Author's Note

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Hi guys! Yui has something to say....

There's going to be a change in the release schedule!! ....It might not make you happy as the updates will be cut down and be every other day instead of everyday. The reason for it will be for the launch of Patreon. I will be making another author's note and update you guys on the link if you want to support me.

After tomorrows release August 8th, 2018 @12 PM CT (Central Time).

The schedule will be like this: 8/10/2018 -> After this date, releases will only have one chapter and will be every other day. Next update after would be 8/12/2018.

I want to you guys to understand that I will not leave Wattpad, there will still be updates. It's just going to be at a slower rate because if not.... Yui will die of overthinking and her hands would melt. Thank you guys for everything so far! ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )

~ Yui

Chasing You (Arcs 1-7)Where stories live. Discover now