My Dear Emperor (XXXIII)

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Now almost all were convinced that there was something superstitious going on. Having the city become a ghost town just upon their arrival, the gates being sealed when they were about to leave, and now thirty of their comrades mysteriously disappearing, they were all creeped out and on edged at this point. Only the captain had yet to succumb to delirium.

The night air was chilly and very dark. Many of the lights that came from the homes and buildings had gone out due to lack of rekindling and managing it. The only source of light the ten soldiers had was the torches that they had brought.

The captain knew that they couldn't go on like this and since they were locked in, they needed to adapt to the situation to survive the night. It wasn't helping that adding to the state of paranoia that his underlings were in, they were also hungry at this point. It easily led some of them to exhibit hallucinations such as seeing shadows move in the pitch black night, or even hearing sounds. He decided that they would find a place to rest as they waited for the morning to come.

Gallivanting, they found a suitable small restaurant to house in for the night. It was in a inconspicuous place but it had great view as all four gates were within its sights. It was also not too large where it would be hard to guard, neither was it too small to hold all ten of them.

Scouring inside of the place, they made sure that it was truly empty before leaving four men behind to take charge in cooking and guarding the kitchen as they secured at the surrounding area and building.

Seeing that there was no plausible danger to come at them, the leader and the five other headed back to inside of the restaurant. The closed off and locked the doors and window and advanced to the kitchen.

Upon coming within less than half of a zhang¹ away from the kitchen, they could already smell the fragrant dishes of grilled meat and savory congee. Their stomach rumbled with eagerness to be filled. They all sighed, at least they still had each other and something to eat. After all, they would only need to play the waiting game.

Just as they thought they could relax, seeing the entrance to the kitchen, their faces paled and they all unsheathed their weapons. From their view they could see the entire kitchen, and there was no one inside.

Already at the point of almost losing their mind, having their numbers drop again within the amount of time it took to drink a cup of tea, made them all consider the fact that maybe they were really stuck inside of an unending nightmare. The silver gleams of their weapons shined in the dimness of the hall.

With their backs to each other, they glanced at their surroundings. Their dog shit of a luck had led them to lower their guards, subsequently it was a major mistake.

Their eye focused in every direction but above them. Two shadows dropped down and in a single swing, they were able to take out the six weary soldiers. With a flick of the blade, their dirtied swords became clean once more.

After four other shadows dropped down from above, they all picked up the bodies from the ground easily as if they were only sacks of feathers and not human bodies, and swung them over their shoulders. Afterwards their silhouettes disappeared from the hall.

Not far from the city in a hidden location, Tu HuaLi was roasting food for Xu XiuLan and Lin Jun Kai. He took off the finished meat and blew on it to cool it down, before bringing it to Xu XiuLan's lips, "Eat, Lan'er."

Having been fed like a regal monarch, Xu XiuLan had his fill already. He rubbed his never-bulging-stomach and gently pushed Tu HuaLi's hand to their mouth, "Ah Li... You've been feeding me this entire time. You need to eat as well."

Tu HuaLi's lips lifted into a charming smile, hearing the concern in their voice. He opened their hand and gave them the skewer, "Then you feed me, Lan'er."

Xu XiuLan, "En."

He carefully fed Tu HuaLi in the same manners that they had done for him. From checking to see if the meat was ready, to blowing, and personally feeding them.

On the side, Lin Jun Kai was eating a mastodonic amount of dog food. He blinked his round eyes at his mother and then back to the food in his hands. Though they were the same thing... The one he had seemed to taste plain and bland. He scooted over to Xu XiuLan's side even more.

With no sense of shame, he unveiled his endearing puppy eyes and pleaded, "Mommy, can you feed Xiao Jun too? It was too hot for Xiao Jun and mommy's food looks much better."

He soon hid his blushing face behind his hands, only peeking through the spaces of his fingers to see their reaction. Xu XiuLan chuckled and peeled their hands off of their face. Kissing their cheeks, he murmured, "Just this once, Xiao Jun. Come here."

He patted his open lap with his arms outstretched, which Lin Jun Kai happily jumped onto his lap. He gave his father a sly smile before glancing up at his mother, "Mm! Xiao Jun loves mommy the most~"

His pearly white canines were exposed against his cherry colored lips. Before he had to eat by himself many times because Tu HuaLi had decreed it so, but Lin Jun Kai would always take any chance to spend time with his mother.

Now Xu XiuLan had another mouth to feed.

Not long after, a messenger came. Kneeling onto the ground, they greeted Tu HuaLi and Xu XiuLan before delivering the news, "Your highness, all has been prepared and is ready to go."

Tu HuaLi nodded, "En. We will depart now."

He took a damp towel that was by the side and carefully wiped Xu XiuLan's svelte fingers. He kissed their knuckles, "We will be back soon. Wait for Our return, Lan'er."

Xu XiuLan brought their fingers to his lips and returned the intimate gesture. Reaching out, he touched their cheek, "This lowly wife will be waiting, my emperor. Come back to me safely."

The sweet feeling enveloped his chest as he stared lovingly at Xu XiuLan. His eyes trailed lower to his son who was fidgeting with their hands. It was almost like a game of who could outwit the other... But Lin Jun Kai was too early to challenge Tu HuaLi.

A crack in his adorable expression appeared. Pursing his lips, his cheeks flared up, "Come back home safe...daddy. Xiao Jun and mommy will wait for you."

Though Lin Jun Kai loved to bully his father, he undeniably loved him to the core.

Tu HuaLi picked him up and ruffled his hair slightly, "Protect your mom well, Xiao Jun."

Lin Jun Kai bobbed his head, "Mmn. Xiao Jun will always."

Leaning in, Tu HuaLi lightly whispered into their ear, "Don't forget that to do if 'he' shows up."

Lin Jun Kai's lashes drooped slightly, covering the brisk and sharp light that lit in his eyes, "Un. Xiao Jun remembers, daddy."

Their mini interchange occurred in a breath of time, and only looked like Tu HuaLi had kissed a shy Lin Jun Kai.

Striding away, all of the previous emotions that was on his face was wiped away. Tu HuaLi's stoic expression made him look greatly more striking and imposing. The smile that softened his frightening and overwhelming countenance was only for his wife and son.


¹Zhang: a Chinese measurement, 1 zhang = 33 1/2 meters

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