My Dear Emperor (XXXIV)

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A/N: Oof... two more chapter left until the arc ends... Bless my fingers for not breaking and my wifi.


Tu HuaLi lifted his hands, he ordained, "Make sure that not even a speck of dust touches them, or else We will personally send you to hell."

Thirty shadows that were concealed in the undergrowth were all breaking out in cold sweat. Though they had been trained to have their fear disposed of, a single glance had brought back that long lost feeling. It made them all taste 'fear' once more. The penetrating arctic gaze that Tu HuaLi had given them was like death itself.

Immediately, the dragon guards formed an impenetrable circle around Xu XiuLan and Lin Jun Kai. Many of them had their blood pumping fiercely in their ears, only a true monarch would be able to make others experience that with just a glance. They were proud to be able to serve Tu HuaLi in this life.

The lieutenant that had served as the messenger, had stayed by their side the entire time. He was in a far worse condition as he was swimming in sweat, and he wasn't even included in that bundle of people that the message had been directed at. He wiped the profuse beads of perspiration on his forehead and gulped, "Your highness, shall we proceed to burn the city as planned?"

Tu HuaLi, "Burn it to the ground."

His eyes lit with a sharp light that almost seemed as if it could kill with a glance, he then made his way over to his horse.

It was the rare Ferghana¹ breed. It's deep crimson colour was extremely eye catching and the accessories that paired with it only accentuated it's beautiful and unique physique. Putting on his black and gold armor with dragons painted on it, it accented his grand figure with its complementary colours to his hair and eyes. It had a scintillating edge to it under the midnight sky.

He rubbed the head of the Ferghana horse and leaped up into its back in an agile and skillful manner. Holding the rein on his steed, he looked before him. A sea of black and gold armor just like his without the dragon design assembled in front of him, they consisted of three hundred thousand soldiers. All with a poised stance, their body oozed with discipline as not even a shake or quiver could be detected even the marrow of their bones.

Wu QingJue has them all go under strict and extreme training to get them to where they are currently. Even if they were to stand out in the sizzling sun all day, there wouldn't be a sound of complaint from them. They also did not hesitate to execute any action if given the command.

Their number was nothing but a fifth of the eastern kingdom's current amount of soldiers deployed, but it would be more than what was sufficient to deal with the impertinent barbarians.

Taking a signal from Tu HuaLi, one of the higher leveled generals who stood at the front of the mass of soldiers turned his mount around, "Let us march forth and show the puissance of Xuan Xing to those savages! Our emperor is with us now, we must do him proud!"

Raising their fists into the air, they all vociferated with vehemence. Their morale shot through the roof as their war cries echoed.

With a whip of his reigns, Tu HuaLi led them away from their hideout, "Jia-"

Off into the night they rode on their war horses. Like a silent death, they would befall onto the head of the enemies and make them roll.


Back at Yeung Bai's encampment, they all witnessed the fiery blaze that was dancing in the far distance. Yeung Bai grinned as he was burnishing his dao sword. He held a smile filled with contempt, "Did you see it yet, Emperor Tu? That will only be the start of the hell We will rain upon down on you."

Seeing the silhouette of the forty men returning, their comrades greeted them with enthusiasm. Quickly they became a rowdy bunch of people.

Dropping off the goods, they then went on to report to Yeung Bai. The feebleminded monarch listened to their narrative tale with delight, the smirk that he had only deepened. Soon, their notoriety will spread like wildfire and engulf Xuan Xing.

They celebrated their first achievement with a rather large and extravagant night feast. With the goods that were brought back, it was a glorious meal for those who are out on foreign land and surrounded by wilderness. It was almost fit for a banquet held for an emperor, all that was missing was the entertainment and music to accompany it.

When it came time for them to rest for the rest of the night and start their night surveillance, they all returned to their tent still buzzed from their meal. All were feeling proud of today's accomplishment as the haul was an ample amount for them, and they could almost picture the frightened citizens of Xuan Xing.

Pushing the curtains aside, they entered into their aphotic abodes. Lax and pococurante, they had no wariness whatsoever.

They were all imprudent their initial flamboyant display of actions that had just happened not too long ago, they had initiated an attack on Xuan Xing but here they were with no worries. As they let out their stentonous voices, they failed to notice the sharp sliver glares that blinked in the darkness.

A moment later on, inside of Yeung Bai's tent. He was in discussion over their war plan and making adjustments based on the topography and population. He wanted a calamity to strike and make it so that their very foundation would crumble and leave them hopeless.

Suddenly, a fulgent morning sun irritated from within their encampment. It was not one, but hundreds of their tents burning that added to the lambent 'sun'.

A plangent aubade played in the background, as many scampered back and forth for water to quell the raging inferno.

Yeung Bai stepped out from his tent, his face was atramentous as he looked at the pandemonium that ensued in his grounds. He flicked his sleeves and entered his tent once more, coming back out he held his dao sword in his hands.

He ran to the source of the conflagration and shouted, "Calm down! We want to know what is going on!"

His thunderous voice mollified the hectic situation tinily. Seeing that they were becoming clear headed, he grabbed the collar of a passing footman, "Tell Us now."

"Emperor! We're... We're under attack!"

The shook with horror as their teeth was unable to stop their clattering. Yeung Bai saw that their robes were filthy with dirt and blood, he released them and pushed the delirious soldier, "Gather your head or you won't have any to gather, imbecile."


¹Ferghana: An extinct breed of horse, also known as 'blood sweating horses' or 'heavenly horses'. They were believed to be a very strong and agile breed that could bring one to immortality in Chinese literature.

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