Catastrophe (XII)

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Allen was placed under 24/7 protection. He would always have two army personnel at his sides at all time. His sleeping quarters were naturally with *ahem* Noel. Noel had pulled on some strings and convinced the field marshal to allow it.

Kyle was against it, his younger brother should be sleeping with him but he was overruled by the field marshal's decision. Kyle was bitter that he couldn't spend more time with Allen, but he had his duties to fulfill and left to attend to them.

(A/N: Here is the structure of the military, from me researching and wikipedia.

Officer Cadet <- Lowest rank
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Colonel/ Captain
Major General
Lieutenant General
General/ Admiral
Field Marshal <- Highest rank)

It was the same for Noel. Noel wanted to stay by Allen's side at all times, he felt that if he took his eyes off of Allen for one moment the lad would be gone. Noel was quite conflicted with his feelings, he wanted to be with Allen but then what else? He would sometimes find a tent in his pants thinking about the man, sometimes in the morning when he woke up as well. Actually it was most mornings that he woke up with his crotch slightly 'wet'.

With the information that Allen provided, it helped them connect a lot of the information they had received. There was a group the 'Black Order', they had always been a mysterious organization that ran on both the underworld and the regular world but they had been passive and never stuck out. Maybe that's why no one suspected that it was their doing for the zombie apocalypse.

Allen had recorded a conversation between a supposed big shot in the Black Order and one of the higher minions. They vaguely talked about their involvement with the meteorites and their plan with the people they've captured. It could be said that the Black Order was more of a cult. The had been 'given' a task to test mankind, after creating the virus they leff the meteors in various locations throughout the world. This was 'God's' punishment.

As for the the people they've kidnapped? They were to help create the serum for the 'V-virus'. It was the next stage in their plan, the next evolution of the human race. The V-virus was supposed to enhance a human's physical abilities in all aspects. The virus would enter the body and merge into a cell, after it would alter the DNA in the cell. After the cell did mitosis, the altered DNA would've been replicated as well. This would then spread throughout the body rapidly.

(A/N: The 'V' stands for viribus meaning strength.)

Allen had gotten lucky, by chance Bao Bao had been scouting the area when he came across those people. Bao Bao immediately flew over to Allen and informed him of the meeting. Though he came late in their conversation, he had recorded enough to provide proof in their involvement.

Since the military learned of this, they too started a research team dedicated to completing the V-virus as well. Allen was apart of the research team for the V-virus. Another hidden mission had also been uncovered.

{Hidden Mission: Help develop the V-virus - 2,000 points}

Allen didn't find this too difficult, in his first life he had been versed in the medical field and microbiology and biomedical was something that he had majored in. Though he was the youngest in the team, his mind was one of the most brightest if not the most intelligent one there.

He would spend day and night inside of the lab, sometimes even failing to sleep to help conduct the experiments and do some calculations. This irritated Noel. Some nights he would have to sleep without Allen, it couldn't even be called 'sleep' as he only closed his eyes but he couldn't drift off to dreamland.

His temper grew worse and worse by the day. His subordinates were the ones who suffered the brunt of it. By the end of the day, they couldn't even feel a singe bone in their body and questioned whether or not they would live pass to night. They mentally cursed the person who was provoking their demon boss as they shed bloody tears inside of their hearts. Hey, they were already suffering enough on their normal routine!

As for Mina, who had decided that her life had been set. She was kicked out of the base, but not before Kyle and Noel both send some men to 'deal' with her. He also had them break one of her legs and arm, before she was tossed out to the wilderness and barren land. With base A kicking her out, Mina tried to get into the other base but Noel was merciless. He had sent out a secret order, if anyone accepted her into their base, he wouldn't lend them a hand when in need.

He wanted Mina to suffer worse then death. Killing her was an easy task and he wouldn't even have to lift a finger to kill her. She had a line of people wanting to rip off her head already. He wanted her death to be slow. With no food, no water, and no protection. How could she live now?

Who was Noel Strioh? Just a legendary figure that led the special ops. He could snipe down a man from miles away. Hand to hand combat? No problem, you'll just go home with broken bones and be recuperating for months. He was like a superhuman already. With no other place to go, Mina almost died of starvation and dehydration until she was picked up by a certain 'someone'.

Allen just scoffed at her desperation. To go and join the group that had caused this to happen, is just plain stupid. Allen wondered how she was going to live there. Bao Bao had done a scan on her body and saw that she was starting to grow another life inside of her body.

The father? No one knew, after bedding more then men that *ahem* your fingers could count. The father could be anyone of those previous men. The Black Order was also quite ruthless, they saw woman as 'goods'. If Mina wanted to live there, she would have to prove her worth.

Every night that Allen would return, Noel would immediately pull him into his arms and sleep with him. Sometimes they would talk, usually Noel initiating the conversation.

By now Allen noticed that the person next to him resembled someone. It only confirmed his suspicions even more as he saw their promise ring on his hand. It was someone that he had left behind, twice before. Even though he didn't want to, he still felt guilty. Just how much pain did 'he' go through from his (AR's) death? It was painful enough for him to leave that man. This foolish 'man' was the one who had to hold and bury the body of his dead lover.

'He' was the one who still remained in the world they had created their memories in. How 'he' would see that person wherever 'he' went. 'He' had to live in the place that they had both called home... With only the memories of the person you love, just how excruciating the pain would be? 'He' continued to follow him. Even after everything, he chased.

Allen couldn't act OOC but that didn't mean that he couldn't 'fall' in love with 'him'.

He showed some resistance at first when that man was being clingy, but he slowly let the man 'in'. This time, Allen want to spend the rest of this bodies' life with 'him' with no worries. This body was relatively healthy, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

Allen cuddled closer to the warm body next to him. Taking in 'his' earthy sandalwood scent. Taking in the warmth around him. Feeling 'his' heart beat as he laid on 'his' chest. How he missed this man. Many nights that he spent alone, he would think about 'him'. He would look at the only two memento he had of 'him' and look at them, while thinking of the days they spent together.

He only wished that this man would remember. Remember everything that had happened, all those moments that they spent laughing, smiling, and crying together. Allen touched the man's face softly as he was sleeping. He leaned his head in against that sturdy chest and whispered softly, "Noel, in this lifetime I will always be with you. I promise."

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