Knocked Up (B+A) (XVII)

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(A/N: I decided to upload as I finish typing. There's probably going to be more typos lol.... please excuse it. I'll gonna back when I finish the arc. ❤️❤️❤️
You guys will get sporadic uploads.

!Warning!: Mature content continuing~ not the full chapter though....)

Xie Ying arched his back and kissed his lips. Lin Xiu pulled back and slammed into Xie Ying once again, his length hadn't gotten soft yet rather it was still quite robust. Xie Ying let out a sweet provocative moan, "Unn~ ...Deeper~"

This caused whatever little speck of restraint left in Lin Xiu to dissolve. He flipped Xie Ying around and lifted him up once more before entering him again. Xie Ying could only grip onto Lin Xiu's shoulder so that he won't fall. As he requested, Lin Xiu did go deeper. Some of his milky fluid were seeping out as he rigorously thrust inwards.

Xie Ying's body mewled in gratification. His legs were wrapped around Lin Xiu's waist securely, as if not wanting to let him go. Lin Xiu kissed Xie Ying's chin and traveled downwards, from his neck to his clavicle. He caught sight of the two perky peaks that he hadn't had the chance to taste yet and captured one side of it.

Moving in rhythm with each other, they were like the bow of the violin strumming across the strings. They created a beautiful crescendo.

Like rabbits, their mating didn't show signs of stopping and continued to roll around in the sheets until it was very late at night. Lin Xiu helped clean the limp and exhausted Xie Ying. His fingers were scraping the insides as he gently held the other person in his arm.

Xie Ying let out a soft whimper, "Mmn...~"

His insides were really sore and swollen from the immense pounding he received earlier. Lin Xiu cooed, "It's alright, you'll get used to it in the future."

His mind had cleared up from its heated moment. He couldn't believe that they were at it for three hours straight. He had lost count of how many times they had climaxed as his mind had been turned into porridge by then.

Xie Ying froze for a second. He had naturally forgotten that his lover is a natural sex fiend. Being inside of the system's space really messed up with his sense of time, as the years he spent apart from his lover was longer because he was honing his skills.

Even with his body in shape, he can't out do his crazy lover's stamina. Even though he wanted to protest for the sake of saving his poor hips, he was too tired at the moment and thought to bring it up another time. Xie Ying felt his eyelids become heavy. He leaned his head against Lin Xiu's shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

Seeing his back breathe in and out in a systematic and even pace, Lin Xiu smiled. He lifted his sleeping Ying'er out of the bath tub gently, careful not to wake him up.

He grabbed one of the towels and wrapped Xie Ying in it, before he set him down on the bench. He took out another towel and started drying Xie Ying's hair. The lad's hair felt extremely soft and silky to the touch. It made him want to touch it even more.

As he looked at Xie Ying and dried his hair, a sudden blur of an overlapping figure with dark brown hair overlaid Xie Ying. His figure was much softer and less masculine, it held a hint of feminine to his look but one could still clearly tell that it was a male. Lin Xiu stilled and his heart began to race.

He furrowed his brows and his breath got caught in his throat. His chest ached, as if something bad had happened to the youth in front of him. He dropped the towel onto the floor.

As soon as he blinked, the vision he saw was gone. He ruffled his wet hair. What was that?

Lin Xiu felt that it was something very important, but he couldn't grasp why. It was as if he had forgotten about many important things once before. The more he thought about it, the more it seems to elude itself from his grasp. He looked down at Xie Ying and caressed his flushed cheek with his fingers.

Xie Ying's cheek was very warm, his temperature was cooling down. Snapping out of his thoughts, Lin Xiu pulled out another towel and quickly dried his lover and then himself. He looped Xie Ying's arm through the sleeve of the robe and tied the sash before bringing him out.

They laid in a large bed, big enough to fit three to four other people side by side. Their hands were intimately woven together, sharing their warmth with each other. Together they laid in bed ever so peacefully.

- - -

The months had flown by and in a blink of an eye two months had flown by. During this time, Xie Ying was playing a hot and cold game with Fu Xinyi. He kept her up on her tippy toes, and just when she thought she was going to get to finally stand still he gave her a cold shoulder. Like a moth attracted to a burning candle, she came back for more.

The more he refused to acknowledge her, the more she came after him. Xie Ying used this tactic to distract her and accomplished his task of being recognized for his work. He successfully completed the proposal that satisfied both sides of the companies.

The male lead, Zhang Yuren finally made his appearance at this time. He wanted to see the person who could intrigue his cousin and uncle, and as someone who could think of a well thought out plan. Kuai Weimin forewarned his cousin not to mess around with Xie Ying as his uncle truly fancies him. If there is one wrong mishap to him, his uncle will literally kill him and leave his flesh and bones in an unmarked grave.

With the game that Xie Ying played, it made Fu Xinyi more desperate. She finally made her move after months of debating on buying or not. Since a good opportunity was coming up, she was going to use this so that Xie Ying would be wrapped around her finger.

She flipped open her phone and sent a text to an anonymous number.

Bunny Girl: [Tonight at seven. The usual place.]

Xie Ying's phone rang and a faint grin appeared on his lip. He turned to Bao Bao.

<Give her the highest potency per dosage.>

Bao Bao rubbed his hands maliciously, his cute canine fangs were poking out as he smiled. His eyes squinted into crescent shapes.

<Hehe~ Already on it host!> Bao Bao cackled. He had just the thing for her. It was called 'Paradise Seeker', instead of the usual x2 amount. It would amplify the effects by x10. He had long wanted to get rid of this cockroach that flung on to his little baby.

Bao Bao had been working and implanting himself in the underworld with Xie Ying's instructions. He managed to build his reputation and became known for the heat inducer and euphoric aphrodisiac, but what he sold was only the small things. He would only save the big ones for pests.

Before he left, Bao Bao squinted his eyes at his host.

<Host~ You haven't forgotten Bao Bao's reward, right?>

<I haven't forgotten. When it wears off, you'll get what you asked for.>


Hearing the words he wanted to hear, Bao Bao waved at Xie Ying and gave a cheerful smile. He skipped/ floated his way back to his hidden den. He was finally going to taste his babies culinary skills!

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