Bearer of Thy Oath (VII)

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(A/N: Because Hashini_Fernando asked me to. I release my captive chapters early... Another two chaptersssss~~~ I'll see you guys tomorrow. I'll also update on what I'm planning on doing for the platform tomorrow.)

Seeing no response from the angel, Sitri gnashed his teeth, "Why?"

His fists banged onto the barrier, "Why?"

A wave of power was sent from contact with the barrier. It was strong enough to be felt a hundred meters away. Uriel contained the impact just in time before it rippled out and caused damage else where.

Sitri, "How could you send me away?"

"Why did you do it?"

Uriel stayed silent, "..."

Sitri, "Answer me, Uriel!"

Uriel had eyes locked on to the young demon.

Astaroth had seen enough of the melodramatic soap opera for now. He didn't want this to get out of hand, they had just gotten back. From how Uriel was acting, he wasn't going to send them back anytime soon. He tried to pull away Sitri, "Stop, Sitri. That's enough."

Uriel gritted his teeth inwardly. His tone of voice was chillingly cold, "Who are you to question me, Prince Sitri?"

"I, Archangel Uriel doesn't need to answer to your kind. Know where you stand, Prince Sitri."

He didn't want to say those words, but what could he do. Bao Bao had warned him that his silence was considered OOC, he needed to act. Being tossed all of these balls all of a sudden, Uriel felt that he shouldn't have accepted the difficulty upgrade. It was too late to regret one's action.

But it could also be said that even if he didn't accept, they did not have the advantage to know any information on the world before entering it.

He needed to go through with it or else suffer the consequences, have 50% of his soul eliminated, get sent into another world right away, losing the right to choose skills for two worlds straight, and receive only 5% of the original prize. The consequences wouldn't be so dire if not for that it was an S class world.

There was still so much that he needed to do. Especially in his original world, the monsters of his past had yet to be extinguished.

Uriel waved a hand in the air erecting a high leveled barrier around his and Adriel's room. He turned and walked away, "Leave."

Sitri shouted, "Stop! Uriel, answer me!"

"Stay where you are!"

But Uriel didn't stop, he continued step by step and went further and further away from them. Sitri couldn't go forward because of the barrier and because of Astaroth holding him back.

Sitri, "Don't leave!"

He continued to shout until Uriel's figure was completely gone. He shoved Astaroth off of him and glared at him. He felt exasperated, his brows were scrunched up.

Sitri murmured, "Don't leave.... Don't go mitera."

For a long time, Sitri had felt that he had been searching for something. What he was searching for, he couldn't recall. All he could remember was the sensation and the resonation with his soul. Silently, he searched all these years.

Though he's met Uriel some times before in his lifetime, he didn't feel what he longed for.

The first time it piqued something inside of him was eighty years ago, during the war. That day because the other archangels and their demon's sovereign, Lucifer was out. He could not step out and remain by his sovereign. He only felt a small tickle of wave, but it wasn't enough for him to confirm.

Since then, he's pondered on finding Uriel again to check out the sensation. That was the only reason why he would go to the mortal realm. He diligently waited and searched for Uriel. But he came up empty for many years, that was until Uriel appeared before him in another form.

That's when it hit him. That feeling of familiarity, it drew him in.

A tsunami of complicated feelings hit him. Fear, joy, sadness, anger, relief, and desire.

Fear, he didn't know as to why, but he didn't want Uriel to leave his sights. Scared as if something is going to happen to him.

Joy, finding it once again made his heart finally calm. He was also able to confirm its origin and authenticity.

Sadness, it flowed into his soul. Sitri didn't know why he felt sad. Is enveloped him as he wanted to touch him, to make sure that it's not a dream.

Anger, it wasn't direct at anyone else but himself. He was self blaming for something he couldn't recall, but he somehow felt that he deserved to suffer.

Relief, that.... that person was even alive. That he could even find them.

Desire, he wanted to be by them. Hear them call out the words that his soul yearned to hear. To listen to that heart that was still beating. To hold their hand. To see them happy.

He called that person what naturally came to him. Mother. It felt right as if that was what he was to him even if he wasn't birth by him.

All of his feeling, it all snapped inside of him from the rejection he received.

He shouted out what was in his heart, even if he didn't know why he was saying it. He needed to know the answer.

His heart crumbled looking at him walk away. The feeling of loss that he had never felt before made him feel weak and frustrated.

His heart screamed out. Don't leave. Don't go anywhere... Stay here...

Sitri reached a hand out. Instead of his adult size hand, it was an infants. Still having the baby fat on there. His hand blocked some of his view, but through his the gaps of his finger he saw another figure with black hair.

Don't go. Don't go. I'll be good. Stay, don't leave me behind again. I won't go anywhere next time....


Sitri wouldn't go anywhere, as long as he was here. At a blink of and eye, his clothings transformed into that of the school uniform and he left back to his dormitory room. Their room had been previously located on the other side of the building but once they were sent away, their influences on the humans wore off.

Sitri had bewitched them to get a room as close to Uriel as he could. The fear of losing him was too great... He couldn't be too far from him.

Astaroth scratched his head. This was the first time he had seen Sitri act like this, usually he was calm and composed. Never had he seen him throw this kind of fit or show this kind of anger and irritation.

As much as he wanted to find out the truth, he did not want to get caught in the crossfire if anything went wrong. He also didn't want to know the details at the cost of his life. He followed behind Sitri and went to set up their room.

- - -

Inside of Adriel's and Uriel's room, Adriel had watched the entire scene. It was strange that he didn't find it upsetting that Sitri was near Uriel, but he did find Astaroth annoying for being so close. He wanted to command him and send that man back.

When he saw Sitri come towards Uriel, there was a small hope that he would see smiling faces. That thought was like a revelation for him and it made him question himself. Why would he care? Why did his heart ache to see their interactions?

He watched from the inside of the room, not wanting to miss a thing.

Seeing Uriel reject Sitri, Adriel wanted to also ask why. He watched Uriel turn away and told them to leave. There was a complexity inside of him that was hard to absolve seeing this. Even with all the knowledge in the world.... He couldn't understand it.

The moment Uriel entered the room, he disappeared.

Adriel looked at the single red feather on the floor.

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