Catastrophe (XI)

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(A/N: Hellooooo~ I've worked hard and I feel like my brain as been compacted so tight flushing out all the chapters. Orz. Thank you guys so much for your wonderful support! 。゚(゚'Д`゚)゚。

Enjoy the massive release!!!!)

It had been six days already since they've left base B and headed towards base A. Allen noticed somethings as well. Noel seems to be the exact opposite of Irvin. While Irvin is outgoing, Noel is more aloof and keeps to himself. Irvin's mouth is like a machine gun and Noel's is like a bazooka, though he rarely speaks it leaves great damages behind.

Allen had also learned that all of them were acquaintances with his elder brother. Irvin and Noel were in the same quadrant as Kyle, and they experienced many things together. The three of them could be considered to be best friends.

Because the communication devices were all destroyed during the zombie siege, they couldn't contact base A ahead of time before arrival. During the trip, Noel seemed to be paying Allen more and more attention unbeknownst to the person them self. He would make sure that whenever Allen had to use the bathroom, he would be the only person to guard and no one else was allowed there. When it was time to eat, he gave Allen the best choices. When it was time to sleep, he would be close by in case of anything.

After learning Allen's categorization of the zombies, it made things easier for the special ops to quickly take them out. Instead of having to shout 'advance zombie', they had a name for it. There was more than one type of advance zombie, you know?

Many of the scientists and doctors have 'disappeared', along with many other geniuses around the world. Where they have gone to? The army couldn't figure out. It was like they had disappeared into thin air. So the army takes a great importance for those who have a great intelligence. It was also that many of their current researchers were only a level B, and only a few of them were level A*. Allen was under that category 'A', whether he liked it or not.

(A/N: Level B and Level A refers to level of intelligence, categorized by the military.)

Just as they arrived at the gates of base A, there was an uproar. The soldiers guarding the gate had recognized Noel and Irvin. They quickly greeted the two, "Greetings to General Irvin and General Noel*!"

(A/N: I only use their first name to make it easier, otherwise it would be 'General Strioh' and 'General Strioh'. Wouldn't that just be confusing?)

Noel only nodded, while Irvin waved his hands, "Get General Reeves here."

Soldier A, "General Reeves?"

Irvin, "Yes, cadet. Now get going. Tell him that he, General Reeves has a present and that he owes me, General Irvin a favor."

Soldier A quickly saluted and ran off. Noel and the others were led to a small office like area by the wall. They still had to go through customs and go through a preliminary check up. After making sure that they were free from bites wounds and infection they were left there with some condiments to snack on.

Allen was a bit anxious, this would be the first time he will see his brother in over half a year. He fumbled around with his thumbs. What would he say? What could he say? What should he say to his brother? The more he thought about it the more his heart sped up and the more nervous he felt.

A knock came to the door and Allen jumped at the sound. A familiar voice was heard from the other side. Though it sounded more tired and weary then he remembered, Allen knew who it was. The door slowly creaked as it opened. A tall man with a haggard look and stubble beard came in. He had deep dark circles underneath those sharp dazzling eyes.

But the moment he saw Allen, those eyes came alive. They lit up with life. The two stared at each other in silence before Irvin slapped Kyle's back, "Too shocked, eh?"

Irvin winked at Kyle and whispered, "You owe me."

Kyle took a step forward and stopped. Allen's eyes watered, he dropped everything and ran into his brother's arm. Allen wrapped his arms around Kyle's waist. Kyle's shirt was soon soaked with tears. Kyle hugged Allen tightly. He was safe. He's still breathing. He's here. He's alive.

While the two were having their touchy moment, someone was full of jealousy. His eyes were filled with scorching heat, hot enough to burn a hole into Kyle's body. His hands itched to snatch back what is his. Irvin was watching his brother with great joy. Instead of being cold 24/7, he was actually hot! Hot! Pfft, can anyone believe that? Aish, he's growing up already.

It didn't bother him that his brother liked a man, he was gay. It's the apocalypse, who cares who gets with who nowadays? Though Irvin was interested in Allen, he was dead set on getting Allen. If his brother fancied him, he would walk away. The others were strangely quiet, instead of harassing Kyle. Maybe it was that one time he whoop all of their asses after playing a prank on him, that they were given a trauma.

Allen received a notification from Bao Bao and inwardly smiled, while keeping his facial expression saddened.

{Hidden Mission: Denounce Mina. - 3,000 points }

Allen pulled away, he took off his glasses that had been smashed onto his face. As he was wiping it with the the hem of his sleeve, he asked, "Did she... get here safely?"

Irvin and Noel both turned and looked at Allen. She? A girl? What kind of relationship did they have? A girlfriend?

Kyle answered in a gentle voice, "She's fine. I gave her a place to stay. Allen, tell me what happen? Why weren't you there when I came to pick you up? Why was it that she was the one who answered your phone? Why did you give it to her? Were you planning on just dying?"

Allen shook his head and looked down, "It's.... complicated."

Kyle pulled on Allen's wrist, "Tell me. I will listen to your words. You're my brother."

Allen puts back on his glasses and took a deep breath. Then he told Kyle what happened at the school without leaving anything out. He also emphasized that Mina was extra 'courteous' to him by having him be in front of her, and that she had 'asked' him to go find food. Kyle was boiling inside. He had saved the person who attempted to murder his own brother! How stupid was he?

On the other hand, Irvin and the others had all dipped to the other side of the room already. There was a volcano that was ready to burst at any moment. They was scared that they might all get caught in the blast. The other members were filled with a mix of anger and fear, one because of Mina and two because their boss was showing that scary smile, that wasn't a smile right before he killed someone. The smile didn't reach his eyes.

Irvin lit a candle for this 'Mina', she was going to need it when his brother got his hand on her. But then Irvin thought about it and blew out that candle. I'll light one for myself instead!

Kyle stroke Allen's cheek, "I'm sorry that I was late. I won't let it happen to you in the future."

Allen simply bobbed his head. He knew his brother blamed himself for not coming sooner but he knew that it was something that you couldn't control. Allen pursed his lips as he thought about something. Kyle naturally understood his brother's actions and asked, "What's wrong?"

Allen whispered, "Brother.... On the way to base B, I saw something."

Kyle raised his brow, "What did you see?"

Allen paused for a moment and took out his phone and showed Kyle a video. Everyone else in the room walked over and watched the video as well. As they all watch the video, their face's turned grave and solemn. After finishing the video, they almost erupted in anger. Kyle turned to Allen and started questioning him about the situation. Allen replied to all of the question, leaving nothing out. He included everything, even the tiniest details weren't left out.

After hearing everything, the three generals looked at each other. Irvin knew that Allen had been hiding something, but he didn't know that it was this big. He was unlucky to come across that situation, if he was found he would've been killed. They knew that he would need to have protection around him at all times. Since he was the one who happened upon that discovery. Kyle commanded, "Allen, you're coming with me."

They left the room in a hurry and headed towards the inner ring of base A. Their bodies were enveloped in a 'don't f*ck with me' attitude, straying off those who had wanted to come talk to them.

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