Meow~? (II)

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After he woke up, he wanted to return home but he didn't know where he was. He traveled around for days before he came across a large city, it was right in between the human's and were-cat's territories.

There he found many different species of were-cats there but they were ruthless as they lived by the law of the jungle, those that were weak were seen as trash and only the strong deserved to live. Sairi learned the hard way as he was beaten by his own race, they didn't care if he was another were-cat, he was weak.

One day, he accidentally came across Rose again but she was surrounded by men and male were-cats. She was afraid that he would take revenge on him and told her group members that he was a stalker.

After waking up from getting ganged up, Sairi didn't blame Rose. He had never blamed her in the first place. He had fallen in love with her.

A were-cat would only have one mate for life and so they were very protective and devoted to their mate. So Sairi saw Rose as his 'mate', so he could never be angry with her.

The thing that made Sairi pull through the harsh days were his memories of him and Rose back at his home talking and laughing. Sairi decided that he would become stronger so that he would be able to protect his 'mate'.

He spent the next three years training and challenging were-cats and soon enough he ranked as the second strongest were-cat. What came with that position was an endless supply of female suitors, but he declined all of their affections and focused on becoming stronger. Though he tried many times, he couldn't get win against the top ranked fighter, the male lead. He was known as the 'King of the Beasts' and was the leader of the were-cats.

Sairi would also keep tabs on Rose and would assist her whenever she was in danger but he would always leave before she could find out who.

One day, Rose was saved by the male lead, Regnier and thought that he had been the one who had been rescuing her and fell in love with him. But he was cold to her. Rose didn't give up, Regnier was strong and he was handsome and so she kept pestering and following him.

Until an incident occurred where they were surrounded by a large group of poachers. Rose protected Regnier and took an arrow to her chest, this set off Regnier and he killed all the poachers there.

Regnier took Rose to a nearby cave and helped take care of her, Rose was unconscious for eleven days before she woke up. After knowing that Rose was okay, Regnier stood up to leave in which she hugged him from behind and confessed her love to him. This is when Sairi came upon the scene.

He had been challenged nonstop by other challengers and so he wasn't able to come until then. Even though he was heartbroken that Rose chose another mate, he still supported her.

The two returned back to their regular days, but Rose noticed that Regnier was less cold towards her and felt elated. Her happy days were destroyed when she received a letter from her family.

She came from a prominent family from the human side, under the Archduke Weisis. Once Rose, returned home she was informed of her engagement to the 3rd Prince, Rowley.

Rose was devastated at the news, Prince Rowley was known to be a major playboy and he's had numerous females lay on his bed. Rose was loved by her family but they couldn't resist the royal family.

Rose pleaded her parents but they closed their ears and imprisoned her.

Sairi and Regnier were worried since they hadn't received news from Rose and decided to go see if there was something wrong. When they finally arrived in the capital city of the humans, the heard about Roses' engagement to Prince Rowley. They were both in disbelief at the news and decided to find Rose, in which she informed then of her forced marriage.

Regnier was enraged but this was the human's territory. He could not simply take her away, it could start a war between the two races. While Regnier was torn between his future mate and his entire race, Sairi had steeled his heart into helping Rose escape.

On the night of her marriage, he snuck into Prince Rowley's home. He made it to the bedroom where Rose would be sharing with Prince Rowley and found Rose there crying. He sneaked Rose through the Prince's manor and just before they could escape, the guards found out that Rose had gone missing. Sairi stayed behind to fend off the guards while Rose escaped. Sairi took one last look at his 'love', he knew that he wouldn't be living pass tonight. And because he had come here alone, the were-cats wouldn't be blamed for his actions.

The only regret Sairi had was that he didn't confess his love for Rose before he died. Rose ran throughout the night and stumbled upon Regnier soaking in the middle of the lake. The two made up with each other and their love deepened.

The next morning, Rose heard about Sairi's death but she didn't even shed a tear for him. Rather, she was too busy with Regnier. The two eloped and they lived happily ever after. Rose bore Regnier three children and they were all boys. The two lived until the age of 90 when they finally passed away.

Ains, who was now inhabiting Sairi's body only had one word to describe Sairi, foolish. He gave her his heart and she didn't even want it, maybe it was the were-cat's genes to blame but one thing was certain, it was that his death was meaningless to the one that her cared about.

(A/N: From this point on 'Ains' will be referred to as 'Sairi'.

I find, the original Sairi to be truly pitiful. Don't you? A fool blinded by love for a women who never truly turned his way.)

Sairi asked Bao Bao. <What is the task?>

<Host, the tasks for this world is.>

A screen appeared before Sairi.

{Main task: Fulfill Sairi's regret.

1. Find a mate. - 250 points

Total: 250 points

Side Mission:

1. Save Rose*. - 300 points

2. Become stronger. - 500 points

Total: 800 points}

(A/N: The quest here is mentioning about when Sairi first met Rose.)

Sairi closed the screen and could only shake his head. Even though she treated you like that, you still care for her even now. Sairi went over his memories and found that today was supposed to be the day where he found Rose.

<System, will it be considered OOC if I act normally?>

Bao Bao replied in a monotone voice. <No, because the original Sairi had not met anyone before Rose, no one actually knew the real him. You are free to act as you wish, host.>

Sairi smirked, "Good. I'll complete your wish... but it may not be to your liking Sairi*."

(A/N: Ains aka Sairi, is referring to the original Sairi.)

Sairi looked at the black ring with silver and blue vines on his slender fingers and an unknown glint lit in his icy blue eyes before quickly disappearing.

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