Author's Note

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Haiiiiiii!!!!! SOOOOO apparently, my mind won't shut up. It's like it's on steroids. lel... 

(۶ꈨຶꎁꈨຶ )۶ʸᵉᵃʰᵎ <-- my mind. 

I have already staring to write for this upcoming arc already. *cough* *cough* it's even starting to brainstorm for the arc after this.... but I won't say anything about that yet. (¬ε¬ )

I'll let you guys on a little sneak peak on what I wrote. hehe~

I won't be releasing the full chapters today as I just released the end of arc 2. I decided to release them tomorrow! ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽

I want thank all you guys for your wonderful support!!!


"You can hold Bao Bao, Bao Bao doesn't mind, host."

Ains froze for a moment before the corners of his mouth curved. He soft whispered, "Mhm. Thank you."

Ains hugged Bao Bao close to his chest as he laid on the bed. He gripped the pendant tightly in his hands. I wonder how he is now? Ains closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber. In his dreams were his memories with Long Zixi and Regnier. Ains felt his heartache, as if it had been torn out of his chest.


The figures eventually caught up to the girl and the surrounded her. Her screams went an octave higher and it seemed to keep increasing. But soon a gurgling sound replaced her opera singing. Blood seeped from the center of the horde.

Ains leaned against the window. It seems that this world that he had transmigrated to had danger lurking in the dark.

<System, what kind of world is this?>

<Oh sh*t Host~! 


^ I left it like that. There's more to it.... Just wait.... for tomorrow that is!

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