Catastrophe (XVII)

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The situation outside hadn't settled down yet. There was a pandemonium outside. The scene was dyed in guts and blood. A single man walked amongst the decimation like a natural walking killing machine, a god of war. His eyes were seething with wrath, like it could kill with just a glance. He laid all of his enemies to waste and paved his way towards the main building of the Black Order.

Kyle and his subordinates weren't any better, they were infuriated by what they had heard. They investigated Allen's disappearance and found out that he was taken to the Black Order, to assist in their development of their V-virus.

Because Allen refused, they had to resort to underhand methods to make his mind crumble. They also caught news of what happened to some of the missing citizens and soldiers, they were all turned into experimental subjects.

They couldn't just rush in, they could kill off all of the captives there. So, when they triumphantly invade into the enemy lines. They unleashed their fury. They all met God and killed God, met Buddha and killed Buddha*.

(Met God and killed God, met Buddha and killed Buddha - nothing could stand in their way. *ahem* gotta thank QWTFTD for this.)

Just as Noel approached the building, he felt something and glanced up. He saw a small figure on the roof of the building. His eyes sparkled with relief but the next moment made his heart sink in fear and angst.

The person he had come for had fallen off of the roof. Without even thinking, Noel dashed over and leaped into the air to catch the falling figure. He made sure to control his strength so that he wouldn't accidentally crush his beloved.

He safely landed on his feet. Noel's heart was still pounding in his ears. He was back in his arms. Just as Noel was relieved, it was soon crushed. The person in his arms seemed to be in a muddled and disjointed state. He couldn't even recognize his own lover.

Allen threw a punch at Noel and shouted, "Let me go!"

Noel caught his punch and held onto his hand. Allen flailed around and tried to escape Noel's hold but the man easily overpowered him. Allen kept shouting, "I won't do it!"

"Leave me alone!"


Each word sliced Noel's heart. Even though he got the person he had longed for back, he had received a psychological trauma. He could see the agitation and torment in those black pearls, that was once filled with the naivety of the world and the purness that had attracted him so much. Noel held Allen close to his chest, He ran his hand through Allen's hair and comforted him, "Allen, it's alright. You're safe. I'm here now, love. Nothing will happen to you."

In contrast, Allen didn't even seem to register that Noel was speaking to him and bit onto Noel's shoulder until it bled. Noel didn't even wince at the pain, he controlled his strength and hit the back part of Allen's neck and knocked him out. Noel smoothed Allen's hair and gave a soft peck on his forehead.

Kyle had just come right in time after Allen was put to sleep. Noel handed him over to Kyle, "Take care of him until I get back."

Kyle stared at his brother, his clothes were dirtied and disheveled but it couldn't take away his natural elegance. Kyle asked, "Where are you going?"

Noel turned back to the building, a deadly homicidal air revolved around him. He only replied flatly with a hollow tone,  "To make them pay for what they did."

With that, he flashed away and left Allen in Kyle's care. Seconds later smoke started rising from the building, starting from the top floor and then down. Bodies burst through the windows as well and fell down to the ground.

In less then fifteen minutes, Noel completely sabotaged the place. Evonne and the others had just gathered next to Kyle as they finished wiping out their areas. Noel came out of the building without so much as a speck of dust or a slight scratch on him.

He took Allen from Kyle, his facial expression softened as he stared at the one person that made him feel complete and whole. He had made a major mistake, and it could've claimed Allen's life. He was just glad that he got him back in one piece. Although his mind is currently on self-defense mode and will strike anything that comes near him, he would eventually recover from this ordeal. Noel knew that Allen was strong enough to overcome this obstacle, it would only take time.

Noel commanded the rest of his team to gather up everyone he threw out of the window. Irvin also commanded his team to do the same and assist the special ops members.

They were apart of what happened to Allen, whether they were directly involved with it or they were just a bystander. He didn't care. He would make them wish that they hadn't thought of harming Allen.


When they got back from the Black Order's base, Noel directly went to the field marshal and request time off so that he could care for Allen personally. The field marshal approved. Allen was a major asset to the military and they could not afford to lose him.

The first couple of week since their return, Allen wouldn't let anyone within three feet of him. Like a cornered animal, he bared his fangs. They had tested Allen's blood work upon returning and found out that Allen was so drugged up that they were surprised that he hadn't died of an overdosed yet.

Allen slowly came out of his delirium. The first thing he did was throw himself at Noel. He didn't wail out loud and cried his grievances, but rather he held it in and silently cried. He also sat there with a dazed and unfocused look sometimes as he stared out the window. This tore at Noel's heart even more.

He really wanted to wipe the Black Order off of this world now. When they had launched the attack, the Black Order reacted fast enough to have 1/3 of it's organization escape through an underground passage way. Noel they had wanted to follow and see where the tunnel led to, but it had been destroyed as a countermeasure.

As Allen gradually recovered and seven months later, he could be considered back to 'normal'. As normal as a person could be after that experience. He developed a post traumatic disorder because of it and now worked by himself. He became more recluse and no longer talked with other people.

As much as Noel wanted to stay and keep guard, he needed to get rid of the danger. After searching for so long of any traces of the Black Order, they finally got a wisp of their scent.

The Black Order had situated themselves in old S city, and they had used the underground railways as a means of travelling and to escape being detected. He assembled wolf ridge and his special ops on a night raid to eliminate the Black Order once and for all.

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