Silence (XIX)

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(A/N: HAI! It's the second to the last of the arc! I was thinking of maybe writing another bedroom scene but I stopped myself... gotta keep'em ideas for the later arcs. Enjoy the two chapters!)

Cao LiXuan asked Liu Jiao out, three months after the amusement park. Two years later the two of them officially got married. They held two grand weddings, one was a traditional chinese wedding with the red and gold colors and the other was a western wedding with the white decorations.

A year after trying to conceive a child, Cao LiXuan and Liu Jiao found out that her eggs were infertile. Although they were disheartened that they couldn't have children of their own, they could still adopt. They took in three girls and two boys, Yu Zian became their godfather and Chen Ming became their godmother.

Chen Ming's and Yu Zian's love flourished like a vast valley of flowers. It took Yu Zian six months to woo Chen Ming before he agreed to become his fiance. It took another five months to get Chen Ming to agree that they would do it at least once a day. *cough* *cough* Because of that, Yu Zian would be massaging Chen Ming's waist almost everyday.

Bao Bao cursed at Yu Zian for coaxing his host to agree with such ridiculous terms. He also met the might and prowess of his 'son-in-law' once again. Bao Bao had snapped one day because his time spent with Chen Ming became so little. He complained and pleaded to Chen Ming to ask for a week off so that Bao Bao could spend time with him, ALONE.

The one thing that he had forgotten was that his 'son-in-law' seems to have a sixth sense when someone is trying to take away his time with his wife. Bao Bao found himself shut off once more. He awoke a couple of days later feeling wronged.

Chen Ming gave into Bao Bao's request and asked for a couple of days alone, he also requested for a day off during the weekdays. Yu Zian was annoyed but he agreed with great reluctance. Even though Chen Ming was cold on the outside, he was soft on the inside to those that he cared about. Without Chen Ming knowing, Bao Bao had filled apart of the huge hole in his heart.

- - -

Chen Ming was outstanding in school, his paintings were well known across the city and spread throughout the world. The painting that sparked attention on him was the painting called, 'Valley of the Plum Blossoms'. The painting was what Chen Ming entered into the annual painting contest. It was one of the most important events in the city and attracted many influential and famous artist and people.

A young man was standing in a land filled with plum blossoms. The upper half of his face is covered by the branches and flowers, therefore you couldn't see anything above his nose. His mouth is curved into a gentle crescent shape. The sunlight touched his face ever so faintly. There is a small breeze, his hair fluttered along in the wind. Small pieces of the petals scattered around him.

He reached out his hand and has a single plum blossom flower in his palm, as if to give it to you. The picture is breathtaking and looks very realistic, like at any moment the boy would walk forward and only then could you see his face.

Although, the picture is very beautiful and looks bright and warm. If you take a closer look you would see the tears on his face, hanging off of his chin. Beneath that gorgeous smile is a deep seated sadness, it made one want to comfort and console him. The flower in his hand represented his life, it transcends like a flower and blooms radiantly but everything must come to an end. By handing you the flower, giving you whatever he had left of his life.

It also represented his love. Even in the harshest of time, it will bloom and flourish with life. Enduring until the end of time.

It drew in many critics and art enthusiasts, the painting got so much attention that it was the number one hot news on the internet. Many of the viewers who came to see the painting, could almost swear that they could feel the breeze and smell the scent of the flowers. Often than not, they would also try and reach out to take the flower from the young man's hands.

It even got so bad during the second and last day of the showcasing that they had to erect a glass barrier so that people would stop trying to touch the painting. The final bid for, 'Valley of the Plum Blossom' was at $1.9 billion USD. It was an outstanding price as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci was only assessed at $700 million USD*.

(A/N: Googled expensive paintings, price is only an estimation. What the Mona Lisa would cost today.)

Chen Ming had finally completed the last mission on his list. Now that there was nothing else he needed to worry about, he focused his time between Yu Zian, painting, and his god children.

When he turned eighteen Yu Zian and Chen Ming tied the knot. Even though same sex marriage wasn't allowed in their country, it was in the western part of the world. They went abroad and officially got married overseas.

Yu Zian wanted to make the most of his time with Chen Ming, so after they got married he retired from working as a doctor and from his position in the underworld. He took Chen Ming out on many dates, from Paris, France to Tokyo, Japan. They traveled everywhere and anywhere.


It's been five years since they've been married to each other. Chen Ming was still painting in his room on the first floor of their home.

It was going to be Yu Zian's birthday soon. Chen Ming wanted to give him a surprise gift. He's spent two months painting his present. Chen Ming poured all of his love and soul into the painting. With every stroke and every color, he integrated his soul into the piece. Handling with the utmost care in the world.

As he put down the last stroke on the canvas, Yu Zian walked into the room.

Yu Zian, "Mingming, its time to go."

Chen Ming lifted his head with a smile on his face, "Okay."

Chen Ming took off the oversize shirt that had been splashed with colors. He rinsed his hands, and took Yu Zian's hands and held them as they walked.

It was already winter. The snow has blanketed the entire sleep and almost everything has entered it's slumber. They were going to go to the annual winter festival. Because they were so busy that past couple of years, this would be his first time.

They dressed warmly for the occasion, making sure that they wouldn't freeze their asses off. By the time they got there, the area was very busy and the sky has started to dim already. The colorful lights illuminated the ice sculptures. Chen Ming's eyes widen with awe, each work was really a masterpiece.

They went through the large many large snow and ice sculptures. They had majestic European castles with high walls, dragons, large archways, bridges, slides, chess pieces, buildings that resembled russian architect, temples, and pagodas.

The stalls were selling a variety of foods and drinks, beignets, candied apples, hot chocolates, hot teas, dumplings, mantous, and various other candies and hot food. Because they haven't eaten for about six hours and Chen Ming's stomach growled.

Yu Zian chuckled and kissed his cheek, "Wait here, let me go get you something for you to eat."

He was looking forward, to hand feeding his lover. Chen Ming gave him a kiss back, "I'll be right here."

He waited in line at a famous food stall that sold dumplings. When he finally got the food and turned around, the food slipped from his hands and crashed onto the floor. Yu Zian's heart stopped and he rushed forward, "Ming!"

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