Knocked Up (B+A) (IX)

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Looking at the monitor, Xie Ying could see the spectacle that was going on downstairs. He had hacked into the company's security cameras to enjoy the show. Tan Kang was currently being escorted to an empty room to be notified of his termination.

Because he had lost many of his possessions over the past couple of days at an exponential rate, it almost left Tan Kang to be piece of plastic bag flying in the wind. His once barely groomed self looked even more trashier, his hair became an oil slick, it was enough to where you could possibly get a tablespoon worth of hair oil from him, his five o'clock became porcupine looking field, and the only good thing out of it was that he lost maybe half a pound, even if it didn't really show on his figure.

There were two people that were leading him to the room, the deputy general manager and a personnel from HR. After getting seated down, Xie Ying watched Tan Kang's face turn from white to green, then to red as he listen to his dismissal. His eyes danced with amusement as he stared at the screen.

Just like Xie Ying calculated, Tan Kang snapped. He used his briefcase and knocked the unlucky general manager on the side of the head with it, his disproportion body was shaking in anger and the HR member was screaming their head off. Tan Kang couldn't control himself and charged at the HR member. The general manager had been knocked out from being hit by the briefcase, which caused the other side of his head to hit the wall.

Tan Kang also swung his briefcase at the poor woman. She dodged and tripped over one of the nearby chair's legs trying to escape. She yelped as she almost getting slugged by him. She made a dash for the door and darted out, while screaming for 'security' and 'help'.

He chased after her like a madman. His were bloodshot as he shouted after her, "Come back here!"

"How dare you guys do this to me?"

"F*cking b*tch, come back!"

"I'll f*cking kill you!"

Only an idiot would listen to his words and stop running. Soon two security guards in uniform came running at them. They both took out their taser gun and aimed it at Tan Kang. The HR member's ass suddenly got ignited as her speed picked up and she left Tan Kang in the wind. When she finally reached safety, she hid behind one of the security guards. Her makeup was a mess and it looked like her face was literally melting.

Tan Kang was approaching them as he continued to chase after the HR member.

Security guard A warned, "Sir, stop and stay where you are!"

Security guard B, "Don't move, or else we'll have to shoot you."

Tan Kang blocked out their words and continued to run down the hall. As soon as he was within range, the security guards fired the tasers from their guns. As the probes hit Tan Kang, his body convulsed and he slammed onto the floor.


His body didn't just fall onto the floor, but he slid across the floor from the momentum built up from him running.


His body stopped just at the feet of the security guards. His eyes had rolled back and his briefcase had fallen onto the floor. It became unlocked and it's contents poured all over the hallway floor. It didn't only contain paperwork, but some of his clothes as well. The two security guards quickly gathered the unconscious Tan Kang and detained him until the police came to take him away. The paramedics also took the poor general manager and wheeled him away.

The cleaning crew came to clean up the mess that was left behind. One of the cleaners picked up Tan Kang's underpants and grimaced. The first thought that ran through his mind was 'don't you wipe?'

The cleaner didn't dally any longer and didn't dare to look at any of the items any longer, they quickly picked up the items and left.

Xie Ying exited the security system and went back to his desktop, he started working on his workload for the day. He had pulled some favors from his 'friends' that were doing their time in jail currently, they had assured him that they would take great care of Tan Kang during his stay. He had gotten acquainted with them through some of the shadier employers.

Someone should be coming here soon to notify the rest of the members that the office manager position is gone. At most it would take him two days to claim the position. He didn't worry about the other members who eyed the spot, they had all relied on him to accomplish their task in the first place. Getting it would be a breeze for him.


True to his words, Xie Ying became the new office manager within two days. Everyone thought that Xie Ying would seek vengeance for his maltreatment but he didn't. Instead, during the next couple of weeks he worked on fixing the issues that Tan Kang had ignored.

There were twenty two people in his department, excluding himself. They were grouped evenly in numbers and in their strengths and weaknesses. A team lead was appointed to in each of the group, and obtaining the position was fair and square to all of them. They only had to prove that they can certainly lead and carry their team's weight when needed.

If they needed any help, they would turn to each other and if they didn't know, then they would go to the team lead. If further assistance was needed, they would go to Xie Ying. He didn't shy or avoid it, he openly helped them on what was needed. Xie Ying didn't play favors and treated them all equally, if they made a mistake they would be notified of it and if they did a good job he would compliment them for it. But you wouldn't see a smile on that gorgeous face of his.

During this time, he had been busy catching up on all the assignments that Tan Kang had left for him. Even having to redo over many of Tan Kang's completed assignments because they contained too many errors, that it was deemed unusable by Xie Ying.

For the last month, not only did he focus on making the department more unified but he also established contact with Fu Xinyi.

First, there was the slip of his cell phone, obviously it wasn't his actual number but a fake number that he had routed to his cell, so that she could contact him with. Step by step, Xie Ying lead her on. After a week of talking, he invited her out for dinner. Three days after, he took her out to the mall and bought her some items.

Every couple of days she would ask him out and every time he did, she would misinterpret it as he was interested in her. The thought of 'friendship' never crossed her egotistical mind.

On the side he dealt with Kuai Weimin, who had invited him numerous times to go eat dinner. Kuai Weimin had also hired him for some of their projects.

Xie Ying had let Kuai Weimin accidentally see that Fu Xinyi was in contact with him. His impression of her plummeted, as Kuai Weimin thought of Xie Ying as a good friend. He cautioned him to steer clear of her, an ambitious and scheming women like her would only give someone endless trouble. By the end of the month, the two of them were dancing in the palm of Xie Ying's hand.

As the saying goes, 'keep your friends close, but your enemies closer'.

Bao Bao had also notified him that Tan Kang had pleaded not guilty in his defense, but because of all the dirt they had uncovered, his fate was sealed. He received thirty five years in jail without any chance of parole. Tan Kang had lost considerable weight and is currently kissing the jail yard's floor.

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