Silence (XV)

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(A/N: Here goes another two chapters! Going to be showcasing the original FML's and ML's relationship and fluffy moments of our MC and ML together. Thank you for your support! Enjoy!)

After the removal of the tumors, Chen Ming's life was sailing smoothly. The marriage between Cao LiXuan and Sheng LiRong had been absolved discreetly, they had only been husband and wife in name. There was nothing more to their relationship than that.

Chen Ming had fully moved into Yu Zian's apartment and transferred all of his things to the apartment. Cao LiXuan had swung by the day after to try and mend his relationship with Chen Ming. He even took lessons from Yu Zian to try and communicate with him.

Although their relationship couldn't ever go back to what it had first been. Chen Ming acknowledged that Cao LiXuan was at least trying on his part to make things right. He came over every other day just to check up on Chen Ming and talk to him.

Over the next year, Chen Ming had been receiving weird hidden missions such as:

{Have Liu Jiao encounter Cao LiXuan. - 1,000 points}

{Make Liu Jiao trip. - 1,000 points}

{Have Liu Jiao and Cao LiXuan go on a date. - 1,500 points}

{Raise the love meter to 100%. - 2,000 points}

It was basically earning free money. Bao Bao thought that the missions was turning his host into a wingman for Cao LiXuan.

Liu Jiao and Cao LiXuan's first meeting was at Chen Ming's school. He had come pick up Chen Ming instead of Yu Zian, as he was stuck doing surgery at the hospital. At the time of pick up, Chen Ming wasn't at the gate, and so Cao LiXuan messaged him.

Cao LiXuan: [Ming'er is everything alright?]

Chen Ming: [Xuan ge, could you come and help me?]

Cao LiXuan: [Alright, where are you?]

Chen Ming: [By the art room.]

Chen Ming had painted a on a large canvas and would've been too big for him to carry by himself. Coincidentally the art room was right by the infirmary. Chen Ming was talking with Liu Jiao as he waited for Cao LiXuan.

When Cao LiXuan entered the school, everyone was staring at him wherever he went. He knew the layout of the school and didn't have to ask directions. As he saw Chen Ming in the distance, he was mesmerized by the other small figure by him (CM). The two figures stopped talking with each other and looked at Cao LiXuan.

Today Liu Jiao had her hair down and it perfectly framed her small egg shaped face. Her eyes had turned into crescent shapes and her small mouth was stretched into a grin, revealing her pearl white teeth. Her light lavender blouse complimented her pale wheat skin. The top two buttons were undone and her attractive collarbones peeked out underneath.

Her laugh sounded so pleasing. It was a little higher pitch, but it wasn't too high pitched where it would sound like a screech and scratch at your eardrums.

Cao LiXuan felt his heart momentarily stop as he took in the sight. Chen Ming saw the love struck in his eyes and laughed inwardly. Plot sama is very strong.

He tried to get Cao LiXuan's attention by waving his arms but Cao LiXuan was in his own little world. He sighed. He walked over and tapped Cao LiXuan's shoulder, "Xuan ge?"

Cao LiXuan snapped out trance, his face had remained stoic the entire time. Cao LiXuan, "Are you ready?"

Chen Ming, "Yes."

Chen Ming turned around and walked to the art room. As he passed by Liu Jiao he thanked her, "Thank you Liu jie, I have to go now."

Liu Jiao's eyes lingered on Cao LiXuan for a second before she looked at Chen Ming, "I'll see you tomorrow then."

Chen Ming slightly tilted his head in recognition to her words and entered the art room. Cao LiXuan stuck his hand out to her, "Thank you for taking care of Ming'er, my name is Cao LiXuan."

Liu Jiao smiled and shook his hand, "It's nice to meet you. It's no problem. Xiao Ming has been pleasant to be around."

Cao LiXuan followed behind Chen Ming, his eyes never left her the entire time. After they left the school building and got into the car, Cao LiXuan would ask Chen Ming simple questions. He would sometimes ask about Liu Jiao, who she was, how his (CM's) relationship was with her, etc.

Now every time it was Cao LiXuan's turn to pick up Chen Ming, he would always somehow be in or near the infirmary. This led to Cao LiXuan and Liu Jiao talking to each other more and more with each encounter. Their love meter was at a 27%.


For going on a date, Chen Ming asked both of them out separately at a restaurant. He understood their characters and planned accordingly, Cao LiXuan would come early, while Liu Jiao would come right on time.

When the two arrived at the table, they were shocked to see each other. Liu Jiao, "Ah, how unexpected that I would meet you here Mr. Cao."

Cao LiXuan, "Un. What brings you here, Ms. Liu?"

As Liu Jiao was about to respond to his question they both received a message from Chen Ming.

[Sorry Liu jie, I can't make it tonight.]

[Sorry Xuan ge, I won't be able to come tonight.]

They both looked up at each other at the same time and sighed. If you were planning to do something like this, at least be a little more astute about your actions.

Liu Jiao was about to leave when Cao LiXuan stopped her, "Since we've already arrived.... Why not have dinner here?"

Liu Jiao didn't see why not and agreed. During dinner, they found out that they had a lot in common and that they enjoyed each other's company.

Bao Bao had informed Chen Ming that the love meter had increased to 49%. He had gotten this idea from Bao Bao on 'how to hook up people'. Bao Bao advised to try a couple more times, in which Chen Ming did. After their fourth date, their love meter had risen to 77%. But after a number of times this method loses it's efficiency.

Bao Bao suggested to go on a 'double date'. Chen Ming agreed, but who was going to be their other date? He was seriously thinking on who he could throw into the mix, when *ahem* jelly husband came back from work. Because he had been too busy with Liu Jiao and Cao LiXuan, Yu Zian had been left alone.

It had been many months since the two of them had the chance to spend actual quantity time with each other. He was reaching his limit.

The front door opened suddenly with force. Yu Zian walked in, the air around him made Chen Ming's hair stand up. He pounced on Chen Ming who was sitting on the couch and pinned him underneath him.

Yu Zian's eyes narrowed down and gave off a spine tingling sensation. He nipped at Chen Ming's lips, "Honey, you've been neglecting your lover here."

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