Catastrophe (XVIII)

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Allen was staring at the helicopter that was lifting off with Noel and the others. His eyes were solemn as he watched it disappear. The rain was showering from the sky above, befitting what Allen was feeling inside right now.

Bao Bao was curious to why his host acted the way he did. <Host, why did you use Noel's feelings to push the destruction of the Black Order?>

<Because I can feel 'it'.... I felt 'it'.>


<I thought that maybe it was my imagination at first, but I noticed the subtle changes. Just like sand in an hourglass.>

<Host, Bao Bao doesn't understand....> Ah, Bao Bao has always been bad with riddles and guessing games.... Please don't do this to Bao Bao.

<My life is faintly slipping away.>

<What?! How?>

<I don't know, but I've been keeping track on my body. I felt a slight tingle at first, and thought nothing of it. But now.... At the rate that its taking from me, I can feel that I will only have at most 40 more years with Noel.>


<I don't know what is causing it.... but can you trace it, System?>

<Bao Bao will try.>

Bao Bao scanned Allen. Then he scanned again. Next, he purchased an upgraded scanner and scanned once more.

Bao Bao sounded dejected and depressed. <Host.... Bao Bao cannot detect any abnormalities in host's body.>

<It's fine. If you could, they wouldn't have been able to do it.>

<The only thing I can do now is spend my time wisely with him.>

Bao Bao looked at his host. He knew that his host was feeling glum and disappointment. He knew that his host was looking forward to spending a life time with the man he loved, but now it would only be mere forty years, maybe even less that they would be able to be by each other's side in this life.

Allen looked away from the window and continued to do his work. It was the only thing that would get his mind off of the subject. He focused on creating the vaccination and thought of nothing else.

By the time Noel and the others returned, Allen was more than halfway with his work for the day. He greeted the others and welcomed them back in base. Allen hugged Noel silently, breathing in his scent, feeling his warmth, taking in everything he can from him.

Noel lifted his chin up, "Allen, is everything okay?"

Allen lied, "En."

He couldn't tell Noel the truth, it was something that was beyond his understanding and their control. Whatever was sucking his life would continue to do so. He also knew that Noel would try and do whatever he could to prolong his tragic life, but instead on thinking about the things that can't be solved. He would rather focus on what is within his reach.


Mina had escaped the Black Order from the first raid, because she as Gilbert's 'special' pet. The second time, she kicked the man and ran off to save her own life. At this moment, she's a refugee back at base A. Because of the changes in her looks and her using an alias, the soldiers stationed at the gates didn't recognize her.

She heard about the triumphant defeat of the Black Order and how they were going to have a celebration in honors of Allen and the others, she gnashed her teeth. Why was her life so pitiful, while they are living a life of luxury? Why was it that she was crawling beneath their feet? That she had to eat scraps of food to survive, but they ate like royalty?

The only name that she could think of right now that was responsible for her misery is Allen.

Because there was going to be a banquet, Allen would have to participate. She would use this chance to denounce his moral acts and get people to sympathize with her. It was rather simple. Her eyes gleamed with delight thinking about everyone condemning Allen for his 'righteous' act.

Naturally, Bao Bao informed Allen. Allen smiled. He knew that she was going to come for him, sooner or later. Her mind was so twisted that it changed the way she perceived things to have happened. He didn't want to startle the grass and scare the snake away, otherwise he would have to wait for the next opportunity.

He was going to enjoy the 'show' she was going to perform for him tomorrow night. Allen squeezed himself closer to Noel's chest. For now, he would let her savor the taste of victory. But when she's just at the peak, he would drag her to the depths of hell where even the sun doesn't shine.

Noel was a light sleeper and woke up. He ran his hand through Allen's soft and sleek hair, "What's wrong, love?"

Allen closed his eyes, "Nothing, just thinking about tomorrow night."

Noel kissed his forehead, "There's nothing to be afraid of, my love. I'll be there for you. I'll always be."

Allen smiled, "En."

That night he had a dreamless night for the first time since he had arrived in the world. When he woke up, Noel had already brought a tray of food in for him. Noel kissed his cheek, forehead, nose, and then his lips. "Hungry?"

Allen lightly nodded, "A little."

Noel, "Go wash up and get ready."

Allen gave a quick peck on Noel's lips before darting off in the bathroom. During his time of 'recovery', Noel and Allen hadn't done anything but kiss each other. There was no touching, no deep kisses, it was just light pecks here and there. Allen washed up and changed into his clothes.

His style of clothing also changed, instead of shorts, stockings, skirts, and dresses, Allen was wearing normal clothes for his gender. He had on a white v-neck t-shirt, his white lab coat, long khaki pants, and black oxford shoes. Bao Bao grumbled to himself. He still wanted to dress his host up some more but his 'son-in-law' had chosen Allen's clothes now.

After eating, Noel sent Allen off to his research lab before going off to meet up with the higher ups. Once Noel arrived, the secretary at the desk quickly stood up and saluted to Noel. The secretary announced Noel's arrival as the door opened. Inside was the field marshal of base A, Irvin, and monitors with the other field marshals and generals from the other bases.

After Noel greeted the field marshal, the field marshal went straight to business, "Though the Black Order has been wiped off of the planet, they weren't idle. Before their destruction, they released their 'creations'."

The screen lit up with a video of a monstrous creature that resembled a level 3 zombie but not at the same time. It had grotesque features, large bat like ears, large canine teeth that penetrated it's lower jaw, and it's body was in a strange shape as it couldn't stand up straight and was on all fours. Another video played, this time it scared the other officials. It showed a cave that swarmed with animal creature like zombies that had humanoid shape. They were climbing on the walls and ceiling, their mouths overflowing with their saliva.

Field Marshal, "This is only one of the locations that holds these creatures. There are many more locations across the world. Though this is the end of the Black Order's reign, this is only the start of humanity's fight for survival. Those creatures out number us by hundreds of million, they have more agility and strength than regular level 3 zombies."

"We cannot distribute the V-virus to normal civilians, we cannot afford for anymore people like the Black Order to rise. We have enough on our hands at it is. For those who want the V-virus, they first have to go through examinations and work for the military. Does anyone have an opinion on that?"

Everyone unanimously agreed that the V-virus should stay within the military ranks until they have survived this trial.

Noel didn't say anything the entire time, he stood quietly behind the field marshal with his back straight and his hands behind his back. He gave off an imposing and intimidating aura. Only 40% of his mind was paying attention to the meeting the other 60% was thinking about Allen. He was wondering what his man was doing at the moment.

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