Bearer of Thy Oath (XIX)

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Abel shouted, "Cain!"

"Uriel, what are you doing to him?!"

Uriel ignored Abel's unwarranted cries, a magic circle appeared on Cain's chest where his hand had penetrated into his chest. As he slowly pulled out, Cain screamed out in agony but he didn't move. Cain stood standing and withstood the pain. Abel tried to run over to where they were, but was blocked off by a barrier. He slammed his fists against the invisible wall and kept shouting for Cain.

From his view, he saw Cain collapsed down onto his knees with a thud. He dropped on his side, and dropped onto the floor. Abel, "Cain!" 

Abel's voice had gone hoarse from screaming out, his hands ached and became bruised from slamming onto the walls of the barrier, and his eyes were red from crying. As Cain fell onto the floor, the barrier suddenly disappeared. He took this chance and ran over to the barely breathing Cain. He held him in his arms and rocked him, "Cain?"


"Cain, please wake up. Don't go, we just got to finally be with each other again."

A shadow loomed onto Abel, he looked up to see Uriel's immaculate stature standing before him. Abel's eyes didn't waver as he was sitting. If just by looking one could kill, Uriel would've died over a thousand times already. His mind couldn't figure out why Uriel would attack Cain... Didn't he just help them reconcile with each other? Otherwise, why else would he show them each other's memories? 

Unless... Unless he was also in on this sick game of theirs. If he was, did he enjoy watching them suffer? Did he help orchestrate everything? Was this also another way to add onto their misery? But why? Why would they do this? They could just kill them, it was as easy as lifting a finger.... A sliver of doubt slithered into his heart, and he backed up a little with Cain still in his lap.

Uriel reached out to Abel. Abel wouldn't let him and tried to get away. Just as Abel was about to dodge out of his reach, Cain's gripped and held him in place. Abel started to panic, "Cain?"

"Cain, please let go."

"What are you doing, Cain?"

He tried to shake off the grip, but he couldn't throw off the monstrous strength. It was as if Cain had somehow gotten a boost in strength or something. Uriel's hand inched closer and closer to his chest. Abel yelped as Uriel's hand penetrated his chest.

He could feel that sweet irony taste climbing up at the back of his throat. Abel's body writhed in pain as Uriel pushed in further. He grabbed onto Uriel's hands and tried to force the other out of his chest. Uriel's hands didn't budged and went deeper into his chest. It scared Abel, was he going to die here? Was this their fate? Would they never be able to be together? He had a feeling that once they left this space, the other angels would come for the two of them. Then they would be separated once again...

He gasped, "Gyah!"

He was pulled back from his incessant thoughts. It felt as if someone was ripping his soul out of him. The pain was excruciating, it took all of his focus not to black out and faint. He gritted his teeth and kept at his futile attempt to get rid of the invader. His heart was pounding rapidly in his ears. 

There was no way that he would just easily give in and be killed. He and Cain had suffered so much under their 'care'. Not only did they make him and Cain turn on each other by morphing into their shape to sow discord, they also committed the 'great' deed of killing him and making him believe that Cain wanted to do it. After they subjected him to be a 'seal', it was supposed to be a great 'blessing' they said. But who knew more than the seals themselves, that it was just a way for them to create their chess pieces in this battle of good and evil. 

He had whispered into his (A's) ears and fed him lies after lies. He was an imbecile and slowly believed it to be the truth. Who could deny an angel's words? Was it not that they were to guide them? To protect and guard them? Who would've thought that they would turn the black into white and the white into black? Now that they've had their entertainment, they want to get rid of them? What a hilarious joke. Though he may just be a human, it doesn't mean that he can be underestimated for being a weaker being. 

Getting his determination up, Abel bit down on the bottom of his lip. He resisted with all of his might, his soul was his and not their pawn. He had his own will and will not be their puppet anymore. He mustered up his strength and dug his nails into Uriel's arm as he tried to push the arm out of him.

But no matter how hard he tried, he was visibly losing at a rapid speed. He was gasping for air, his whole body was becoming weak and feeble. As his eyes became half-lidded, a familiar voice whispered into his ears, "Don't fight it, Abel."

"Don't resist."

"Don't refuse it, let him take it away."

"It's alright, Abel."

Abel couldn't speak anymore, his thoughts were all on keeping his soul within his body. When he heard his voice, his body calmed down immediately. Cain? Though he didn't necessarily trust Uriel because he was the same kind who decided to play God, he did trust Cain. Now that the compulsion was out of his system and he was no longer in deranged state, he could freely think without the influences of the higher beings whispering disharmony. 

Abel tried his best to hold back his instincts of wanting to fight against Uriel. He took deep shaky breaths to help settle himself down.

Seeing Abel was finally pacified, Uriel latched onto the seal that had been merged with Abel's soul. He silently muttered a spell as he was gripping onto it, his body was becoming enfeebled as he was undoing the most difficult of all the seals. What hadn't been passed down to the lower leveled angels were that if the first seal was removed, the others that were established after would perish as well. It was the core that held all the other seals together.

Naturally, all the other seals would die immediately after the removal. That was why the angels had put an importance on Abel's soul and tried to guard it. Uriel couldn't allow the other seals to die. He had come this far so that Adriel would live. After getting the Mark of Cain from Cain's soul, he was set on destroying the seals within their souls without any repercussion. With this, he can stop his brethren from targeting Adriel for the time being.

After a arduous struggle, Uriel was finally able to successfully separate the seal from Abel's soul without damaging Abel's soul. With one swift movement he yanked it out of Abel's soul. The moment it was forced out of his body, Abel fell into Cain's arms. He had gotten up sometime during the unsealing. As he hadn't fully recovered from his curse being taken and without the help from his curse, he still looked very pale. 

Wriggling in his hands was a white wisp like figure, it had numerous runes the shimmered inside of it. It was attempting to escape his hold and enter back to Abel's body. Uriel crushed the white wisp in his hands and it disintegrated into dust.

Cain glanced up and gave a grateful nod as he couldn't muster the energy to speak. Abel was breathing shallowly but at least he was still alive. Now him and Abel were finally free of their shackles that had bound them in this miserable cycle. 

Uriel's eyes darkened, he was running low on time. He needed to get to Sitri and Adriel.


A/N: Haiz! Just a reminder that this will be the last post for double chappies. After there is only going to be one chapter being released. Love you my lovelies~ Thank you for voting, commenting, and reading. I'll see you all in 8/10/2018.

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