Special Release: Arc 2 - Side Story: Softest Fur & Catnip

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(A/N: Haiz! I decided to do a side story for arc 2! I hope that you enjoy it! I wanted to do a special as it's been a month since I've released my first chapter! Here goes two side chapters: Softest Fur and Catnip. ♪(゚▽^*)ノ⌒☆

There is going to be explicit details and words in the special release from this point onward. Please proceed at your own risk!

Thank you guys so much for your support, reading, commenting, and reading my novel. I adore you all, my dear wonderful readers~ ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪)

Softest Fur

Sairi was currently enjoying the sun, as he laid on the ground in his feline form. His adopted son, Aryeh was running around him with Lance and Oliver's son, Eilmer laughing as they chased each other. It has been four years since he's adopted the young cub and he was only five years old. He had heterochromia iridum, one almond gold eye and one almond silver eyes, short flax colored hair, dark skin, and two ears and tail that was mixed with a leopard spots and tiger stripe. His fur was a stunning sunset orange color with streaks of yellow added in from his leopard genes.

Currently, Regnier was settling some disputes between small clans in town and so it was only the two of them home. Eilmer came over often to play with Aryeh when he had time. They were very close with each other and shared everything with each other.

During the years that they spent together, Sairi noticed that Regnier liked to stroke his hair and fur. He would always claim that it was the softest and had a happy face as he caressed it. Sairi also couldn't help but rub back as if felt great to be petted.

He had his eyes closed, as he listened to their laughter. Aryeh had been very shy when he first came to their home. Maybe it was because he was in a different environment than he was used to, or that he was standing before the top two ranked strongest fighters. But as they spent more and more time together, Aryeh opened up to Sairi and Regnier.

He was a cheerful and bright child. Aryeh grew close to Sairi, more so than he was to his other father Regnier. It could be said that it wasn't because Regnier wasn't home often, but because Regnier was jealous that his mate was spending more time with Aryeh then he was with him. He would sulk and try and gain Sairi's attention. Pawing him, intertwining their tails together, meowing at him, sitting right in front of Sairi's face, etc. Regnier tried many things, but Sairi had been set on spending time with their son. Sometime when he's really needy, he'll kidnap Sairi and run off with him so that they can have some 'alone time'.

Even though Sairi looked like he was leisurely sleeping, he paid attention to the kids in case they wandered too far. Whenever they did he would wake up and carry them via biting the back of their collars and bringing them back.

Aryeh giggled as he jumped onto Sairi's back, "Hehe~ Daddy!"

Aryeh nuzzled his head into the groove of Sairi's neck. He laughed cheekily, "I love you! *chu* You're fur is so soft, daddy."

Sairi let Aryeh rub himself on his fur. After he dragged Aryeh off of his back and licked his cheek. Eilmer was standing by, not knowing what to do. Sairi tilted his head and signaled him that it was okay to come over. Eilmer nervously clasped his hands and inched closer and closer.

His tail was waving enthusiastically and his eyes were filled with anticipation as always. He had always looked up to Sairi and wanted to become strong like him one day. Ever since he and Aryeh became playmates, it had been like a dream come true for him. He had heard the many tales of Sairi's accomplishments from his parents, especially from his father, Lance.

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