Young Master (XXIII)

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(A/N: !Warning! There is going to be man on man kissing in this chapter! If it makes you feel uncomfortable, you should skip it!

For all my fujoshis, here 's one for you!! Kiss. Kiss. All the kisses in the world!! Hehe~ it's my first time writing a kissing scene so please be lenient on me... I tried to do my homework and study some writing, okay? Ah~ I wanted to add a gif, but I don't know how to... If anyone knows how to that would be awesome!

Thank you for taking your time to read my novel and for your votes! ( ˘ ³˘)♥) 

Wei Xiao looked away guiltily and didn't respond. Long Zixi grew more irritated at Wei Xiao's silence and pinched Wei Xiao's chin and made him (WX) face up at him (LZ), "Xiao Xiao, were you never going to say anything?"

Wei Xiao stammered, "I-I... She's my si-sister."

Long Zixi pinched a little harder and Wei Xiao grimaced in pain, "She doesn't see you that way."

Wei Xiao defended Wei Yue, "But she... she said she wanted to make it up to me..."

Long Zixi, "She took you for a fool... and she was correct."

"You trust other's to easily. You're too defenseless. You care too much for their feelings."

Wei Xiao had nothing to say, Long Zixi was correct to say that he was too trusting in others that he was basically wide open for others to take a stab at him.

Long Zixi called his name, "Wei Xiao."

Wei Xiao made eye contact with Long Zixi. "You know... that I'm quiet angry, right?"

Long Zixi's face drew in closer until they were just inches apart from each other. "You know you're the only one that can make me feel like this, right?"

Wei Xiao's cheeks flushed with an alluring pink color. Long Zixi gazed at the too adorable young man that was staring stupidly at him. He leaned closer and their lips pressed against each other. Wei Xiao's lips tasted sweet like honey and Long Zixi got addicted and pressed harder.

Long Zixi bit and suck the bottom of Wei Xiao's lip. He delved his tongue inside and pried open the other's teeth. Their tongues danced with each other. Long Zixi licked, sucked, and explored Wei Xiao's mouth.

Wei Xiao would let out little moans here and there.







Long Zixi's hand that held onto Wei Xiao's chin trailed down to his neck, then to his chest. He found that the the little pink peaks were stiff and smirked and he continued to ravage the other's mouth.

He brushed against the peak and the other man trembled at his touch. He caressed Wei Xiao's chest ever so slightly. He wanted to erase the bad memory of what had happened to Wei Xiao earlier.

Wei Xiao let out a sweet erotic moan, "Mmphf!"

On the other hand, Wei Xiao's mind had short circuited when their lips touched. With such a passionate kiss, his mind went blank and he felt his strength sapping away. His body felt so weak from the heated kiss.

Bao Bao's mind exploded! What the-! Hey you, get off of my host! You.. Ah, what are you doing to him! Wah, stop it. No tongue. Ah, no sucking.

As if Long Zixi knew that someone else was inside of the room, he shot a glare straight at Bao Bao. Bao Bao was drenched in cold sweat. How could that be possible? No one was supposed to be able to see him.

Bao Bao vision went black and he went offline.

(A/N: (˶‾᷄.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨ ‾᷅˵) On the other hand... RIP Bao Bao.)

Long Zixi took back his gaze and pulled back from Wei Xiao. They were both panting heavily, and there was a thin sliver of saliva that connected from each other's mouth. Their foreheads touched as they stared at each other.

Long Zixi's voice was deep and hoarse from their kissing, "Xiao Xiao. I love you."

Wei Xiao's eyes were misty and his lips were red and swollen from the intense kiss. He looked like a tempting treat waiting to be eaten. Long Zixi continued, "It's okay if you're unsure now. I can wait for you."

Wei Xiao closed his eyes for a second and opened them again, "I..."

Long Zixi had already prepared his heart for those hurtful words of 'I don't know', 'I don't see you that way', or 'this must be a mistake' and closed his eyes and waited. Though it would break his heart, he wouldn't let go. How could he? He was a devoted man, if he loved someone he will continue to only love that person.

If Wei Xiao rejected him, he would still pursue Wei Xiao. Maybe in the future, he (WX) will see that he (LZ) wasn't kidding and perhaps, he (WX) will too return his (LZ's) love to him. But to a great surprise, the other man didn't say those words.

"I... I love you too, Xi ge."

Although Wei Xiao's voice was just above a whisper, Long Zixi had heard every single word. It ranged inside of his head like a lullaby. As if spring had come upon the world, Long Zixi's face brightened up and he had on the happiest smile he's ever had. He kissed Wei Xiao once more, "En."

He dove into another deep kiss, with one hand behind Wei Xiao's head he kept him in place as their tongues intertwine with each other. His tongue brushed against the other's teeth, the roof of his mouth, and those succulent lips.

Their kissing session lasted for what seemed like an eternity. Long Zixi knew that he couldn't take thing too far, because Wei Xiao had a weak heart and pulled away. He breathed in Wei Xiao's sweet intoxicating scent.

He looked back up to see Wei Xiao staring at him as if wanting more. He chuckled, "We can't my dear love. I will wait until you're eighteen first."

Even though there was a fire raging within him and he badly wanted to ease it but he had to restrain himself. His little brother had woken up and made a tent in his pants, but he took deep breaths to try and quell it down. 

Long Zixi laid down on the bed and pulled Wei Xiao into his embrace. He kissed the top of Wei Xiao's head, his eyes sparkled like the midnight sky as he looked at the young man in his arms. Just a few more years... Then I can make you completely mine.

Long Zixi, "Xiao Xiao?"

Wei Xiao, "Mnn?"

Long Zixi, "I love you."

Wei Xiao heart raced, "En. I-I love you too."

Long Zixi, "I'm extremely happy right now."

Wei Xiao glanced up and caught the two black orbs staring at him. Just like before in their reflection, it was only him that was there. He smiled, "Mmn. Me too."

The two of them curled up next to each other like that for the rest of the night.

Wei Xiao faintly smirked. He had known what was going to happen and he planned everything accordingly. Like puppets to his play, everyone went into their position. He had left his phone with Long Zixi on purpose.

He even timed their 'disappearance' perfectly to when Long Zixi would be making a call to him. He wasn't worried that he would would be taken ravished by those lascivious men. After all down to the littlest detail, Wei Xiao's plan was perfect.

(A/N: Hehe~ Don't kill me okay! I don't mean to tease you guys! I promise, there will be a sex scene. I love you guys too. Hehe~ *runs away* ♪ε=ε=ε=ヘ(*≧∇)ノ~)

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