Young Master (XI)

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Once all the servants were in, it had just hit the ten minute mark. Everyone was standing in the stifling silence, but there was one person that had yet to show up. The main target of the talk, Wei Yue.

Mr. Wei was already annoyed by all the news that he had heard and the sight he had come upon, he was even more agitated that Wei Yue was late. Mr. Wei turned to Butler Wang with a deadly glare on his face, "Where is she?"

Butler Wang, who was use to this look wasn't affected by it and responded calmly, "I had already awoken the young miss. Before I departed I had assigned two maids to make sure that she was ready. She should be here any minute now, master."

Just as Butler Wang finishes his sentence, Wei Yue finally shows up. She's wearing an off shoulder white dress with flora patterns that sway with every movement she makes. She has two braids that go around to the back and her hair is adorned with a white lily hair pin. Wei Yue made sure to put on a natural makeup look so that she would catch Long Zixi's eye.

She walks slowly towards her parents, from the corner of her eyes she spots Long Zixi staring at her and smirks. She was confident that no one would be able to resist her look. But what she didn't notice was that the look in his eyes weren't mirth but rather that of disgust and disdain.

Wei Yue also didn't notice her younger twin brother besides the handsome man. She walked up to her parents and flashed a sweet smile, "Welcome back, mother, father."

(A/N: Umm... I heard of selective hearing before, but I guess this my first time seeing 'selective sight'. I mean like the beds not small... How did you not see it?? ( ゚д゚ ) )

Her voice was sweet like candy. Bao Bao shivered hearing her voice. I don't want any diabetes... Please stop. (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

Mr. Wei didn't bother to give her any face and replied with a stern voice, "Wei Yue, sit there."

Wei Yue wrinkled her brows, usually they would call her 'Yue'er' but her father had just called her by her full name. Though she had a premonition this morning, she had brushed it off because she had thought that they were going to finally talk about her and Xi ge's engagement.

She had been pestering that old hag at the Long residence so that the old hag would propose the idea to her parents. She had everything planned out and it seemed to be going her way. She had 'accidentally' met Mrs. Long while she went out and the two quickly greeted each other. She made sure that she left a lasting first impression. After all, Mrs. Long's decision will be needed if Mr. Long disapproves. He... He required too much out of a daughter-in-law. Because she came from a high class family and did not have to do anything but receive what she wanted, she wasn't pleased with Mr. Long's aspect of a daughter-in-law.

Wei Yue didn't want to 'work' when she didn't find the need to. Wei Yue sat down on the couch across from her parents and Long Zixi, "Yes, father?"

Mr. Wei's words puzzled Wei Yue, "Why, Wei Yue? Why did you do it?"

Wei Yue smiling face stiffened, "I don't understand what you're talking about, father."

Mr. Wei was disappointed in his daughter. Though he showered Wei Xiao with more love, it was because he and his wife knew that Wei Xiao was living on limited time. He wanted his son to leave this earth knowing that he was loved, but his love for Wei Yue wasn't any less. It was just that she had less time of their attention.

He knew that she wanted more of their adoration on her, but at the same time he thought that she would be more understanding. They had talked about this a long ago after all.

Mr. Wei sighed, "Butler Wang, go get the items."

Butler Wang bowed and left the room. Wei Yue still didn't understand the seriousness of her situation. She turned to Mrs. Wei, "Mother, what's going on?"

Mrs. Wei's eyes were calm, like a waves on the beach on a warm sunny day. She looked at her 'daughter' and wondered where had they gone wrong in raising her. It was as if she was looking at a stranger now. Mrs. Wei, "Do you really not know, Wei Yue?"

Wei Yue shook her head, how could she know what they are talking about. She wasn't a mind reader. Bao Bao who was observing this drama was snacking on some popcorn as if watching a good soap opera.

He rolled his non-existent eyes. Are you stupid? How do you not know what they want to talk to you about? How thick is your skin, eh? Is it as thick as the ' Wall of Constantinople'? Can you not see my host? Can you not see the ML's arms being protective around him? Hmm? Wait- Hey you get your hands off of my host! (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣o˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)⁼³₌₃

Bao Bao had just realized that his host was beig taken advantage of while he was distracted. He was fuming, his host was like his precious baby. Although his host was often cold towards him, he somehow understood that it was only because his host doesn't know how to return affection.

Bao Bao flew and hit Long Zixi, but his tiny little brain forgot that he can't hurt things physically in the worlds. It was like a brick wall, Bao Bao bounced off and Long Zixi was unaffected.

Bao Bao tried calling out to his host. <Host~~ Are you really sleeping?>


<Oh...> Wah, your acting skills have grown. Even the ML doesn't realize that you're fake sleeping.

If Wei Xiao had heard Bao Bao's thoughts he would've thrown a pillow at him and retorted, 'Why don't you try running a fever here and act normal?'

As Bao Bao and Wei Xiao were conversing, Butler Wang came back with a laptop and a small USB stick. Butler Wang opened the laptop and plugged in the USB stick into one of the ports. He then, clicked on some files and opened it up. Butler Wang placed it onto the table and had it facing the direction in which everyone could see the screen.

It was a video. What kind of video? No one knew but Mr. Wei and Butler Wang, even though none of them had seen the videos themselves. They knew it contained what they didn't want to believe was true.

Mr. Wei eyed Wei Yue, "Do you really not know?"

Although he loves Wei Yue, what he can't stand is someone being dishonest. He wants to give Wei Yue a chance to come clean, if she did at least he could be a little lenient on her. After all this plan was Long Zixi's and not his.

Wei Yue shook her head and stared at the screen, "No, father. I don't understand. You've been asking me this entire time... I don't know, really."

Mr. Wei looked to over to Butler Wang, "Play it."

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