Bearer of Thy Oath (XII)

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Two weeks worth of time flew by and they were midway through the third week since Uriel came back with Abel. Sitri and Astaroth were still missing and nowhere to be seen, and the hair-raising Ann was still chasing the two while she ignoring Uriel.

Adriel had gotten the report of Abel that afternoon from his demons and frowned. He really found Abel to be more detestable and irritable to the eye. Why did Uriel bring him back? There were other angels that could've taken the role in watching over him or he could've done what he did with some of the other seals and had his apostles watch over them... But he brought this one back.... and it was like a clinging piece of gum, sticky and annoying. Abel didn't want to be more than five feet apart from Uriel or else he would panic.

If Sitri saw this, no doubt he would've killed Abel on the spot and set his body on fire.

Bao Bao had gotten back to Uriel. He had caught sight of someone killing the seal and after, they would summon a greater demon, command it, and then kill it afterwards. Uriel knew that it had to be one of the archangels after talking with Bao Bao, but when he tested each of them.... They passed. All of them could be accounted for during murders that happened to the seal. This made the situation even more complicated then it had been.

Without actually being present at the time of their deaths, he could not trace it back to the person. He also could not leave Adriel and Abel alone. He knew that sooner or later, Cain would fulfill the words he sent to Abel. It had served two purposes, one to scare Abel as that was what Cain enjoyed to do and two, it was a death note foretelling his pending doom.

<System, I want you to monitor Mikael.>

<Eh? Does host have suspicions on Mikael?> Isn't he supposed to be the goody-two-shoes of the bunch...? (・_・ヾ?

<It's just a feeling.... Keep track of his every movement and report back to me.>

<Mmm okies, host~ Bao Bao is going to leave now.... Don't miss me too much~>

Bao Bao was just teasing Uriel and didn't expect an answer back, but what Uriel said made him blush.

<Mnm. I'll wait for you.>

<...> Σ(・Д・)!? ➺ (⁄ ⁄^⁄ᗨ⁄^⁄ ⁄)!

It took him a couple of minutes to register what his host had just said to him. He felt indescribable joy. Does this mean that his host misses Bao Bap? Is this an admittance that he's lonely without Bao Bao by his side now? Bao Bao laughed to himself and giggled very girly. He 'hugged' Uriel and waved goodbye while having a silly smile plastered across his adorable slightly rosy face. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و ✧ YUS~!

Being on the rooftop alone, Uriel was over looking towards the west of the school ground. A big storm was approaching them.


The next couple of weeks, Adriel had been trying to get Uriel alone but sticky gum #1 and #2 wouldn't go away. He wanted to use a scraper and scrape them away into the bin. His demon followers were all crying tears of blood as they laid on the ground. They all wonder if that 'Ann' was dog shit herself, why did they have this horrible fate?

Uriel had become more and more busy, he had received the information he wanted and Bao Bao was back. There was also the impending doom of the arrival of Armageddon as well... Bao Bao's new official job title was 'Stalker' and he could write a whole textbook on how to successfully stalk someone 101. He was troubled how his host would approach Mikael.

Though he and Uriel are closer together than they had been before, he couldn't predict his host's action.... He was also concerned about his host's soul's health. Bao Bao had already warned him a couple of times before, but he would always get the same reply, 'mnm, I know' or 'don't worry'.


Somehow by the luck of the Gods, Adriel finally got Uriel alone with him. He was leading Uriel to a separate place to talk about 'something'. They went to the east side of the campus. Uriel found Adriel to be oddly quiet, he couldn't read the other's thoughts so there was no way to confirm anything.

They made it to the old church building that was going to be torn down by the next semester. It was a restricted-off-limits, you-should-not-go-to place.

Once they reached the podium, Adriel turned around. His eyes were deep and unfathomable, it seemed to draw Uriel's soul in. Uriel's breath got caught in this throat. He had almost forgotten how his lover's affection was like.... He was too caught up, to focused on working. It was the only way to keep off the truth. To block out that he would always be by the side, unable to be with them.

Uriel's guard dropped for one second, but that was a fatal mistake. It was enough time for Adriel to act.

He raised his hand and a sigil appeared on his palm, it glowed brightly. An enormous amount of energy could be felt coming to surround him. Uriel was frozen in place. Numerous magic circles appeared around Uriel. A slight breeze came in and blew the leaves and smaller debris on the floor, revealing a large carved magic circle. There were various other runes on the floor.



White chains flew out from the circles and strapped onto his body, holding him down.

Adriel started chanting, "I, Solomon"

He tried to speak but found that he was unable to. The runes on the floor started to light up one by one. It was unfortunate that he couldn't notice it due to Adriel's behavior distracting him and that they were concealed with a charm. Unless they were activated, it was as if they did not exist in the first place.

Uriel's form shifted to that of his true form. His stunning six red wings flapped behind him as he tried to break off the chains. His feathers scattered around the air as large gusts of wind resonated inside of the chapel's hall. The chains were brought up into the air as he tried to take flight. As long as he got out of the magic circle, the invocation would cease and the spell would fail.

Adriel's voice remained unshaken, but his forehead had a small sheen of sweat. The number of invocations he was performing was too strenuous on his mortal body and he was suffering as a consequence. Just as one of the chains became shaky, a cold voice came from behind him, "Solomon, you underestimate him too much."

Uriel tilted his head to the side. Sitri....

Sitri raised his hand and more chains came out, they charged at Uriel. Binding onto his wings and pulling him back down. He was bounded to the ground, no matter how much he tried to move his wings it was useless. The chains rattled but they did not crack or break. Like a bird caught in a trap, it was useless no matter what he tried.

"invoke 'enthral' upon the Archangel Uriel."

Uriel's pupils shrank, he knew what Adriel was planning on doing. He couldn't let him finish his invocation. He was too late though, his futile attempts only made the chains become tighter on his body. Along side with Sitri's help, Uriel became immobile.

"Bind thee to me, relinquish thy freedom and become mine. ypochreóno¹."

As the last words were said, a magic circle appeared around his neck. At first, the distance from the circle to his neck was around a hand's length. It gradually shrunk, fitting itself around his neck. The white parts disintegrated and left a black tattoo like mark around his neck. At the back of his neck bloomed his sigil.

After the completion of the mark, the chains all disappeared. Uriel got up and rubbed his sore neck. He looked at Adriel and Sitri, the two of them concluded with each other to place the mark of enthrall on him. Now he was bounded to Adriel as a servant.


¹ypochreóno: Compel in Greek.

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