Catastrophe (XV)

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When Mina heard about this she smashed everything in her room. She had climbed her way to Gilbert Percival's bed and is now his 'slave'. Her hands were clenched tightly, her nails brought out the blood from her palms. How is it that he gets such a good life, while I'm here having to sell my body off? Why? I only did what anyone else would've done to survive? So why is it that I am persecuted for my actions?

It's all his fault! If he had just stayed, I wouldn't be in the position I'm in. Having so many men touch my body, some of them could be considered as my father for god's sake!

Mina felt that her body was too tainted and dirty, that she could never be 'clean'. Four months into her pregnancy, Mina had forcefully aborted her child in secret as she didn't want to lose her 'masters'. Now that she was under Gilbert, her days spending time with multiple men to survive were gone. She was also treated more of a human being than that of a c*m dump.

Gilbert was the right hand man of the leader of the Black Order, Leonard Garrett. Because of the apocalypse, there was a shortage of females. Many had been sacrificed when they went on their menstrual cycle and their blood attracted the zombies, others were simply too weak or were an extra 'baggage' and were tossed out.

Though Mina's gender had value, she had no strength and nothing to barter others with besides her body. This devalued her worth, but she wasn't completely seen as useless. She still had a v*gina between her legs and it could be used.


Their ordinary days were shattered. One day, there was a large scaled attack on two of the other bases and many of the V-virus injected military personnel were sent out to assist them. Being apart of the special ops, Noel and the others were sent out to rescue the field marshal from the other bases.

There were only a handful of V-virus injected soldiers left inside the base, because there was information that there were more than ten level 3 zombie that appeared. Level 3 zombie was very skinny and tall, it was at least a head taller than the level 2. It also held some intelligence as it would play dead and then sneak an attack on the unsuspecting person.

Allen and the other researching members were now working on finding a cure for the zombie virus, or Z-virus. Allen was doing most of the work as usual, many of the other researchers looked up to him and revered him for his mindset and were like followers listening to his every word as if it was gold. Allen was sitting inside of the lab alone, looking at a petri dish through the microscope. He was too engrossed with his work to notice that someone had slipped in.

Allen felt that there was some behind him and looked up. His eyes widen as he was stabbed and injected with a quick acting anesthesia. Allen's eyes rolled back and he fell backwards.

The person flipped him over his shoulders and left the room. Because the person was busy and Allen was slung over their shoulder, they didn't notice that Allen had a faint smile on his face.


It took longer than what Noel thought. People thought that the level 2 zombies were the worst things they could encounter, but the level 3 was the one where you would shart in your pants from seeing it.

It gave off a tremendous eerie and ill feeling to whoever looked at it. For veterans like Noel and the rest of the special ops, level 2 zombies were like playing ball at the park. For the level 3 zombies, it was more like getting rid of annoying pests.

After they finally got the situation under control and they completed their mission in retrieving the field marshal, Noel was finally able to return home. The sun had already set below the horizon already and the stars came out. Noel came back and undressed.

After showering and snacking on some overly dry biscuits that seemed as if it was made of sand that came from the sahara desert, he made his way over to the lab to find Allen.

Once he got there though, he couldn't find Allen. He ran around the whole researching department, but there was no Allen. Noel started to panic for the first time in his life. His heart dropped. Where is he? Where could he be? Did someone take him? But he had two injected V-virus soldiers with him at all times... How can this be?

Noel went and searched for the two soldiers but couldn't find them either. He went to find Kyle and Irvin. After telling them that Allen was missing, Kyle gave Noel a hard punch in his face and stomach. He was angry, angry that someone had failed to protect his only family member. He had given him to Noel in hopes that he could protect Allen from harm. But here it was, the worst nightmare he could ever think of.

The special ops and wolf ridge, another team assembled with V-virus soldiers under Irvin's command, were gathered and ordered to find Allen.


While at the base of the Black Order, Allen was chained to a concrete wall. Four people were before him, Leonard Garrett, Gilbert Percival, Mina Esters, and Anthony Farrimond, an assistant in the researching department who was the rat.

Allen couldn't make out their facial features and could only see their silhouettes. He frowned, wasn't he just checking on the cell transmutation in the lab? Why is he here now?

Suddenly, he remembers that he looked up and saw Anthony Farrimond behind him. Allen frowns, "Why did you take me, Anthony?"

Leonard ignored Allen's question, lifted placed a finger underneath Allen's chin and lifted it up, "You've got some work to do, Doctor Reeves*."

('Doctor' here doesn't refer to the doctor who works at the hospital, but scientist who conducts experiments.)

Allen shook his head free of the other's touch and glared at the other man. Leonard was extremely handsome and was only a touch underneath Noel's level of charm, if it wasn't that he was the cult leader of the Black Order he would be very popular amongst the lady. Leonard narrowed his eyes at the defiant little doctor.

He gripped onto Allen's chin, "You're going to do it whether you like or not, Doctor Reeves."

Leonard harshly tosses Allen's chin to the side and harrumphed. He signaled and two people came in, one their underlings and a person in a white lab coat comes in. In his hand was a clear syringe, he squeezed the plunger and the solution inside came out. Allen's eyes widen in horror and he started to struggle. The underling quickly came and restrained Allen as the person with the syringe crept closer.

Allen felt a sharp pain in his arm and a rush of disgusting euphoric sensation rushed throughout his body. His body started sweating and his vision was blurred. He panted, "What.... did you just give me?"

A sudden rush of excitement rushed throughout his body. A young man's voice sounded so exhilarated as he spoke, "Oh, just some psychedelic drugs."

Allen thought that that was all they would do, but the man in the lab coat took out some white powder and blew it at Allen. Allen breathed in the fine power and coughed. He was starting to lose his clear state of mind.

He knew exactly what they had just given him, he had been a doctor and dealt with the aftermath of these drugs before. He gritted his teeth, they also gave him scopolamine*.

(Scopolamine - A drug that is usually in the powder form. This is the supposed 'truth serum', it also messes up with a person's mind and allows them to be 'persuaded' to do whatever deed they are asked to do.)

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