Young Master (XVI)

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(A/N: Thank you for reading my novel and for those who voted! o(≧∇≦o) hehe~ Enjoy the chapter! My mind was shuffling out stuff today. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧)

Bao Bao had been watching from the sidelines in shock. At first he felt that Long Zixi was a good friend to his host, but he saw Long Zixi stroking his host's face and a little brother awakening and his brain died. Bao Bao tried to wake up his host, but received no reply.

He was swearing up all the way to the gates of heaven if his host's tofu had gotten eaten. He was bouncing on top of Long Zixi's head, trying to damage him if possible. He put in the most effort to land, hopefully it would knock the other person out.

Just as he thought things were going to go downhill, the supposed perpetrator left the room. Bao Bao sighed in relief and rolled next to his host. He had imaginary tears streaming down his nonexistent eyes. Wuuu~ Host... stop doing drugs. Your tofu almost got eaten! Bao Bao can't help you right now!

Wei Xiao's eyebrow twitched as if hearing the outrageous thoughts of his system. If Wei Xiao had a choice, he wouldn't want to be so drugged up.

Bao Bao's moment of relief was short lived as his natural enemy came back. Bao Bao was defensively in front of Wei Xiao. You- what do you want with my host? He's sleeping! Go away you... you ninny!

But to his protest, Bao Bao was proven that he was as useless as a piece of leaf trying to fly against a strong wind. Long Zixi walked back over and stared at his host as if looking at his most prized treasure. Bao Bao was confused, earlier he had just seen a beast like gaze from that man, but... it seemed as if he was... mistaken?

(A/N: No, Bao Bao. What you saw was correct. Don't be so stupid to push that thought aside or your host's *cough* purity will be gone.)

While Bao Bao thought maybe was overthinking things, Long Zixi had gotten into the bed. Bao Bao hadn't even noticed until both of them were comfortably underneath the blankets. Bao Bao was frozen in place, when he saw Long Zixi lean and kiss his host's forehead.

It wasn't until the next morning that Bao Bao snapped out of his stupor.

... Did you just eat my host's tofu?! Wahhh~ I'm... I'm going to tell on you to my host! Ho- How can you do this? I believed in you for ten seconds! Waahhh~

Bao Bao was being a drama queen and crying his little round self off as Wei Xiao began to stir. Wei Xiao felt a strong solid wall in front of him. Eh? But it was warm... He slowly opened his eyes to see a face that seemed to have been carved by the Gods.

Wei Xiao blinked. And blinked again, thinking that he might've just been dreaming, but the scene before his eyes remained the same. Wei Xiao furrowed his brows, how did things end up like this? When had he come here? Why are they in the same bed? Why is he in another man's arms?

As Wei Xiao's mind was firing questions like a machine gun, a magnetic deep voice sounded in his ears, "Awake?"

Wei Xiao looked up in surprise, his large doey eyes were watery and with the morning light shining through he looked like a little lost lamb. Seeing the other's reaction, Long Zixi chuckled, "How are you feeling?"

His voice was like an alluring charm. Like under a spell, Wei Xiao found himself unable to reply and just continued to stare at the other person stupidly. Though Wei Xiao had seen how handsome and blinding Long Zixi was, this was the first time he's been able to actually look at the other person in 1080p.

His long lashes framed his sharp black phoenix eyes. His eyes were like a deep well, drawing in his soul. His eyebrows were straight and full, his thin lips were curved into an enticing devilish smile. His profound jawline, his silky smooth black hair were all insight.

Wei Xiao felt his heart begin to race and for the first time without acting, his face reddens.

Long Zixi wanted to kiss the other man right now. The urge was so strong, but he suppressed it. He needed to find something out first, once he's confirmed it, then... well, then the chase begins.

Long Zixi called out his name softly with tenderness, "Xiao Xiao?"

His free hand gently strokes Wei Xiao's cheeks. Long Zixi could feel the other person's temperature and he frowned, was he still sick? Is he feeling uncomfortable right now? Long Zixi shifted his body a little, "Xiao Xiao, do you feel any pain anywhere?"

Instead of replying, Wei Xiao remained to look at him with a dazed look. Long Zixi leaned and their foreheads touched each other. They were so close that Wei Xiao could count how many eye lashes the other person had. In Long Zixi's eyes, it only reflected him.

Bao Bao had been shouting at it's host. He had trying to get his attention and when he saw Long Zixi lean in, he leaped without another thought and landed right in between the two. Long Zixi's lips 'touched' Bao Bao's round body.

Bao Bao was crying inwardly. Host~ You owe Bao Bao one! I protected you. You can't forget Bao Bao's sacrifice~ Ah, my poor body has been tainted. 'It' touched me~

(A/N: ...Bao Bao, you forgot that nothing can physically touch you... (ノ◇≦。). If the ML learns about this, you can prepare your grave. You took his first kiss...)

With Bao Bao flying in, it snapped Wei Xiao out of the spell. His face redden even more, "Xi-Xi ge?"

His coquettish voice was like a song to Long Zixi's ears. It was different from the vulgar sound that came out of Wei Yue's mouth.

Wei Xiao was flustered, "Um... Ah, I-I'm sorry. Uh... I didn't mean to... This... Uh we-"

Seeing this, Long Zixi knew that the other person was alright. He had just been in shock. Long Zixi quickly pecked Wei Xiao's cheek as it had been too irresistible. How can someone be so cute? It was a crime. Wei Xiao's eyes widen and his mouth gaped open.

Long Zixi's mouth curved into a beautiful bow shape, captivating like a star. "Awake yet?"

Wei Xiao lowered his gaze and lightly nodded his head, "Mhm."

Long Zixi could see Wei Xiao's cute ears that were bright red like a tomato. He couldn't help but laugh, he found the other person's reactions all to amusing. His genuine and hearty laugh could be heard from outside of the room. If anyone who knew Long Zixi saw this scene or heard it, they would've thought that maybe they had been slipped some LSD or something.

Most of the time, this man was like an ice cube. There was no other emotion besides 'you're all going to die', his 'mhm' state, and his 'okay, you're dead'.

Long Zixi hadn't laughed in what seemed like a life time. He doesn't even remember the feeling of laughing but he was glad. This person in front of him brought out many things from inside of him, that he never knew he had.

Wei Xiao peeked back up, he pouted, "Xi ge!"

After calming down his laughter, Long Zixi's lips lightly grazed Wei Xiao's. They were so close to each other that they were less than an inch away from each other's face. His voice was magnetic and deep as he breathed out, "Xiao Xiao, you're too cute."

(A/N: Hehe, you're both so cute~ (≖ ‿ ≖) )

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