My Dear Emperor (XV)

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A/N: Oof sorry for my absence. Things should be going back on track~ Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting!!


It would've had a much more resounding affect if it was for someone, but unfortunately their target was currently no one and only brought out the feelings within the first layer of everyone's empathy. It could no longer be remembered in history as the heart rending song that brought together their chivalrous emperor and their male empress.

One green figure was already gone from within the crowd when the last note was struck. A eunuch came up to the emperor and whispered something to his ears. He cocked a brow at the eunuch who nodded at him in return. He dismissed him with a wave as a quick coruscation passed through his obsidian eyes.

A group of servants brought out many jars filled with water, they poured it onto the stage and it became like a mirror. A slim figure walked out wearing a pure white robe that flowed with a brush of the wind. With long inky hair that cascaded down to their hips and the jadeite hairpin had been melded into the shape of a willow tree branch¹. Their face was covered with a muslim veil exposing nothing of their face and in their hands was a beautiful guqin made from high quality wood. The designs done under the lacquer were very beautiful; crimson butterflies and red chrysanthemums trailed up its body.

They gracefully walked onto the stage and caused symmetrical ripples to appear. Once they sat down, their gracefully sat down. Tu HeJian's eyes narrowed at the sight of the guqin and he pursed his lip. Tu HuaLi caught his brother's reaction from the corner of his eyes and his eyes darkened.

Like the warm breeze during the cold and barren winter months, the person played.

『Twilight sets in as the sun sets,

I suddenly think of your face.

Inevitably, thinking of the past only adds on to the angst.

I sigh thinking of our time together.

The night is young,

the stars gather in my eyes,

casting a soft light.

The wind passes, tugging at the candlelight.

I dance with no one as an audience,

only the flower petals floating in the wind.

I will store all of the past,

turn it into a beautiful dream.

Maybe imagining will lead to more pain in the end.

But there's no harm in faking happiness when there is no one around.

You were once my wall, fighting back all my sadness.

The west wind blows, the people of the past walk by.

Now love has exiled me, locked in my tears.

Ha ~a ~a ~~ha ~a ~a ~~~~ha ~a ~a ~

Twilight sets in as the sun sets.

The night is young, and the galaxy flows alone.

The sky is clear, a good omen.

But if you're not by my side,

even heaven would be worthless.

Sail past the empty port, capture loneliness,

frost in the wilderness droops with my tears.


Sail to distant ports, still just disappointment.

But exile is no match for desolation.


Only you are my heaven.』

(A/N: This song is not my creation it is 《Love Catastrophe》 by 云の泣. The lyrics translation is not mine it belongs to it's 'Bella Ping Music Channel' on YouTube. Song is pretty good, you should check it out~ I don't imagine the voice going high like the singer though. *cough*)

With every pluck and vibrations sent out, it radiated in the water that was on the stage. Creating a mystifying scene but that wasn't the end of it, within seconds a stream of butterflies flew in from the sky. Everyone was in awe at the wonderful sight. They converged to the stage like a mist drawn to the pale moonlight.

Just as they finally gathered, they a resonating somber sound came from the strings and scattered the butterflies. From within his pale moonlight clothes had turned a scarlet red but his position has not shifted an inch. Another pluck and another ostentatious sound came from the qin, the notes stretched into the air and shook the trees. Gasps came from all around as it rained down petals from the plum blossom trees.

At the end of the performance, not even a single sound could be heard. The flowers still danced in the lingering zephyr the encircled the area. The person stood forth and bowed before they left the stage.

Even after their figure had disappeared, the perpetual silence continued. The next person was ashamed to go onto the stage for they were overshadowed not by one but by two performances. They chewed on their bottom lip and cried silently inside at their misfortune.

Everyone but one person was content after hearing such a wistful tune, for the arm rests were covered in cracks from the brute force that had been inflicted upon it. His gaze had never left the person's silhouette. It would've been fine if he didn't know who the person was playing for, but unfortunately he did. Throughout the entire song, he had gauged his brothers reaction and a dark smile appeared on his face.

Tu Huali and Tu HeJian both stood up at the same time which astounded everyone else. Of course the recital was bound to catch one of their attentions but never had they thought that both of them were intrigued. Nevertheless although they were blameless in their innocent crime of attracting warranted attention, others could not help but cast stones upon the person in their mind. Their subpar performances only showed the differences in their capabilities. No matter how good they were, someone would always be better than them. Some even felt bad for Zuo NaLi as their performance became an ephemeral thought.

The two of them had complex looks in their eyes as they got down from their seats and went after that enigmatic red figure. Their rash actions made the entire crowd speechless and an awkward silence remained after. Many who were still to perform supposed to go and humiliate themselves with their meager act. The main figure who this banquet was held for wasn't even watching anymore as they departed after a red shadow.

As for the two brothers, upon getting to the back area... There was no one there. Tu HuaLi's knuckles cracked as his fists clenched tightly together. He turned to one of the soldier who was by the entry way, "You, We wants to know where did he go?"

The soldier immediately sank to his knees, "This lowly soldier speaking, he quickly left right after he arrived."

Tu HuaLi, "We wants to know which direction?"

The soldier pointed east, "My emperor, this servant saw them go that way."

Tu HuaLi nodded, "Award him with ten taeks of silver²."

The soldier kowtowed, "Thank you, Emperor!"

The two of them followed in the direction where the musician was last seen.


¹Willow tree branch: Because the pronunciations are similar in sound, 'willow' - liu 柳 & 'to part' li 离 their branches have been associated with parting and sorrow. As they were generally given as a gift to friends who were leaving for distant lands.

²Taels of silver: Currency used in ancient China.

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