Side Story: Arc 5: Hot Spring

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A/N: Been busy all day... turned out to be helping my sisters for six hours... (ノ;;)ノ~┻━┻ lol Sorry for the delay... Because I am silently killing myself by writing this dog shit of an arc.... I really need some fluff to help nourished my damaged soul (caused by myself....orz) I know that you guys need it too~ Author has been on a 's' streak and needs to be slapped...

Josh-angel AirisZeonsilt _idlebonestodust my_nogoodlife GodYato ameenaygul Black-Jini MYNBNS Satoshi__Haruno lucy880

I write this in hopes that your kokoro heals a little bit from my 's' self... There will be some PA PA PA in this side chapter.... You have been warned my dear comrades~

~ Love Yui


It has been three years since Xiao Jun Kai had entered the world. He was a silent observer most of the time because he didn't find many things to more interesting than his mother, Xie Ying. He was the radiant sun in his life. Xiao Jun Kai often found himself staring at his mommy because he was too captivating. He loved his mommy very much and couldn't bear to be more than ten seconds away from him, otherwise a flood of tears would come out. Even though he loved his daddy, Lin Xiu his mommy occupied most of his tiny heart.

As he became more aware of his surroundings, Xiao Jun Kai learned to become a devious little child. He would watch and learn from his daddy on what would work and what wouldn't work on his mommy, and over time his little brain compiled a list of things he could do to steal his mommy's time.He learned from his daddy that acting 'meng' could sway his mommy. It was the perfect weapon against his daddy.

It wasn't that Xiao Jun Kai hated Lin Xiu, but it was just that he felt the urge to piss him off at times. Their personalities were also too similar that it clashed sometimes. They would stare each other down until one of them gave in, it was usually Xiao Jun Kai as he would end up falling asleep.

Currently, the weather had gotten cold and it started to snow. Lin Xiu had been dragged away by his parents and was away from home. This left Xiao Jun Kai with his mommy. He was wearing a light blue dragon kigurumi with two tiny wings and a small tail behind him. Xie Ying had ordered the dragon kigurumi personally made for Xiao Jun Kai's size and for winter. It would keep him warm and cozy during the cold months.




The padding underneath his feet made sounds as he waddled to the kitchen. Xie Ying was preparing lunch for the two of them.

Hearing the adorable squeaks, Xie Ying smiled. He stopped whatever he was doing and looked down to see two large round eyes staring up at him. A flush of sweetness flourished in his heart every time he saw his son. Unable to control himself, he bent down and picked up Xiao Jun Kai. Xie Ying gave him a peck on his cheek, "Xiao Jun, are you hungry?"

The small blue dragon tilted his head and looked at his mother, "Hungwri?"

Xie Ying chucked and gave another kiss, "Just hold on a little, mommy will be done soon."

Xie Ying set down Xiao Jun Kai back onto the floor and rubbed the top of his head. He turned back to the stove and counter and continued to cook. Seeing that his mommy was going to finish soon, he made his way back to his little play area. He looked menacing down at the blocks of toys, they were too boring. He had played with the at least over a thousand times since he was given them, but they were a gift from his mommy and he couldn't bear to lose anything he received from his parents. They were too special.

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