Young Master (III)

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While Wei Yue was going on with her abuse, Bao Bao had come back. He came right on time to see the entire scene and was boiling on the inside.

<Host, Bao Bao is ba-> What the-! How dare this... this... bimbo hurt my host! If Bao Bao had a body, Bao Bao will... will... Bao Bao will punish you! Hmph.

<Host are you alright?>

<What did they say?> Wei Xiao completely ignored Bao Bao's question and proceeded to get an answer.

<...They said that as long as it's gradually change, it would be acceptable.>


<Host... are you alright? Does it hurt? Bao Bao can give you medicine for it...> Bao Bao grimaced.

<No need. This is nothing.>

That is nothing? She's using you like a sandbag? How can that be nothing? She might be only twelve years old but so are you, host! Wuuu~ My poor meng host! I wonder what you went through in your original world for you to think that this pain is nothing.


This went on for over a year. During this time, Wei Xiao wasn't idle. He would slowly change his attitude so that the others wouldn't notice. At first he would faintly smile at his parents, which brought great joy to the two of them as Wei Xiao had never smiled before. His smiles was very sweet and full on innocence.

Then he would gradually smiles at his caretakers and the doctor and nurses. This made them all fall even more in love with him. His parents would also spend even more time with Wei Xiao, talking and even eating with him. They would cater to his every request without any hesitation whether it was getting books for him, getting him a laptop, or a cell phone it was all to be done after it left his tiny mouth.

This angered Wei Yue very much and she would take out her frustrations even more on Wei Xiao, sometimes she would even cut Wei Xiao with a small knife or she would break the things that Mr. and Mrs. Wei got for Wei Xiao. She hoped that her parents would get mad at him for breaking the things they got for him and turn to hate him for not knowing how to take care of it but to her disappointment they didn't care.

The nurse noticed something strange one day, Wei Xiao had his sleeved pulled up a little and exposed a dark purple bruise. The nurse was worried and asked Wei Xiao where he had gotten it from, but he would only shake his head and plead for the nurse not to say anything.

This broke the nurses heart, she was also a mother and couldn't stand to see this kind of abuse. After putting Wei Xiao to sleep, she informed the doctor of what she found. The doctor had grown fond of Wei Xiao because even though his fate wasn't so bright, he was very intelligent and humble. Even though he was a born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he would treat the servants and everyone else with respect.

Wei Xiao also reminded the doctor of his late grandson that suffered the same fate as Wei Xiao. The doctor immediately called up Mr. and Mrs. Wei and informed them of what they had seen on Wei Xiao's body.

Less than ten minutes after the call, Mr. and Mrs. Wei stormed into Wei Xiao's room. They wanted to know who had the nerve to do such a horrendous thing to their beloved son. But just as Wei Xiao had done before, he would only shake his head and deny anything and when they pushed further he completely closed off.

Frustrated they wanted to fire all the servants that came into contact with Wei Xiao, but they had been with the family for so long now and Mr. and Mrs. Wei both knew their servants well. Since Wei Xiao refused to speak who the perpetrator was, they could only station a couple of bodyguards in his room.

But it seems the abuse continued, one night after Wei Xiao fell asleep Mrs. Wei checked on her son's body and found the bruises. She wept for her poor child and called her husband.

Mr. Wei was having dinner with Mr. Long and his family, when he heard of the news, his anger erupted. Mr. Long who had been childhood friends with Mr. Wei knew that his friend was deeply upset and asked what was going on and tried to calm down him down before he stormed off and decimated the city.

Mr. Wei sat down and told his friend everything about Wei Xiao and what had been going on. Mr. Long was Wei Xiao's godfather and he considered Mr. Wei to be like a blood brother. He too was upset at the news he heard.

Mrs. Long had brought away Long Zixin when Mr. Wei had erupted in anger as it wasn't suitable for his age to hear or see but Long Zixin had known Mr. Wei and was close with him. Even though he hadn't met Wei Xiao before, he was disturbed by the news.

Long Zixin walked out from the shadows where he had been hiding and eavesdropping from, "Father."

Mr. Long, "Xin'er, what are you doing here? Didn't you go back with your mom?"

Long Zixin, "Father, please listen to what I have to say. I'm not a kid anymore and I see uncle Wei like a family."

Mr. Long looked at his kid, even though Long Zixin was only fourteen at the time he was much more mature than most adolescents his age. Long Zixin was a very bright child, even from a young age. His IQ was very high and he had his father's and mother's gene making a stunning offspring. Combined that he came from a very prosperous family and had good manners, he was an ideal boyfriend for the girls at his school.

Mr. Long slightly nodded his head. Long Zixin walked and sat down on chair next to his father, "Uncle, since you've done preemptive measures and it doesn't seem to be working, why don't you try and install security cameras. If tang di* won't tell you who is hurting him, you can set up the cameras and see for yourself who is doing it."

(Tang di - Paternal uncle's son whose younger than you.)

"I will also suggest that you keep setting up the cameras a secret from the others, in case you might startle the snake hiding in the grass."

Mr. Wei agreed with the idea, he couldn't wait to get his hands on the little bastard that had the nerve to lay their hands on his precious son.

But the next thing that Long Zixin says shocks the both of them, "Father, uncle, why don't you let me come see tang di?"

Mr. Long, "..."

Mr. Wei, "..."

Long Zixin was known to be slightly mysophobic and kept his distance from others. Even to his own family, he would slightly distance himself but here he was initializing contact with another person. And to one that he doesn't even know.

Chasing You (Arcs 1-7)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ