Knocked Up (B+A) (XIV)

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Once they get back to the company, Lin Xiu gave Xie Ying a soft peck on his cheeks and went inside. Xie Ying was taken to a private lounge area along with Fu Xinyi who had been stuffed inside of the trunk. His department had already been notified ahead of time that he will be coming in late. A few minutes after sitting inside of the lounge room, a familiar voice that had disappeared for almost a day wailed loudly in his ears...

<Waahh~ Host~! Bao Bao has missed you. *sniff*>

Xie Ying's eyebrow crinkled. <What happened?>

Bao Bao reaccounted his day. It seemed everything was going normal until Bao Bao was going to leave from Lin Xiu's place and report to him. He suddenly.... shut off once more the moment his gaze met with that of his maniacal 'son-in-law's'. Though that part he omitted, he didn't want to suffer at his hands anymore.

Bao Bao shed tears for his unfortunate self for somehow provoking that demon. The next time he'll be in the room next door listening inside instead of being inside the room, lest wanting another knock out session with Lin Xiu.

Xie Ying frowned, if something like this can happen he worried for what could happen in the future. But after talking for awhile and not figuring out what was wrong, Xie Ying only cautioned Bao Bao to be careful in the future.

Bao Bao peeked from behind his hands as he was consoling himself and he almost fainted. A big mosquito gnawed at his little baby while he was out cold. Was this the reason for knocking him out? Ahhh! This son-in-law of his.... it was indescribable what he felt.

Even without saying anything, Bao Bao bought some ointment that would heal his host's bruised skin and gave it to Xie Ying. Xie Ying didn't think much of Bao Bao's actions and accepted it. He had Bao Bao keep an eye out on Fu Xinyi in case she woke up, he would go to the bathroom to apply the ointment.

In the bathroom, Xie Ying unbuttoned and loosened his tie. The visible love marks trailed from his neck, shoulders, and upper part of his back. His pale skin created a clear contrast against those red marks.

The moment he applied the ointment over the marks, they began to heal at the speed of blink. It have off a cool and soothing sensation, with a fragrant floral slightly minty aroma. When he goes home, he'll have to use bandages to wrap his neck to avoid Lin Xiu's suspicion if they accidentally met.

When he exited the bathroom, Fu Xinyi still hadn't awaken yet. Xie Ying has Bao Bao do an internal scan on her in case she got whacked too hard on the head. If that happened, he wouldn't have to worry about her but at the same time his plans would've been all for naught.

Bao Bao confirmed with Xie Ying that Fu Xinyi was alright, she was only still sleeping. He decided to finish some work while he waited for her. He took out his laptop, hacked into his computer and accessed the files on there.

Thirty minutes later, Fu Xinyi finally started to stir. She furrowed her brows and groaned. Her neck really ached. What she couldn't see was that there was a big red mark at the back of her neck, it would soon turn into a purplish bruise by the end of the day.

Her eyes fluttered and the first thing that she saw was Xie Ying leaning back and typing on his laptop as he sat on a nearby couch. She sat up abruptly, the last thing she remembered was seeing him get grabbed and a group of men in black suits coming from nowhere. Then everything afterwards became pitch black.

What happened? Where am I? Did we escape? If so, how did they escape? So many questions were brewing in her mind.

Xie Ying looked up and met her eyes, making her blush. She stammered, "Ying, what happened? I thought.... I thought that you were captured? And they... they attacked me. How did we escape?"

Xie Ying knew that she was going to ask that. He had already fabricated an elaborate story for her.

Xie Ying, "They were close to taking us away, when a group of people saw what was happening and some over to help. The police came and arrested them, as for who is behind it, they haven't found out who. The police suspected that we were especially targeted and cautioned us to be weary."

"Don't worry, I already explain everything to the police so you don't have to go down there. Everything's been taken care of."

Fu Xinyi have a grateful smile, "Thank you, Ying."

She found him even more appealing to her and fell a little harder for him.

The rest of the day went normally, except the sneaking glances that Fu Xinyi kept giving to Xie Ying.

- - -

A different story could be said for Lin Xiu, he had Dong Boqin gather information on Fu Xinyi. After reading it, he tossed the papers onto the desk and sneered, she wasn't a client and she was a new staff member that worked under him. He could already tell that she was aiming for his Ying'er.

He wanted to deal with her as soon as possible after reading the report, but he had given his word to Ying'er. So all he had to do was wait for his baby to make a move and he'll just follow up after.

Dong Boqin came into the room, "Zhuxi, it's been completed."

A smirk appeared Lin Xiu's lips. After separating from his Ying'er, he had contacted some servants and had them pack up all of Xie Ying's belonging. Next, was a movers company to come and grab his belonging, and after was the leasing office of the place where Xie Ying lived. He settled everything that needed to be settled with the paperwork, and got Xie Ying released from his contract.

Dong Boqin had notified him that everything had been accomplished.

Lin Xiu has Dong Boqin go out and buy everything that Xie Ying would need. He even knew his Ying'er's three sizes and had clothes were ordered for him. His cars was already moved to his garage, so he would have to go home with him as he didn't have a ride.

He wouldn't let Xie Ying escape from his grasp. Since his Ying'er agreed to live with him, he would take full advantage of it. Although they didn't set a time and date. When Lin Xiu mentioned it, he meant as in today.

He couldn't wait until the end of the day, so that he could see his Ying'er again.

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