Catastrophe (VIII)

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When they got to a safe distance from the zombies, Allen lets go of Irvin's hand. He takes a couple of steps away and wipes the sweat on his brow. After he clutched his broken shoulder. Irvin on the other hand had been staring at Allen without looking away. His chosen attire was.... good?

Allen was a little flustered. He wasn't used to contact with other people, but he had just yanked on a stranger's wrist and forcefully dragged him along. Allen, "I didn't mean to be rude and grab your hand. I just saw that you were in trouble...."

Irvin blinked. The youth was just to charming, with his cat ears and that kind of face. Irvin couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Pfft. Hahaha! It's alright. Thank you for saving me, Allen."

Allen pointed to himself and furrowed his brow, "You... you know me?"

Irvin, "How could I not? You're bro-con brother Kyle showed you off to everyone."

Allen's blushed a little. His small plump lips looked so soft. Irvin's eyes were stuck dead on them.

Allen only made a sound, "Oh...."

As Irvin was about to talk, he heard some of the zombies making their way to where they were at. Irvin grabbed Allen's wrist and ran, "It's not safe here to talk. Let's go."

Allen, "En."

The moment Irvin turned away, the bright childish and innocent light in his eyes disappeared and was replaced with a cold light. It was almost as if that look had been all an imagination, just a fleeting thought.

Irvin and Allen runs out of base B, it had already been overrun and with their present self it would be too difficult to remain here. The slim chance that they could recover this base was less than 10%. By the time the other bases were to send their envoys to come assist it would much too late. The closest base was base A but that was at least three day journey by car, by foot it would be at least a week's journey.

Irvin and Allen ran until they were at least 50 meters away from the base, the occasionally stopped so that Allen could catch his breath before they continued. They found a small shed and took shelter inside. Allen slumped down to the floor, breathing hard. He had never run this much before. His clothes were also drenched in his sweat and they stuck to his body.

Allen took off his bag and placed it right next to him. Irvin was standing guard by the door. He still looked immaculate even though his hair was a little messy, it added more charm to his look. Allen suddenly recalls that he has extra pistols and knife. Although he doesn't know Irvin, he felt that he was trustworthy and wouldn't turn his back on him.

Allen rummaged through his weaponry bag and took out a glock 19, a silencer, and some of it's ammunition along with the hunting knife. Irvin had heard Allen looking through his bag and turned to look, but when he saw what was in Allen's hands he froze. Why does he have such a thing? Irvin narrowed his eyes.

Allen looked clumsy handling the gun just like an amateur, it also looked extremely heavy in his tiny hands. He fumbled around trying to hold everything in his rather small hands. When he managed it grab all of the items, he walked over to Irvin.

He tried to hand it to him, "Here."

Irvin's eyes widen. Does he not have any danger awareness at all? Giving that to a stranger can cause him his life. Irvin was worried for this poor naive boy, his heart was too pure. Irvin cocked his eyebrow, "Aren't you afraid that I'll use it to kill you?"

Allen's face paled as soon as he heard the words. It had never crossed Allen's mind before. He pursed his lips and took a step back. He looked like a cautious small kitten with it's harmless claws ready to attack if touched, in Irvin's eyes. Irvin's eyes were filled with mirth and he wanted to tease Allen, but he held himself back. He didn't want to push his buttons any further and lose Allen's trust.

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