Catastrophe (XVI)

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(A/N: Helloooo~ You guys will probably hate me for putting baby Allen through such a disgusting mess... but you know life can't be all full of flowers and sunshine! I promise, things will get betterish. Thank you guys for your comments, votes, and for reading!)

Mina's smile widen with great joy as she watch Allen get injected. She was the one to suggest those drugs, after all they were highly addictive and they worked well at breaking down one's mind. Soon he would succumb to his desires, but she wanted him to suffer more for ruining her life.


Allen couldn't even tell the difference between day or night anymore. He also couldn't tell the people's faces from one another. Allen gritted his teeth, his thoughts were becoming more and more incoherent as time passed. His eyes were always filled with a haziness and he could never tell if he was dreaming or was he awake. Things started to blur together.

But what shocked his captors even more was that even though his tolerance for the drugs increased, his stage of dependency was nonexistent. He was exactly how he was when he arrived four days ago. Though he was so knocked up on drugs, at times when he was lucid he refused to help them and didn't even ask for more. This gained him a few beatings from the guards.

Mina gnashed her teeth. How strong was his will that he had lasted this long? She introduced more drugs to mix. By now he was on more than three type of highly addictive drugs. After his afternoon interrogation, they left him alone in his cell.

<System, how far are they?>

<Host, they've already infiltrated the place....> Host... don't you think you're taking this too far? Think about your body. Didn't you want to spend time with your lover? Think about yourself too and not just completing the missions...

Allen just gave a short reply. <Mnm.>

Bao Bao was depressed. Some times he wonders just how bad this 'world' of his host was. He had voiced his concerns to his host but he was brushed off, as if Allen had recalled something abhorrent from his past the air around him changed. His reaction scared Bao Bao, he had never seen his host like that before except the first time they met each other. Usually his host was very easy to get a long with and didn't say much.

Bao Bao decided that he would wait until one day his host would open his heart to him. Although he was a system now, it didn't mean that he couldn't sympathize with his host. After all he was once alive at one point in his life.

A year ago, Allen had received two hidden mission from the system.

{Hidden Mission: Infiltrate the Black Order and take a sample of the original Z-virus. - 4,000 points}

{Hidden Mission: Expose the defector. - 1,000 points}

His host had found out about the rat already and formulated a plan, predicting the enemy's movement so that he could be brought to the Black Order. Just as he had calculated, the Black Order acted with haste after he 'leaked' out the news on himself. Now all he had to do was wait for Noel and the others to attack.

Allen faintly smirked. It wouldn't be long now.

As if his words were of that of the future, minutes later the Black Order's underlings sounded an alarm. Allen could hear the stomp of boots running past the jail cell area. After confirming with Bao Bao that the coast was clear. Allen 'slipped' out his restraints.

Before this mess started, Allen had come prepared. He bought some pills from the store that would negate the effects of the drugs and also bought a 'Ring of Disenthrallment'. The ring would let him unlock anything, but it would break after ten uses.

Allen had used up most of his gained points. 150 points per pill, and he bought three. The ring was 800 points. He only had 60 points left over. He didn't mind though, there was still his ungathered points from his hidden missions. Allen cracked his sore joints and made his way to their main laboratory.

With Bao Bao navigating the way, Allen avoided a lot of obstacles and he looked more like he was walking through the garden. When he finally got to the laboratory, he searched through the research papers and quickly scanned them. He memorized everything on the sheets of paper. After he searched for hidden vial of the original Z-virus.

Bao Bao was on guard and was to keep watch outside. He sensed that a group of people were approaching. He hastily contacted his host.

<Host, be careful! Bao Bao has detected that there's a group of at least five people heading our direction.>


Allen quickened his pace and collected the material. The door knob to the laboratory turns and the door opens. One of the approachers peaked his head inside, "Ah, there's no one here yet."

"Of course, why would there be?"

"Psh, yeah. They're probably still too busy handling those mutts from the 'righteous order'."

"Ahh, I don't want to be here today."

"Right, yesterday was already terrifying enough."

"I wonder whose going to be the unlucky person today."

"Hahaha. It's probably going to be the Doctor that was recently captured."

"Eh? You think so? But isn't he needed?"

"Do you think that he's going to be useful? Our leader only has so much patience for someone."

"Ah, right. He's not the only one, there's still his colleagues."

The four of them continued to chat as they walk in. They had been talking about the recently mutated V-virus from the Black Order. Allen had read about it in the research papers he had gone through.

One of the researchers had noticed that the V-virus' gene strand was different from what it had been before. They had mixed a portion of the V-virus with a separated compound from the Z-virus, that was supposed to be the non-inimical part.

They had been experimenting on people who had been captured and those who were wandering or traveling. Each one of them exhibited many symptoms from the V-virus and became strong, but they had turn into a zombie. Today was going to be the trial for a different component of the Z-virus and the V-virus.

When Allen retrieved the original Z-virus, Bao Bao notified him of another hidden mission.

Bao Bao's jaw dropped when he first saw the notification. Are they planning on killing Bao Bao's host? Don't they know that host has a tendency to accept every stupid quest that comes his way? Wuuu~ My poor baby is being over worked to the bone. Bao Bao will have to find a way to get 'son-in-law' to massage host later.

How rich are you anyways to keep on throwing out these points? Huh?! Couldn't you at least make it something easy so that host won't have to do this kind of hard work? My baby....

The hidden mission was quite doable... maybe....

{Hidden Mission: Develop a vaccination for the Z-virus. - 5,000 points}

Chasing You (Arcs 1-7)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon