Knocked Up (B+A) (VIII)

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(A/N: Wee wooo~ Three chapters today! The information pertaining to arrest and criminal charges aren't accurate. Enjoy~~~)

Xie Ying had just arrived at the office this morning. Many of the workers were staring at him with their mouths gaped open. Who was this? When did they have such a fine man at the company? Is he new? Many questions were racing through their heads.

While the female workers were smitten, some of the male workers were either jealous, envious, or admired him. Many of them wanted to approach him, but were held back because of the pressure he was releasing. It made them cower instinctively.

Xie Ying had his hair down and wore a pair of new black glasses that drew out his peach blossom eyes today. With his light grey suit with light blue dress shirt, navy blue neck tie, a light beige topcoat, and brown leather shoes. Everything was tailored to his body and complimented it to perfection.

Xie Ying ignored all of their stares and whispers and walked to the elevator doors. Some of the workers there made way for him subconsciously.

It reminded Xie Ying of the second world after he slaughtered his competitors without a drop of compassion and the werecats started to do this exact thing. He hasn't killed anyone yet though....

As he was pondering, the elevator doors opened and they all shuffled in as if they were back in primary school. Neatly in a single file line. Xie Ying stood at the foremost front in the elevator and had at least half an arm length of space from the others.

Bao Bao had informed him that Tan Kang was going to be released from his position today. The paperwork was already done in the system and the only thing left to do was inform him. As for the office manager position, it was currently vacant.

Xie Ying knew that Tan Kang was going to try and pin things onto him, so that he could get out of this mess that he made for himself. But Xie Ying wouldn't give him the chance. Xie Ying looked at his watch as he walked into his department, his eyes held a slyness to them.

Tan Kang should be ready to burst at any moment.

A human's emotions and conscious are easy to manipulate, give them both external and internal pressure and eventually their 'will' will bend and their minds will break. He didn't even have to use his 'Earring of Hypnotism' on Tan Kang.

Not only did Tan Kang have work to worry about, but his personal life. Xie Ying had all of Tan Kang's cars towed away, his home taken away, and he tipped off the police. Xie Ying only left small amounts of trails for the police to find, whatever they were able to dig up was up to them. Tan Kang was currently under investigation as Tan Kang had falsified the will pertaining to his deceased mother and had everything fall under his name. It originally included her siblings in the will as well, but Tan Kang had wanted everything for himself.

If evidence was found, Tan Kang would lose his inheritance rights and everything will go to the next of kin for him. What rightfully belonged to his relatives will be given to them. After being jailed, he will have to pay back everything that he took. Being jailed for forgery and fraud, is going to leave a nasty stain on his record. Not added that he will also be accounted for disorderly conduct and aggravated assault that is about to happen.

(A/N: Man.... this arc is full of me researching. lol First it was omegaverse, and now it's crimes you can get charged for. Ahh.... I can foresee my future, there's going to be more researching in the future.)

He made sure that all traces weren't able to be linked back to him, and cleaned up his footsteps. Within the span of two weeks, Xie Ying made Tan Kang fall from grace and hit rock bottom with nothing left to his name.

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