Bearer of Thy Oath (XXIV)

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A/N: Hai! Here's an early release... I'll be very busy so I won't be able to release it at 12 PM CT. Love you guys. I appreciate all the comments and votes. Thank you for reading!!! See you on 08/18/18.

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In Maon, a towering figure was looking into the fountain. It reflected the slaughter that was occurring in the mortal realm. His hands and jaw was tightly clenched, things weren't going according to plan.

There had been a start in the war that shouldn't have happened yet. First, it was that Solomon had evaded his visions and he could not control him. Secondly, he lost sight of his antichrist that he had nurtured for so long and the sacrificial lamb that was used to induce the hatred in the antichrist. Thirdly, the disappearance of his false prophet that he had raised from a young child. And last, the initiation of the war had come thirty years earlier than he had originally planned for.

He gnashed his teeth, "Damn you, Uriel."

Ever since he could remember, his brother had been the star child. He was always someone who was overshadowed by the other's greatness. It angered him and insighted jealousy. Why was it always him that received all of their Father's love? Why would he get the best of everything, while they had to fight for theirs? It was always him, and he, the second borne angel was forgotten by his Father.

He couldn't stand that fake smile or that sympathy that he gave to him. That 'love' that his brother had given was nothing but lies, behind he knew that the other was secretly laughing at him. He didn't want his brother to look down on him feeling that he was being neglected. It was his fault after all.

It wasn't always like this, he did love his elder brother at one point in his life. That was only in the beginning, when their Father had first made them. He adored his bright and intellectual brother, he even looked up to him. But he soon noticed the difference in treatment that their Father gave to him and his siblings. He could tell that their Father truly loved his first borne.

Over the long eons, he grew twisted in his heart. He sought to somehow obtain that position and make his brother have a memorable downfall. He didn't care for their Father's lessons about caring for one another, he only sought out to get rid of his brother. Only then could he obtain everything that belonged to his brother. Everything that he had always longed for.

By luck, their Father added an additional being to their roster of family, the homo sapiens. He finally saw his elder brother waver in his faith towards their Father. Seizing the chance when his brother confided in him, he happily agreed to support him in his decision.

When it came down to that day, he simply stood aside and watched the pain of betrayal flash across his beloved brother's eyes. He looked in schadenfreude at the scene. The rift that was created between the first borne and their Father had been now put in place. Now was his chance to gain what he wanted.

He stood against his own brother, even claiming to wage a holy war in the name of redeeming their Father's good name. It felt so satisfying when he was able to fight against his own brother, for he didn't even bother to hold his strength back. He laughed inside at his brother's foolishness, he was too soft for he did not fight at full power. That just made things much easier and favorable for him to win. Standing tall, he stood over and pinned down his brother's body. There he casted him into Hell for all of eternity.

Now, no one would ever remember him for what he was, but who he now became. A blemish in history.

He had planned for so long now, to finally be able to get rid of his dear elder brother who watched and reigned over Hell. First, it was the drift created between the two sons of Adam and Eve. He would use Cain to become his antichrist, and he would lead the league of demons from hell. That was why he bothered to even ask their Father to mark Abel as the first seal.

What is more painful than not being able to be with the one they love? To know that they would forever fear and doubt you? For them to see with their own eyes, their lover kill them? It was gratifying watching the two of them squirm in the palm of his hands over the long dreary centuries. They were perfect in the roles they were about to play.

All he had done was have a lower angel transform into Cain, and cause tension between the two. Then, it was the final act; Cain coming upon Abel's death.After fulfilling what he wanted, he easily discarded the angel who had assisted him. As time went by, and Cain realized that he was being reincarnated time again and again, he made sure that Abel was just right out his reach. The curse that he had their Father give Cain was now backfiring. This created animosity between Cain and their Father. Sooner or later, Cain would turn to his brother in Hell and bear arms and wage war for his love, Abel.

To make sure that Cain would go down that path, he had inserted a measure in case Cain held any hesitation, Asher Lammelein. He would be the 'friend' that would guide Cain into his path and make him fully integrate into the antichrist. Time after time again, Asher would prove himself to be 'loyal' to Cain and help add oil to the fire. This was done as ordered by Mikael.

Asher had been taught by Mikael himself on casting spells and the 'righteousness' of the Heavenly realm. Mikael had brainwashed him and made Asher completely his devout follower. There was no room for hesitation for Asher in completing his task if his 'God' asked him to do it.

Next was Solomon. He would've never gotten to where he was at without 'his' help. It was all due to 'him' that he even got their Father's blessing. A coincidence that he was able to create such spells and incantations to tame the demons? No, it was all 'his' doing. He slipped hints here and there for Solomon to take and gather. He would be Cain's general, the one to help lead the seventy two pillars of demon and cast the mortal world in catastrophe.

After, was the hundreds of thousands of martyrs and saints. He, over time came to them in their dreams or showed them visions in order for their and their Father's influence to be rooted. The other reason was for some of them to become seals. Later, they would serve to be the 'innocent' blood that would be shed in his brother's crusade against them.

Things were supposed to have turned out in their favor. The more their Father was disappointed in his brother, the better things were suppose to be resulting at the end. This was supposed to be a glorifying event marked down in history. This was supposed to be the eschaton¹.

His body slightly tremor with acrimony at the foils of his plan.

It had all started with him. Every went awry the moment he set foot into the mortal realm. Even though he had kept tabs on Uriel, somehow he had accomplished somethings in the dark to counteract 'him'. Otherwise, how could things have sidetracked so far? The only reason he wanted to send Uriel down was because he had a righteous and straightforward personality, that was easy to manipulate. But it seemed like he had underestimated the Uriel's shrewdness.

His golden energy crackled around his body as his eyes smoldered with a nasty light. Opening his hand, a radiant lance with light blue handle and a gold spearhead embuned with the other eye of the serpent appeared in palm of his hand. He gripped tightly onto the handle as he surged his energy through his weapon.

Sensing another presence coming to where he was, he turned around and faced them.


¹Eschanton: The final event in the divine plan, the end of the world.

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