Arc 6: Bearer of Thy Oath (I)

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(A/N: Another journey here we come ~ We set our sails and rode our ships~ The arrival of arc 6! Hehe~ Ba Ba Bum! Enjoy~)

Ains shot up and clutched his chest, his adrenaline still pumping. His heart was beating at a million miles per second right now, his body covered in sweat. He laughed sardonically as tears spilled down his eye, "Again."

He covered his face, tears leaking through the gaps of his finger. Just how cruel was the world? A small seed of hatred was planted in his heart. Yes, hate. He hated fate. He hated the world. He hated hope, it was stifling and only made the pain more unbearable. He also grew to hate himself more, for being too weak. For letting his guard down. It was as if God was against him and his happiness, giving him that sliver of hope before crushing it to dust.

No matter how much he wished or how hard he wished, he could never truly live in a world until the end of the vessel's lifespan. He took his eyes off of his child for one second, one second because he thought he heard his lover call for him.

When he turned to see who it was, he didn't see his lover. He glanced back and noticed that Xiao Jun Kai was gone from his side, he looked over the crowd and spotted him. His heart almost stopped, and instinctively he ran forward. Just arriving moments before the truck would've pulverized Xiao Jun Kai, he could only push him out of harms way.

Because Bao Bao couldn't pull up what happened after his death, Ains had no way of knowing anything afterward. He didn't even know if Xiao Jun Kai was alright. He didn't know if his lover had witnessed the whole ordeal. He didn't know of the life after his death. No knowledge of the rest of his lover's life or his son's.

Bao Bao felt extremely at fault, how could he have not noticed Lin Jun Kai waddling away? It was like his sensors were temporarily interfered with, he hadn't felt anything until his host died. Bao Bao wrapped his arms around Ains, he didn't speak words of comfort as there were no words he could offer.

The two remain like that for a while before Ains broke away to rest his mind and heart.

Months went by before Ains showed any signs of wanting to get up. Though Bao Bao didn't know what had changed about his host, he only felt a darkness from Ains. It scared him... fear that his host would become broken.

Bao Bao stared at Ains, his eyes full of worry. He sat at the edge of the bed, [Host, would you like to know the result of the mission?]

It took Ains a long time before he responded, "...En."

[Completing a B class world, host received 1,750 points for the main task. As for the side missions, host received 10,200 points. As for the hidden mission, host has failed to find any and therefore no rewards are available....]

Ains, "En."

[Would you like to review your choices of skills?]

Ains looked at Bao Bao, his icy blue eyes seemed to pierce right at his soul. It made Bao Bao tremble, not because he was being stared at but because of how cold his host's eyes was. Ains had an unreadable air surrounding him, it was similar to the first time he met Ains. Bao Bao knew that it wasn't directed at him, but he couldn't help it.

Ains nodded his head.

[He-Here are your choices host...]




Musician - Instruments



(A/N: I messed up on the last skill choosing lol.... I just noticed... ~quack)

Ains' finger placed on top of 'swordsmanship', he had the need to vent out his frustrations at the moment.

As Ains was being swallowed up by the light, Bao Bao hesitantly pulled on his sleeve.

[Bao Bao will be here waiting for you, host... You're not alone here.]

Bao Bao saw Ains' body stiffen for a second before relaxing. He turned around and gave an apologetic smile before he disappeared.

The same mechanical voice came on, "Welcome, you are here to master swordsmanship. Here you will learn all the skills and you will not be released until you've mastered them."


A weapon rack of different styles and types of swords appeared to his left and a field of mannequin targets appeared. Ains grabbed the closest sword and unsheathed it. He threw it to the side before charging in.

- - -

When he finally came out, Ains had spent fifty years inside of the space. Not because the skill levels were difficult, but because he was using it as a way to release his feelings of rage and sadness. He practiced until his arms were sore and he was soaked in sweat. He screamed and shouted until his voice was gone, but even then it couldn't extinguish what he felt inside.

Bao Bao has been patiently waiting for his host. He had only left momentarily to visit his Jie Jie and talk about certain things. Other than that, Bao Bao remained in his and Ains' space.

He welcomed Ains with a warm smile.

[Welcome back, host.]

Ains took a glance at Bao Bao for a second before he walked over and hugged him. His tears continuously flowed him his eyes. His heart was drowning in anguish and desperation.

Bao Bao patted his back.

[It's alright host, let it all out... Even though Bao Bao doesn't know the right words to ease the suffering in your heart... Bao Bao will still be here for you.]

To those magical words, Ains let everything out. His grip tightened as he wailed out his grievances. It was heart rending to hear, and it tore at Bao Bao's heart. He knew just how much his host had wanted to remain there. How happy he was, he saw Ains put his love and heart into it.

Bao Bao feeling helpless and useless, he too started to cry. It was painful not being able to help or do anything to absolve this terrible feeling that they're having. As much as he wanted to erase all that Ains was feeling right now, he was powerless to do anything about it.

Though he had promised to be more diligent, Bao Bao had failed his host. He had failed time again and again to prevent the tragedy from happening. Even with his new body, he couldn't... he couldn't change the outcome they had feared.

They wept in each other's arms until their souls finally came at peace.

Ains wiped the tears on Bao Bao's face, his nose was red from crying, "I'm ready, system."

Bao Bao backed up, sniffling here and there.

[En. Initializing transfer... 45 seconds until transfer... 30 seconds... 20... 10... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.]

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