Bearer of Thy Oath (XVIII)

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Hearing his name being called so affectionately and soothingly, Cain shuddered. He took unstable steps towards Abel, his eyes held a hint of disbelief in his eyes. Did he finally go crazy, where he would delude himself that Abel would do this? Or was it that he finally died and he's now living within a sweet dream?

His heart was trembling as his hand touched the soft skin. He looked deep into those eyes to see if there was any hint of aversion that he was so used to seeing. His eyes teared up, his fingers trembled and he pulled the other man into his arms. How he had longed to hear this person call his name and hold be within his arms. The warmth in his embraced finally broke the dam.

Cain tighten his grip as Abel patted his back. He called out, "Abel..."

Abel replied gently, "Mnm."

Cain, "Abel."

Abel chuckled warmly, "Mnm. I'm here, Cain."

He continued to call out to Abel, and the lad answered him patiently. Abel's shoulder became soaked in Cain's tears. The hundreds of thousands of years of frustration all bubbled out. His grievances and loneliness screamed out of his soul. Uriel watched the touching moment with a complicated gaze, being indifferent while seeing this was impossible. It invoked the desire that he had hidden inside to be with his family.

Cain furrowed his brow and backed up, "Abel, why.... Why were you avoiding me then? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to upset you?"

Abel shook his head, "I... Cain that day back then, you talked to me. You said that it was a mistake. You... you said that you regretted consummating with me. It hurt to hear you say that, but the words afterwards tore a hole in my heart... You told me that we shouldn't see each other ever again."

"I took your words to heart and did what you wanted... When you came to look for me afterwards all I felt was disappointment and sadness. It would remind me of what you told me every time I saw you, and so I avoided you."

"Then.... Then you changed Cain. You became violent one day and smashed a vase at me. It wasn't only that you threw the vase at me but you also wrapped your hands around my neck and started choking me. You kept on repeating how I ruined your life, how I seduced you, how where you were was all because of me. For me, I couldn't remember the physical pain, but I would always remember the psychological pain that I went through that day. The look in your eyes then were like that of a stranger, someone who was riddled with madness... It really scared me."

Sadness flowed in Abel's eyes, "The day after we gave our offering, you came to my door. You had asked to see me... To congratulate me. I was so happy then, I thought that maybe, just maybe you were like how you used to be.... I was stupid enough to let you in."

"When I awoke the next time, I had become a seal. Given another chance to live, I took it to live for myself and hopefully to forget about you. When you came after me... All I could remember was the terror from when you killed me. And so I ran from you."

"For a long time, I've always wondered about one thing. Can you answer one question for me, Cain... Why... Why did you kill me?"

Cain choked on the air hearing his lover's explanation and his question. His brows slanted, "Kill you? Abel, I didn't say any of those words... This.. Abel, you have to believe me when I say that I would have never done those things to you..."

Abel's eyebrows furrowed, "But... how could it not be you? The same voice, face, and even remembered things only we would've known."

Cain wished that Abel could see his memories, "No... Abel, listen to me baby. No matter how difficult it is to accept, please believe me. It wasn't me, it was..."

Uriel stopped him, "I think that you've explained yourself enough, Son of Adam.

Looking at the two of them, he commanded, "Close your eyes, I will reveal to you the truth."

Uriel couldn't let Cain finish his sentence and say that name. It would be an invocation itself, calling to the one who was named. Though it had little affect for someone of their stature, he knew that that person wouldn't let something so small pass. That person was searching for his 'nurtured child'.

Abel hesitated and looked at Cain, who gave him a reassuring smile and nodded his head. He then closed his eyes. Abel took one last look at Cain and closed his eyes too. Uriel pressed the middle of their foreheads, he inserted a speck of his powers inside of them to show them visions of each other's memories.

As the two were re-experiencing their past memories. Uriel started chanting a spell, he completed his end of the bargain. Now it was Cain's turn to complete his end of the bargain. Their faces were contorted at times during their re-experience, some times there were even tears coming down their faces.

After half an hour, the two finally opened their eyes. Cain's were filled with indignation and Abel's was filled with incredulity.... After all who would believe it too? Cain looked over to Uriel, "What did you do to Abel.... Earlier?"

Uriel, "I temporarily released his feelings that were sealed."

Cain stopped and gazed downwards, "So... Will he return to what he was like once before?"

Uriel, "See for yourself, Son of Adam."

Cain observed Abel, whose eyes was darting around. He gently called out, "Abel?"

Tears flowed freely from his eyes, "Cain..."


"After all of this time... I had misunderstood you for so long.... Why would they do that? Why would he do this to us? We... They... Oh, Cain."

He slipped down to the floor and covered his face. Knowing that you and your life were just a chess piece in the games of the Heavenly realm, it can cause a toll after being lied to and played around with.

Cain comforted Abel and smoothed his hair, "It's okay, I won't let them hurt you after this..."

Abel weeped into his chest. Cain met with Uriel's gaze and nodded. After whispering some comforting words, he stiffly stood up from Abel's grasp and walked towards Uriel, "Do what you must... Uriel."

Abel gave a confused look on his face, but then that turned into shock. Uriel suddenly pierced his hand into Cain's chest.

Chasing You (Arcs 1-7)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora