Knocked Up (B+A) (VII)

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(A/N: I started reading a manhua called '脆弱关系' or 'Fragile Relationship', the drawing is pretty good and the story so far is interesting.... unfortunately they only have 2 chapters translated in english.... Raws are up to c74 on, but it's not all free and up to c31 on I already got the feels that the poor MC isn't going to have such a great time with seme-chan....

*ahem* anyways! Here's the last release for the day!!! ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) )

Kuai Weimin's eyes dimmed a little, "Tang Yi?"

He looked to the man that Fu Xinyi had her arms looped with and saw a man in his early to mid thirties. His face soon turned to that of disgust. Who in the aristocracy circle hadn't heard of that infamous lascivious man?

He was a married man of twenty years, who was known to keep many mistresses on the side. He even cared more for his illegitimate children than that of his legitimate kids. Many of his mistresses are known in their circle as 'loose', sometimes overly loose.

It could be said that Fu Xinyi had bad luck to be with Tang Yi, as his legal wife was a distant cousin of Kuai Jun. The female lead had already lost a favorable first impression on Kuai Weimin.

He turned and gave a grateful smile, "Haha. Thank you for reminding me, Ying ge."

He had been blinded by her looks, so much that he couldn't see that bothersome man beside her. Thankfully, Xie Ying reminded him and brought him out of his stupor. Kuai Weimin wondered how many men had also fallen under her spell tonight.

He turned away and brought Xie Ying in a different direction, he didn't want to have to interact with Tang Yi or anyone he was affiliated with. Kuai Weimin took Xie Ying and continued to meet his friends, even some of his closer relatives. They two's relationship became more lax through the night, and they came to use more casual terms with each other.

Even though he spent time with Kuai Weimin and got to know him better, Xie Ying divulged very little personal information about himself and kept things strictly to business only.

As they were going around, he could feel Fu Xinyi's gaze towards his direction. He excused himself and head towards the restrooms. Someone also timely excused themselves and followed after him. Xie Ying could only sneer at their deplorable self.

As soon as the two got farther away from the crowd of people, the other person jumped at their chance. Her honeyed voice came from behind him, "Um... Excuse me."

Xie Ying turned around, his blue eyes were firm and icy. It made her shiver with excitement, if she can get her hands on him, she wouldn't have to worry. She timidly tilted her head down, but eyed his figure from underneath her lashes. Her cheeks were a rosy pink shade made her bashful look more captivating.

Xie Ying gaze her a questioning gaze, "Yes?"

She encouraged herself not to falter, "Um.... It's just that I'm a little lost. Could you possibly show me the way back?"

She blinked her doey eyes and bit the bottom of her lips as if she really was in distress about being 'lost'. Her hands clutched her hand purse tightly.

Bao Bao wanted to shake her shoulders and shout in her face. 'How can you be lost? It was literally three turns! Three! There was also the hotel personnel, you passed by six of them! Look there's one right behind you right now.'

Xie Ying gave a slight nod, "Of course, follow me."

He stretched out a hand to her, in which her eyes lit up with anticipation. She didn't take his hand right away, instead she made it seem as if she was hesitant at first before she took his hand. She didn't to give off that she was an easy woman.

When he neared her, Xie Ying could smell her scent. It gave off an intoxicating sweet smell, but in the wrong way. It made his stomach turn in repugnance at her sickly smell. He wanted to hold his breath and plug his nose, heck maybe even wear an oxygen tank so that he wouldn't have to contaminate his lungs but then that would be rude wouldn't it?

He also needed her to play her role in the game. Playing along with her little scheme here is nothing compared to what kind of things she'll be experiencing later.

Fu Xinyi made some small talk as they walked back. The more she learned about Xie Ying, the more tenacious she was. Xie Ying only fed her bits and pieces of information that he knew would make her interested in him, she had been too willing and narrow minded and took the bait.

As they reached the back to where the other guests were, Xie Ying released her hand, "We've arrived back. I'll excuse myself now."

But Fu Xinyi couldn't let this big fish go. As he was turning to leave, she pulled on his sleeve, "Ah, please wait a minute. I... I don't even know your name."

Xie Ying looked back at her, "Xie Ying, and you are?"

Fu Xinyi gave her most brilliant smile, "My name is Fu Xinyi, Xinyi as in good faith and honor. I want to thank you Mr. Xie for helping me back there."

Xie Ying shook his head, "It was no problem at all Ms. Fu."

Fu Xinyi blushed, "O-oh, then I'll see you around some time then."

Xie Ying gave a slight smile but behind it held ridicule for her, "En."

As he left, Fu Xinyi's heart was still racing from seeing his smile. She really caught a good one this time. Single, handsome, and rich, she would properly be cared for this time around. She sashay her way to Tang Yi's side, "Sorry I'm a little late Yi'er, the bathroom was a little busy."

Tang Yi lazily glanced at her and wrapped his arm around her waist. Giving her a peck on the cheek he whispered, "It's alright, Yiyi. You can compensate me in bed tonight."

Fu Xinyi gave a cheerful laugh and tapped his chest, "Ahaha, you're too funny Yi'er."

As soon as she turned away, her eyes held mockery. In your dreams Tang Yi. I already have one that's better than you hooked onto my finger. As soon as I have him, there's no need for you. Hmph.

After spending almost two hours at the banquet, Xie Ying decided to leave and return back home. He bid Kuai Weimin and some of the other guests goodbye and walked towards the entrance of the hotel.

As he took a step out the door, his instincts tingled. He felt a pair of predatory eyes on him and turned around. His two cerulean blue eyes met with two cold silver eyes. A tall man, about 189 cm with jet black hair in a black suit with a dark grey vest was standing at the top of the stairs. He had one hand in his pocket, while his other hand held a cigar between two fingers.

The corner of Xie Ying's mouth curved upwards. I found you. They only made eye contact with each other briefly for a split second. A mirthful light sparked in Xie Ying's eyes before it disappeared. He turned around and walked away. Just wait for me.

As soon as he turned around, Xie Ying contacted Bao Bao.

<Follow that man and find everything you can on that him for me, system.>

As for the man on top of the staircase, he watched Xie Ying depart from the banquet. His silver eyes narrowed down and he took a puff from his cigar, "Boqin, find out all the information on that young man that just walked out. I want it by tomorrow morning on my desk."

A man not much older than him called, Dong Boqin bowed, "As you wish zhuxi*."

(A/N: I won't say what this word means as it's a hint to his identity. I'll leave the chinese characters and the pinyin here though. 主席 - Zhǔxí)

Xie Ying got into his vehicle and drove off. As he was leaving, he wanted to move his schedule up so that he could spend time with his lover.

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