Bearer of Thy Oath (XXXIII)

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A/N: Soo.... Mmm. I have nothing to say... *prays for my own soul*

Whispers There's only two more chapters until the end of the arc~


Tears flowed uncontrollably down his eyes. The mark on his palm had completely faded away. He smashed his fists onto the ground. He had been too late. Too late to stop it. Too late to help him. Too late to do anything for him. Adriel hunched over and continuously punched the ground, his fist began to bleed profusely. What was the use of anything that they did? He couldn't change the fact that Uriel was now gone. The vision that he had seen came true.

He sunk into the sea of madness and embraced the darkness that had pervaded him long ago. If this world rejects you, then I shall destroy this world and create one where you can freely live in it with me. Adriel stood up. His body language had gone through a drastic change. He was much too calm for a man who had just lost the person he treasured the most. He looked at Kasimir and with a wave his hand, the branches wrapped around the grey flower and took it within it's embrace and disappeared.

He let out a smile that gave everyone else in the room chills. Even God was shaken by Adriel's demeanor. He outstretched his hand, "Sikonomai¹."

Black portals appeared all around them and demons started crawling out. Barachiel, one of the remaining archangels demanded with an authoritative voice, "Kin of Solomon, what is the meaning of this?"

Adriel's eyes narrowed as his lips curved upward with malice, "Silence."

He had heard enough of their sordid lies and their pompous excuses. His voice was increasingly cold and chilled their hearts. In a split second, Bael who had been recuperating appeared out of the portal and lunged at Barachiel. His head was cleanly cut off and his headless body fell thump to the floor. Blood poured out from his neck wound as Bael gave out a eerie smile and licked his bloody fingers.

Adriel ordered under absolute command, "Leave nothing alive."

His ring glowed with a murderous red light and marks on the demon's body illuminated as well. After those words, all hell broke lose. A multitude of demons bolted forward. Their glowing purple and yellow eyes were filled with mirthfulness and their hedonistic smiles gave off a feeling of dark pleasure. They were like merciless and savage animals as they bore into their enemies.

The angels were still in a state of shock. How could Bael kill Barachiel, one of the seven heavenly commanders? How strong were the demons? Their mind became hysterical looking at their fallen brethren and leader. They were supposed to be invincible. Raphael's voice snapped them out of their daze, making them regained their senses.

Raphael, "Do not falter. Our Father is here with us."

As soon as those words were said, Adriel shot down Raphael's words of encouragement belligerently, "Don't worry. He will soon join you too."

Raphael glared at Adriel and spat out, "Ungrateful ingrate."

Adriel covered his mouth and laughed cynically, "Ahaha. Tell me what I should be grateful for?"

"For being a pawn in your great conquest?"

"For being played around by your self righteous selves?"

"For you killing him? Tell me Raphael, what should I be grateful for? If not for your God's meddlesome self, none of this would've happened."

Raphael scornfully glowered at Adriel, "You have truly fallen low, Solomon."

Adriel smirked, "It took you angels long enough. Unlike Uriel who knew right away, you and your brethren are disappointing. Even after their deaths, Cassiel and the others had no idea who I really was."

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