My Dear Empeor (XXV)

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A/N: Don't mind me... I'm just updating what I owe you guys ヽ(;▽;)


After Tu HeJian left the room, the air quieted. Xu XiuLan put Lin Jun Kai to sleep and placed him on the bed. He straightened his back, "Will you tell me everything now?"

Tu HuaLi sighed and waved his hand, erecting a barrier. He pulled the other into his arms and took a deep breath, "I can only tell you so much, Lan'er. There are still many things that I have to figure out first before I tell you."

Xu XiuLan didn't mind and bobbed his head, "En."

Tu HuaLi, "Your system has informed you before about their superiors?"

Xu XiuLan, "Mmn. He said that they're called 'administrators', they're who he reports to."

Tu HuaLi smiled, "Correct, but even they have someone higher that they all respond to."

Xu XiuLan titled his head to the side, "You?"

Tu HuaLi, "En. But there is someone besides me that helps governs the systems, Si Wang. My brother."

His eyes turned chilling as he talked about Si Wang, "In the beginning there was only one of us, who held both the powers of life and death. But out of loneliness, he split his powers and created two gods from them. The birth of Sheng Huo, who was the god of life and creation and Si Wang, the god of death and destruction. He entrusted us to carry on his task of managing the worlds alongside each other."

"For many long years things were going well and we got along with each other. But as time went on, Si Wang grew tired of the tedious job. His view on the world was very different from mine. He proposed to kill off all the weak and impotent and useless worlds. He believed that only the strong should survive as I believed that they all deserved to live. We debated over the subject and soon.... Our relationship drifted apart."

"Si Wang objected and defied all that we had learned in retaliation against my sternness in not letting things go his way. He turned over many worlds, to stop him... I had sealed Si Wang away. What I didn't count on was that he already converted many administrators and systems onto his side, a war broke out and caused many casualties affecting the worlds. That is why there are so many twisted worlds that required many more systems to seek out hosts to correct the mistake. I had to purge the administrators and systems that had turned, and in doing so I left my back open. Someone had unsealed Si Wang and released him back into the world. If not for Yan Yu that day, I would've perhaps perished and had been absorbed by Si Wang."

Tu HuaLi kissed his forehead, "It was my mistake and now you're suffering because of my incompetence in setting things straight. He was my brother and I was reluctant to kill him, so he was sealed away. If I had the courage to do it then, you would not be suffering, my love."

A dark shadow was casted on his face as Tu HuaLi informed Xu XiuLan that he was the object in which Si Wang had attached himself to. The reason why he suffered unexplainable or had suffered a tragic death in the worlds. Xu XiuLan remained impassive through the entire explanation, not a single thread of hatred could be seen on his expression.

Xu XiuLan, "So I can assume... There's no way of tracking him?"

Tu HuaLi shook his head, "No. Si Wang wouldn't leave a trail now that he knows that I am awake... The only thing to do is wait for him to show up."

Xu XiuLan nodded, "And I am the bait."

It wasn't a question or an inference, it was a statement. Xu XiuLan understood enough to know that two systems and host meeting in a world is almost close to impossible, so there was no one else to latch onto. Not counting that Si Wang cannot go to the world of the systems, he was ultimately left with one decision; sticking to Xu XiuLan until he found someone else.

Tu HuaLi pushed back a stray hair strand back, "En... But I will not let anything happen to you, my love."

Xu XiuLan, "En."

Tu HuaLi brought Xu XiuLan to sit down and placed him on his lap. Xu XiuLan leaned on their chest. Thinking about his system that was taken away, Xu XiuLan pressed his lips into a thin line, "When will you return my system to me?"

Tu HuaLi cupped Xu XiuLan's face, "He will return with Yan Yu. Do not worry, they have a history with each other."

Xu XiuLan pursed his lips, "He broke my system's heart..."

Tu HuaLi raised a brow, "You know of their past?"

Xu XiuLan closed his eyes, "Only that Bao Bao had waited for him for a very long time... Almost to the point where he was going to reach the point of not existing anymore."

Tu HuaLi smoothed his hair back. Just as he was about to speak, he received a notification and smiled, "They're back."

The door to their room reopened and in came a young man dressed in dark blue robes and teal embroidery, his hair was put up into a long ponytail, a sword by his waist, and dangling from his belt was glass baozi accessory. In his arms was the young elf with blonde hair, they were dressed in a light blue robe and in his hands was the exact same accessory. He let down the elf and saluted to Tu HuaLi, "Sorry for my lateness."

Xu XiuLan couldn't see anything but he knew who the person was, "Yan Yu... or would you rather be called 'Wu QingJue'."

Wu QingJue bowed his head, "Just Ah Jue would be alright, your grace."

Bao Bao's eyes widened. [Host... You knew?]

Xu XiuLan, "Its not hard to guess who it is, Bao Bao. Li'er had informed me that you were meeting an old acquaintance... Did you settle everything?"

Bao Bao's face exploded with a deep red hue. He almost choked and looked away in embarrassment. He cleared his throat, "Ahem. Yes, host... Everything has been cleared up."

Xu XiuLan couldn't see, but he could hear something in Bao Bao's voice. Xu Xiulan bluntly asked, "Did you and him copulate?"

His face reddened to the point where blood would drip from it if they squeezed his cheeks. Bao Bao was lost for words.


This time he did choke, but he was not the only one. Wu QingJue also choked and was flabbergasted at the other's straightforwardness. Bao Bao wanted to die at that moment. Just thinking about yesterday night... He wanted the earth to split open and swallow him whole, and not even leaving his bones behind. They both looked at the beautiful man in Tu HuaLi's lap and couldn't believe the words that was uttered from those lips. Tu HuaLi only raised his brows as a reaction.

Wu QingJue cleared his throat and answered, "Yes."

Xu XiuLan replied with a single 'en' and proceeded to not ask any further. Bao Bao let out a breath of relief. He would really die if it went on. The rest of the time they discussed on how to get rid of the impending trouble so that they could all enjoy this world in peace.


A/N: I won't include what happened between Bao Bao and Yan Yu... Maybe do a special... kek.

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