Knocked Up (B+A) (XI)

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(A/N: Hai.... I feel so damn sleepy and idk why. Well, I do know actually. Reading yaoi and bl novels until four in the morning is extremely tiring but I couldn't stop myself, it was all too intriguing. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Here goes another two chapter! Enjoy, also sorry I wrote this while yawning constantly. I'll see you guys tomorrow.... on a monday.)

After he getting Xie Ying's number, he kicked Kuai Weimin out, "Leave."

Kuai Weimin was speechless at his uncle, "..." Was that all you wanted from me?

Dong Boqin showed him out of the room. Uncle Xiu immediately called up his hackers, "Track this number's location and put a tracer on it. I want to know it's every movement."

Something seemed to have caught his eyes as he ended the call. A smirk emerged on his lips.


The sun was just peeking up from the edges of the horizon. Xie Ying hadn't slept a wink yesterday night. He got up and got ready for work today, thankfully the peerless mask was doing it's job. His expression stayed flawless, not even a crack of his inner turmoil showed. He looked at his phone, he had received a notification.

Once he opened it he rubbed his brow. Was there no stopping that man? He had set parameters to try and stall him, but it seems like he'll stop at nothing to get to him. Xie Ying flipped his laptop and and started typing. After finishing, he sighed and got up. He still had to go to work.

He put on his blue plaid dress shirt, champagne colored suit, indigo necktie, and avio antique shoes. His hair was parted to the side and he had contacts on today. He checked his silver and black rolex for the time, 7:12 AM. Xie Ying decided to skip breakfast and go out for lunch later, he didn't have the appetite to eat.

Now that he was the office manager, he always arrived earlier than any of the other staff under him.

Xie Ying hadn't heard from Bao Bao since yesterday evening after giving his report, but he only thought that there was nothing important going on. He would soon regret thinking that as a big storm was heading his way.

When Fu Xinyi arrived she was running late by fifteen minutes, it already left her future coworkers to think badly of her without meeting her yet. She had on a black dress that outlined her curves, a grey suit jacket, and her hair was curled so that it framed her face. Although she had on a natural refreshing makeup look, Xie Ying felt that if he touched her face, his finger would have an inch of makeup on it. He would also have to sanitize his hands, maybe even get it baptized by a priest.

When she spotted Xie Ying, her eyes glimmered with surprise before it held a playful light. What good luck she had, the man she was chasing turned out to be her boss.

Xie Ying introduced her, "This is Fu Xinyi, she is new here and will be working in this department from now on. Take care of her."

In everybody's ears besides Fu Xinyi, Xie Ying sounded as he always had. But for some reason when she heard it, she somehow interpret it as 'she's special, treat her with care'. She held a smugly look on her face. No one can resist my charms. After the introduction, Xie Ying turned to leave.

Fu Xinyi wanted to show off her relationship with Xie Yin and pulled on his sleeve, "Ah, wait. Ying! Where do I go?"

Xie Ying could only smirk at her boldness, she was simply digging a grave for herself. He pulled his hand away, "It's jingli* to you, Ms. Fu."

(A/N: Jingli - manager. Character & Pinyin: 经理 -Jīnglǐ. )

Xie Ying, "You're under Ya Xiao."

With that he left to his office. Some of the female staffs snickered at their jingli's direct rejection at Fu Xinyi. They had been eyeing him, who was she to try and win his favor? They all unanimously agreed that she needs to be taught a lesson, so that she'll know her place. Even though they can't do it now, it didn't mean that they couldn't do it later.

Fu Xinyi pouted. Ah, what kind of game is this man playing at? He was being all lovely and dovey with her the other day.... Maybe Ying, doesn't want our relationship to known to others? Hmph. That's too bad, I have to let them all know that he's already taken already.

Since he brushed her off, she could only play nice with these wandering bees and butterflies. She hid her distaste as she greeted Ya Xiao, "Greetings to Xiao jie. Please excuse this meimei* if meimei doesn't understand something. Meimei will be under your care."

(A/N: Meimei- younger sister. FL is trying to close the distance and become more familiar. She's referring to Ya Xiao as her older sister, showing seniority but not formal enough.)

Ya Xiao scoffed, "It's zuzhang* to you, Ms. Fu. Come with me."

(A/N: Zuzhang - team lead. Chinese character and pinyin: 组长 - Zǔ zhǎng. I'm only writing the titles here as to show dominance in their position, basically putting the FL in her place.)

Fu Xinyi clutched her handbag and gave a stiff smile, "Okay, zuzhang."

Although Ya Xiao despised Fu Xinyi, she still did her job properly and trained Fu Xinyi without neglecting anything. Even Fu Xinyi was surprised that Ya Xiao was so committed to her job. As soon as Ya Xiao came into contact with her, she could smell the scent pervading from her body.

Ya Xiao only disdained her even more. Pei! Just a mere omega and you dare to flaunt yourself here? Jingli isn't someone that you can touch. Ya Xiao had been one of the only female staffs that didn't have anything against Xie Ying before. She had been the quiet type, but after seeing Xie Ying break out of his shell and stand on top. She also did the same thing.

In society, only alphas and omegas were important, those that lead and those that can breed. The betas were always forgotten about, that's why many betas either strive to become alphas or curry favor with them. What they had forgotten is that they're betas, what their limits and capability were only they would know.

So instead of stressing over and wanting to become something that can never be achieved, one should focus on their own strong points. To talk much and arrive nowhere is the same as climbing a tree to catch a fish.

(A/N: But hey, at least you got food right? I mean, you won't starve to death at best.)

Xie Ying was one of the only betas that broke the stereotypical standards for the betas. He didn't curry favor or try to become an alpha, he was.... himself. He shined brilliantly and stood amongst the betas.

When lunch time came, Fu Xinyi excused herself and almost skipped her way to Xie Ying's office. Many of the female staffs began to scorn her even more at her insolent action. Just how thick was her face? Their jingli already made it clear and drew a line so that she doesn't overstep her bounds, but she just can't get it through her thick skull.

Fu Xinyi knocked on the door, "Yi- Jingli? Are you busy?"

Inside, Xie Ying smirked at her presumptuousness.

Xie Ying, "Come in."

Thinking that Xie Ying was only putting on a farce for the office, Fu Xinyi reverted to her old attitude once she was inside. When she saw Xie Ying sitting behind his desk, she swallowed the lump in her throat. He really was a treat to the eyes. Her eyes stared hungrily at him. Aish, maybe she should go order that 'item', she needed to catch this man.

She puckered her lips and acted cute, "Ying~ Let's go out to eat. I'm hungry."

Xie Ying faintly smiled, "En."

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