe~ Everyone was hating on son and father duo last chapter.... Let me know what you guys think of them now? Huehuehue ლ(`∀'ლ) I just seem to keep throwing balls of the unknown to you guys huh....? LOL *ahem* I have a little family sideish-totally-not-related-scene at the end of the update on the next chapter~ It's a treat from me to you guys because you know... Why not?

I'll see you guys tomorrow~ Thank you to all that voted, commented, and read! ( ◞・౪・)~♪

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