Silence (II)

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Ains didn't say anything and just blinked at the nurse. She asked a few more questions, but Ains remained quiet and didn't respond to her. He just gazed at her blankly. Seeing that the patient might have amnesia, she quickly ran out of the room and called for the doctor.

<System, send me the information.>

<Here you go, host~>

The body that Ains had woken up in was the son of Chen Bai and Ning Liqin, Chen Ming. His parents passed away at the very young age of six and he was entrusted to their best friend, Cao LiXuan. Because Cao LiXuan didn't know how to properly care for a young child, he sought out help and came across Sheng LiRong. She had worked as an elementary teacher before and is currently helping out at the orphanage as she used to be one.

Cao LiXuan was the CEO of one of the largest corporations and was very busy, he thought that he had found the 'perfect' person to take care of Chen Ming. He didn't want Chen Ming to be sent to the foster care services, and so to take custody over him he married Sheng LiRong in name. They years flew by and Chen Ming had turned sixteen years old, but he became a recluse and shut everyone out.

Cao LiXuan thought that maybe he was going through a phase and would soon get out of it. It wasn't until Chen Ming's school nurse, Liu Jiao the female lead of this world contacted him did he know that Chen Ming had difficulties at school. Once Chen Ming got home, Cao LiXuan lectured him. Chen Ming couldn't communicate with his uncle as Cao LiXuan didn't know sign language.

After that day their relationship went down hill.

One day, Chen Ming caught Sheng LiRong with another man at a hotel on his way home. She threatened Chen Ming to keep his mouth shut or she's going to tell on him to his uncle that he forced himself on her. Chen Ming naturally kept his mouth shut. She started bringing home some of her boyfriends and would have s*x inside of the house.

He resented his Sheng LiRong, he resented his uncle, and he resented his parents. Why didn't they take him with them that day? Ever since his uncle brought in Sheng LiRong, his life started spiraling down. He would get abused by her daily. Some times he would have nothing to eat because she was out shopping or gambling.

As the years went by, the abuse escalated. It turned sexual. Chen Ming was just a minor and didn't know about sexual things yet. First it was touching, then it turned to her feeling up on him with her body, and then it was her forcefully raping him. It even went as far as forcing him to have a threesome with her and her boyfriends at time. Because the young boy was mute, he wasn't able to to communicate with others normally. He couldn't scream or shout for someone to come help him.

He resented that he was still alive.

If that wasn't bad enough, he was bullied at school for being 'different'. He had no friends and the bullies would pick on him daily, they would also take his allowance money as well. He began to resent everything in life. The only escape he had from this cruel world was painting. There he could put all of his feelings into the painting and convey what he felt.

But it seemed like his suffering would only worsen. One day at school, Chen Ming snapped at the bullies. They ganged up on him and sent him to the hospital with two broken arms. Cao LiXuan and Sheng LiRong came and visited him in the hospital. He had no other means of communicating to others besides nodding or shaking his head now. It was like hell for him. He was stuck inside of his own mind and there wasn't a way for him to express himself.

The female lead, Liu Jiao had been trying to get him to talk and go and find him after finding out that he was bullied. So when she heard that he was sent to the hospital, she rushed over. She could see the pain in his eyes. They were dim and held to no light to them. Because she knew sign language, she would try and communicate with him.

This was his only saving grace. As they spent time together, they naturally grew closer. After he fully recovered, he spent his time painting. As Liu Jiao continued to talk with Chen Ming, he gradually opened up to her about his past. Once she found out that he was being sexually abused, she contacted the home phone.

The person on the other side was Sheng LiRong, she had pretended to be someone else and heard some details that she could infer that was related to her and Chen Ming. She was livid. So she taught Chen Ming a lesson. Once Chen Ming got home, she drugged him and sent him to a hotel. There he was raped by a group of men. To make sure that he was complicit, she had the whole ordeal video taped and blackmailed him with it.

It was the last straw for Chen Ming.

After coming back, Chen Ming left only one letter and it was to Liu Jiao. That evening, they found that Chen Ming's body hanging in the middle of his room. He had committed suicide. Cao LiXuan was angry and wanted to know the reason why Chen Ming was dead. He had been on a business trip overseas, when he was informed that his nephew had passed away.

Liu Jiao read the letter that was address to her and she cried. She shouted and screamed at Cao LiXuan for turning a blind eye to his suffering. Cao LiXuan was confused at what she was talking about and she shoved the letter into his hand. Liu Jiao also shouted all of the painful and lonely words that Chen Ming kept inside of him. Cao LiXuan's hands shook as he read the letter.

The letter thanked Liu Jiao for being the only light in his dark world. It also talked about how he wished that he had a mother like her and that she was the only one who showed him what being loved felt like. He included that all of his paintings and his inheritance to go to her.

Once Cao LiXuan got into Chen Ming's room, he saw all the paintings that the youth had painted. They were bright and colorful, but the meaning behind the pictures told a sad and tragic story. Afterwards, Sheng LiRong was captured and sent to jail. Cao LiXuan made sure that she was having a 'wonderful' time there.

As for the male lead and the female lead? Liu Jiao, later on forgave Cao LiXuan. They became acquaintances but their relationship developed further as they spent time together. They spent 98 years together before they passed away. Because Liu Jiao was infertile, they adopted one girl and two boys. They had a large family of six grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren. The most depressing thing was that what brought them together was Chen Ming's suffering.

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