Meow~? (VII)

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Sairi knew that he was popular but what he didn't expect was that he was like a superstar in the were-cat community. There wasn't one were-cat that didn't know of his name, it was also true for the human community.

Sairi spent the next couple of days dueling with challengers, each one of them were like rag dolls afterwards. Today, he finally spent his day in peace as he had mutilated his opponent so bad that he became a lump of flesh without any bones. This caused many others to think twice of whether they too wanted to become a lump of flesh like that jaguar.

Sairi had just arrived at the edge of the 'City of Ages' called, Tempus. It was one of the oldest cities in the were-cat's history, as it had been there since their ancestors were alive. He was out hunting for his food as he knew that once he entered the city, he would swarmed with unwanted flies.

These past days, Bao Bao really wanted a fly swatter the side of city so that he could get rid of these pets in one go. His child is not some merchandise that they could touch! Why does their indecent hands go and touch his pecks or abs. They even dared to press their over sized boobs on his host's arms.

He was especially annoyed of the big fly named, Rose. No, more like a cockroach as if no matter how many times you try to kill her, she would somehow miraculously survive. She just wouldn't let him be. She was like a vengeful ghost as she was everywhere. At the same inn, around the corner, anywhere you could think of that she would 'accidentally' have an encounter with Sairi, Rose thought of and had it happen. *cough* Besides the bathroom, she would be in a tub full of blood if that happened.

Bao Bao was so relieved when they finally left the city and traveled. Finally, he can have a day without his blood pressure rising!

Sairi's sense were very keen and sharp since his days of continuous fighting. Sairi was in his feline form, hepicked up the scent of a jeweled white furred deer and his eyes darkened as his predatory sense activated. He nimbly leaped from the large rocks to one another as he pursued his prey. Within seconds, a white tail came into sight. Without waiting, Sairi pounced onto the large white furred deer, his strong jaws had already securely hit it's target.


A loud sound echoed through the forest as the deer's head hanged loosely in Sairi's jaws. Sairi leaped up onto one of the high and larger branches of the trees in one jump and began to feast on the deer's cascaras. As he was eating, Sairi's ears picked up the sound of several footsteps running towards his direction.

He shifted back to his semi-human form and took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood around his mouth elegantly, while leaving the handkerchief there. Sairi leaped to another tree branch and crouched down, minimizing his presence.

Down below, he spots the cockroach Rose and a few male were-cats. They looked like they had just gone through hell, their hair was a mess, their clothes were disheveled looking, and they had small cuts on their bodies. Rose was sitting on the back of a large siberian tiger, she no longer resembled a pampered young miss.

Behind them were a large group of poachers armed with heavy artillery. They fired shots from their guns and managed to hit some of the more wounded were-cats.


"Don't look back."


The ones who couldn't move anymore shouted at Rose and the siberian tiger. Plot sama really wanted things to go it's way, it brought this right to Sairi's doorstep. But instead of assisting, Sairi just watched from the sidelines. The siberian tiger was reluctant to leave his comrades, but Rose was heartless.

She shouted, "Lance, what are you doing?! Do you want us to get captured too?"

Lance took one last look at his comrades and darted off, he swore that he would avenge them one day when he became much stronger. Since the cockroach was gone, Sairi finally got up. He didn't want her to flatter herself that he jumped in to save her. He could careless, if she was the only one there he would leave her there to die.

But because one of the were-cats caught Sairi's attention, it was a male cheetah called, Oliver. From the plot that Sairi read, he was the only one who lent a helping hand to the poor Sairi, that had stones thrown at him even when he was already down. For that deed, Sairi would save him once.

Sairi leaped down and landed in between the two opposing groups. They all stared at Sairi as his looks were just too catchy. They all knew who he was at one glance, with his silver hair and black attire. The were-cats felt a sense of relief, while the poacher's eyes gleamed with greed. If they manage to capture a big shot like Sairi and auction him off, the profits would be huge.

But Sairi didn't even give them a chance to lift a finger. Less than once second, Sairi had appeared behind the poacher's group with a severed head in his hands. Just as they realized what had just happened, over 2/3s of the poachers dropped dead on the ground. Sairi's hands glistened with fresh blood, the air permeated with the heavy scent of iron and death.

His eyes were emotionless and held a cold-blooded light in them. The poachers almost shit and peed in their pants, actually some of them had peed in their pants from fear. Sairi let the head drop on the ground and it made a plop noise.

The fired everything they had at Sairi, but he was too agile for them and evaded all of their bullets. Sairi closed the distance between them and with one swift movement a head was cleanly twisted off. Soon a second head flew off. Then, a third. And a fourth one. Finally, a fifth head flew and hit a tree and the sounds of gunshots stopped and the forest returned back to it's peaceful and tranquil state.

The were-cats stood up and wanted to thank Sairi but he stopped them just by raising his hand. Sairi's cold voice made them shiver, "Don't need to thank me. I was just returning a debt that I owe."

And with that, Sairi left the group of were-cats who where still sitting on the floor in the forest. They were all still in awe for a long time, even after Sairi had disappeared. Lance came back and saw that his comrades were still alive and felt joy in his heart.

For he had grown up with them, side by side since they could walk. He saw the corpses of the poachers and furrowed his brows. As much as he didn't want to believe that they were capable of such a gruesome scene, there was no one else there but them.

Lance asked, "Did you guys do this?"

They all shook their head and replied in unison, "No, it was the 'Silver Reaper' that did this."

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