Silence (IV)

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Sheng LiRong didn't come back for the rest of the day as she spent it with one of her 'boyfriends'. Chen Ming didn't mind, he didn't have to tolerate her existence.

The next morning. After confirming a couple of more things with Bao Bao, Chen Ming clicked on the 'assistance' button. It lit up. A few minutes later, the same nurse popped into the room. She had a subtle smile on her face, "Did you need anything, honey?"

Chen Ming grabbed the notepad by his bed and scribbled some words onto it before handing it to the nurse.

「I want to go for a walk.」

(A/N: '「 example」' will be used when Chen Ming is writing.)

The nurse was surprised by his elegant and beautiful hand writing. Seeing his words, she could only shake her head and hand back the notepad, "You've just recovered, sir. If you want to you will have to wait until the doctor approves of it first."

Chen Ming wrote something else and handed it back to her.

「 Ask the doctor for me, then. 」

The nurse could only agreed as Chen Ming was adamant about wanting to go out for a walk, and left the room. Chen Ming leaned back onto the bed and glanced out the window. He could hear the faint footsteps approaching down the hall. A crafty light passed through his eyes, he needed to find someone to back him up. And that person was currently on his way there.

Three gentle knocks came from the door before it opened. Instead of just the doctor and the nurse, there was an additional person.

He stood about 188 cm with short auburn hair that went down to his ears, sharp phoenix hazel eyes, black rimmed oval glasses that only accented those alluring eyes, an elegant straight nose, and a beauty mark on the lower left of his chin. He held a clipboard under one arm as he strode in.

Doctor, "Ah, Mr. Chen. I heard that you wanted to go out for a walk?"

Chen Ming nodded. The doctor sighed, "As much as you want to unfortunately Mr. Chen, you will have to wait a until tomorrow."

Chen Ming frowned but understood that he had to wait until he gained some energy back inside of his body. Chen Ming jotted down on the notepad.

「Tomorrow, then. 」

He felt a strong gaze and made eye contact with the young man besides them. The doctor noticed their little interaction and introduced the handsome young doctor, "Ah, Mr. Chen. This is Doctor Yu, he's a friend of your uncle."

Chen Ming politely greeted Doctor Yu.

「It's nice to meet you, Doctor Yu. My name is Chen Ming.」

The surprising thing was that Doctor Yu also knew sign language, and responded. "It's nice to meet you too, Chen Ming. My name is Yu Zian."

Chen Ming felt a little happy that he could communicate with someone normally. Doctor, "Is there anything else that you need, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Ming shook his head and signaled, "No, goodbye."

Doctor Yu quietly observed the youth, before he signaled back, "Goodbye, see you around."

Chen Ming returned the gesture to Doctor Yu out of courtesy. The moment the three of them left the room, Chen Ming fixed his hospital gown. He covered up the 'accidental' revealing upper part of his chest.

There was a peek of the bruise that was on there. Chen Ming knew that the doctor wouldn't have allowed him to walk around, he just needed to bring Yu Zian to his room. He had purposefully showed the it to Doctor Yu to plant the seed of doubt.


As Yu Zian left the room, he eyes darkened. That bruise wasn't something from the fall, it looked rather old as well. Was there something going on at home? He shook his head. He was also a close friend of Ning Liqin and Chen Bao, and didn't want to see his friends' only child receive any harm.

He wanted to check on something first. Yu Zian turned and walked towards the doctor's office, who was overseeing Chen Ming during his stay here. He knocked on the doctor's door.

The doctor opened it and was shocked to see Yu Zian again, "Ah, Doctor Yu. What can I do for you at this time?"

Yu Zian smiled curtly, "I would like to see the file on Chen Ming."


Chen Ming spent the rest of his morning and afternoon in peace besides when it was time to eat or he would have to use the bathroom. He felt that time flowed very slow, but he didn't mind. When he was left alone, he would go sit by the window and admire scenic outside world. He liked the peace and quiet. It was his only time of salvation.

By evening, a special visitor came once again. Yu Zian knocked on the door and opened it. What he saw was Chen Ming leaned against the couch by the window asleep.

His arms were crossed on top of the couch and his placed on top of them. Yu Zian took a closer look and frowned. He could see more markings on the porcelain like skin.

The youth shivered as the temperature in the room was slightly cooler than outside. He walked over and hoisted the sleeping Chen Ming in his arms and found him to be very light, too light. As a doctor and having experience, Yu Zian could tell that Chen Ming was a little emaciated. For his age and height, he should be around 62 kg but he felt lighter than that.

He gently settled Chen Ming down onto the hospital bed. The purpose of his visit today was to ask Chen Ming about his injuries, his file didn't include any bodily harm besides the concussion on the back of the head and bruise on the back. It seemed that he'll have to wait. He stood by the side of the youth and watched over him.

Chen Ming was remarkably very attractive.

He has exquisite slender brows, fluttering long lashes, appealing arched nose, and a lovely pair of soft amaranth colored lips. His hair was that of a dark brown with light curls that hanged passed his ears a little. It looked exceptionally soft.

Without himself even knowing, Yu Zian imprinted the tiniest details into his mind. He tucked in Chen Ming and left the room.

As he opened the door he came face to face with Sheng LiRong. She was shocked to see such a dashing figure. Her pretty face lit up like a candle, "O-oh, please excuse me here. Excuse me for my rude behavior, I didn't mean to doctor."

She emphasized 'doctor' with an ambiguous touch. Yu Zian raised his eyebrow. Wasn't this Xuan's wife in name? Is she always like this with everyone she encounters?

He took no notice to her eyes that were inviting him. He enunciated her title slowly, "If you'll excuse me Mrs. Cao. I have some business to attend to."

He side stepped and marched off down the hall. Shen LiRong's eyes stayed staring where Yu Zian disappeared to. Her mouth curved into a foxy smile, she also loved men who were like this.

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