End of Arc 2: Meow~? (XVII)

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(A/N: Wae~ This is the last chapter of the arc. I can't believe it... AHHHHHH!!!! I'm so proud of myself for not giving up. Really, I need to go and like kowtow to a state made of white chocolate and then eat it afterwards. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy the chapter!)

Oliver had just finished ripping apart a soldier when he noticed Lance coming out of the chapel. He ran over to Lance, "Hey, did you finish everyone inside of there?"

Lance nodded, "Of course."

Gunshots could be heard not far from them. The once clean streets were now littered with dead bodies, body parts, guts, and blood. Lance licked his fingers, he had found who he needed to. When he had severed her limbs piece by piece, he felt a great ecstasy and exhilaration. His eyes flashed with a dark light. For those who fell under Lance's hand, they suffered an unbearable amount of pain before they were granted amnesty.

In one day the were-cats decimated the humans, more than half their territory was taken and 2/3 of their military were gone. The citizens were left in the dark and didn't know why things were like this, but for those who did they cursed their King. If he had been more capable, the wouldn't be in this position. They wouldn't have to die an unnecessary death.

By the third day, the human race ceased to exist. The only evidence that they were there are the bones that they left behind.

The were-cats gave out a loud war cry. They had defeated their enemies, although they lost some honorable men. They no longer had to worry about those pesky humans. Even some of the female and male were-cats that were taken were able to come home.

For those that perished in the war and under the hands of the enemies, a large memorial was erected to remember them. They held a two week festival in celebration of their victory.


Sairi was sitting out in the courtyard reading a scroll. The sun was shining high above and the smell of spring had arrived. It has been six months since the new era began. There was still areas that needed to be reconstructed and cleaned up before more were-cats could move, but for their progress in cleaning up after a war was pretty good.

As Sairi was reading, two large hands covered his eyes. A deep low voice whispered into Sairi's ears, "Guess who?"

Sairi smiled, "Regnier."

Regnier dropped his hands and gave a peck onto Sairi's cheek. He encircled his arms around Sairi's shoulder, "Did you miss me?"

Sairi, "En."

He turned around and kissed Regnier's lips, "Aren't you still supposed to be attending to business?"

Regnier sighed, "I need to recharge. I ran low on 'Sairi'."

Sairi chuckled at the childish Regnier, "En, as long as you want my King."

Sairi and Regnier were crowned as heroic figures of the war. They had charged in the front lines and eliminated more than a million each. Wherever they went, they would leave an ocean of blood behind. They were still the two top ranked, but for now no one dared to challenge them.

Regnier squeezed Sairi tightly, "Wait for me tonight."

Sairi brushed his finger on Regnier's cheek, "En."


It was late at night and Regnier still hadn't come back yet. Sairi was in his feline form and was laying on top of their bed, swishing his tail back and forth. Sairi's ears perked up, he could hear someone coming closer. Sairi shifted back and opened the door for him.

Regnier held out his hand to Sairi, "Follow me, I want to show you something."

Sairi reached out and took his hand. The walked up to the edge of the forest before they shifted to their feline form. Sairi was curious what Regnier wanted to do, and stayed close behind him.

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