Young Master (XIX)

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Ever since Long Zixi arrived back from the hospital that day, he didn't delay one bit. He went and bought a bouquet of flowers. He also didn't hold back and took every advantage in having physical contact with Wei Xiao. He would also try and make time out of his busy schedule to eat with the other person.

Sometimes, Wei Xiao would find Long Zixi in the same bed as him when he woke up. At first Wei Xiao was shocked beyond belief, but gradually as he woke up to find Long Zixi there almost every morning, he got use to it.

Wei Xiao's days could be described as living a good life. He ate the best of foods everyday, he did whatever he wanted, he went out on strolls in the large residence, and he slept in a very large and comfortable bed.

Bao Bao felt as if someone was stealing his child and would throw tantrums, more than often it would be that majority of his free time would be lamenting that a wolf is stalking his star child. As a mother, Bao Bao was reluctant to see his child grow up and leave his embrace.

(A/N: *pats Bao Bao's back* It's okay, you have to learn how to let go... if you want to live that is.)

As for Wei Yue, she was a little more than miserable right now. She was hit hard in the face with reality as she had to attend to her needs herself. Even though she had money, she was still clueless about the world. She had forgotten that she could hire a housekeeper or that she could have things delivered to her apartment and took it upon herself to get the things she needed. On the way she would grumble about how her life was destroyed by Wei Xiao and how she would make him kiss her feet in the future.

Wei Xiao had Bao Bao monitor Wei Yue's calls and text so whenever she contacted her henchmen, he would be notified.

It was almost two weeks since his arrival at the Long residence, life was as carefree and wonderful as things could be. That was until Wei Xiao received a message from his sister. She had wanted to reconcile with him and mend their bonds as siblings once again.

Being the good-hearted and trusting younger brother, Wei Xiao agreed without hesitation.She would often message him and he would immediately reply.  He would be anxious for her messages, while she would be sneering looking at her screen, their communication went on for about two weeks.

Long Zixi would've noticed if not that he had many things on his hand right now, he had to attend back at school and juggle his private affairs with his parent wanting him to learn about their company.

Wei Yue's patience ran out and she messaged Wei Xiao.

Wei Yue: [Let's meet up! ヾ(0∀0*★)゚*・.。]

Wei Xiao: [Okay! Where do you want to meet up?]

Wei Yue: [Let's go to Starlight Cafe, I heard that they have very good desserts there.]

Wei Xiao: [Sure, when?]

Wei Yue: [How about today?]

Wei Xiao sneered inwardly. She's too impatient. She's too careless, if it was anyone else they wouldn't even be convinced that you had been sincere from the start. Your carelessness will be your downfall.

Wei Xiao quickly tapped on the screen of his phone.

Wei Xiao: [I can't, Xi ge wants to go to spend some time with me.]

When Wei Yue read the message, she almost threw her phone across the room. Her hands were tightly clutching her phone.

Wei Yue: [Oh, that's okay. What about tomorrow?]

Wei Xiao: [Let me ask Xi ge.]

Wei Yue panicked the moment the message popped up.

Wei Yue: [Xiao'er, don't tell Xi ge.]

Wei Yue waiting for what seemed like an entire day, her eyes stared intensely at her screen. If that idiot tells Xi ge, my plans will be ruined!

A messaged soon popped up and Wei Yue let out a breath of relief.

Wei Xiao: [Oh, why?]

Wei Yue: [Xiao'er.. Xi ge probably hasn't told you, but I'm not allowed to see or contact you.]

Wei Xiao: [...Why?]

Wei Yue: [Because they think that I am a bad person.]

Wei Yue: [Do you think I'm a bad person?]

Wei Xiao: [No! Of course not, you're my sister. How can you be a bad person.]

Wei Yue had goosebumps as she read Wei Xiao's message.

Wei Yue: [It's good that you see me that way.]

Wei Xiao: [Don't worry, I won't tell Xi ge.]

Wei Yue: [Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow then @3PM.]

Wei Xiao: [Okay, bye!]

Wei Xiao clicked off his screen and leaned against his bed. His limbs had fully healed already and he could move them without any problems. The third week of his stay, he could walk but he would need assistance to do so.

Long Zixi was the first one who helped him, he wrapped his arm around Wei Xiao's waist and supported him while they were strolling. On the third day of his walking rehabilitation, Long Zixi had come upon a scene where a male servant had his arms on Wei Xiao's waist and his face was extremely close to the latter's face.

Long Zixi stomped over and pulled Wei Xiao out of the man's embrace and carried him away. He walked all the way until he reached Wei Xiao's room, only then did he let him down. Afterwards, Long Zixi coaxed and guilt tripped Wei Xiao into an agreement where only he would be helping Wei Xiao with his walking.

(A/N: Wae~ So possessive.)

Ever since that day, Long Zixi seemed to be more clingy than usual. They end up sleeping in the same bed, they ate together, whenever Wei Xiao wanted to go out, Long Zixi would go with him. Even after he had fully recovered and no longer needed Long Zixi's assistance the latter would still slip his arms around his waist as if that was the normal thing to do.

Bao Bao could see the wolf crowding around his little baby and warned Wei Xiao over and over to be on guard in front of Long Zixi, which Wei Xiao easily agreed. The only thing Bao Bao had forgotten is what Wei Xiao should be careful about.

Wei Xiao was only vigilant against someone with malicious and hostility. Towards the methods of love and wooing, Wei Xiao was clueless about it. Even though he read books, they were only on technical things and not about romance, Wei Xiao thought it was simply... to troublesome and didn't bother with it.

It was almost time for Long Zixi to come back and for them to go on their walk. Wei Xiao got up from his bed and left to go down to the hall to greet Long Zixi when he arrived home.

(A/N: Eh... you're already like a housewife, Xiao Xiao...)

Long Zixi had just gotten out of the car when Wei Xiao arrived at the entrance. He waved and smiled at Long Zixi as the latter came closer. Long Zixi gripped Wei Xiao's hand and pulled him to his chest.

Wei Xiao murmured, "Rough day?"

Long Zixi faintly smiled, "En."

Long Zixi didn't know how Wei Xiao could read him so easily, he knew when his emotions better than his own parents. Today indeed had been rough, but seeing Wei Xiao made all of his fatigue go away. He squeezed Wei Xiao a little tighter into his embrace as he sighed, "En."

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