Silence (V)

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It was the third day of his stay at the hospital, Chen Ming was currently doing a staring contest with Yu Zian. Yu Zian sighed, "You really won't say anything?"

Chen Ming looked away, there was nothing for him to say. Cao LiXuan ruffled his hair in annoyance. Yu Zian had contacted him concerning about Chen Ming's condition. When he found out he was angry at what he heard, he had no clue what about the abrasion on Chen Ming's body.

He quickly rushed to the hospital. Even Sheng LiRong was there. The four of them just stared at each other, battle of the wits until Yu Zian spoke up.

Chen Ming saw from his peripheral vision that Sheng LiRong was satisfied with his response. He sighed in his heart, at least he would be spared. Both Yu Zian and Cao LiXuan excused themselves from the room and left Sheng LiRong with Chen Ming,

She sashayed her way to Chen Ming's side. Her fingers dragged from his wrist up his arm. He broke out in goosebumps at her touch and his stomach knotted and twisted. Her fingers caressed all the way to his adam's apple.

Her voice was laced with a disguised sense of rancor underneath that cloyed voice, "Good job, baby."

Bao Bao felt his skin crawl with her words. He wanted to swat away her vulgar hands. You... You licentious wanton! AHHHH! Why does all of these females touching Bao Bao's host?! In every world they can't keep their hands off of my baby! Bao Bao knows that host is attractive, but hands off! Ah, where's 'son-in-law' when Bao Bao needs him?

Wuuu~ Bao Bao doesn't want to watch this.... It makes Bao Bao feel nauseated... ꒰⁎×﹏×⁎꒱՞༘✡

Not being able to do anything but be his host's surveillance, Bao Bao felt depressed. He hovered by the sides doing his dutiful job. If Bao Bao can have a body, Bao Bao can be more useful....

As soon as their footsteps neared the door, Sheng LiRong separated from Chen Ming and stayed a safe distance from him. Cao LiXuan left some words for him before he left back to work. Yu Zian talked with Chen Ming for a little moment before he too left the room.

Sheng LiRong turned to him with a sly look on her face. Her hands began to feel up his body. Out of fear, Chen Ming's body froze. She kneaded his soft thighs and then up to his inner parts of his thigh, faintly touching the bottom of his intimate part. His eyes stared back at her with perpetual horror.

She giggled at his discomposure. Now this, this was something she highly enjoyed.


In the bathroom, steam rose from the hot shower that was on. On the floor was Chen Ming huddling his legs. His fair skins has small streaks of scarlet, even some parts of his skin had teared from his over excessive scrubbing. His eyes were swollen and red, his tears melted with the water coming from the shower head.

He felt dirty, extremely dirty. Why won't anyone save him? Everyone keeps leaving him with his abuser. He's drowning and no one is rescuing him.

Chen Ming didn't know how long he stayed in the shower. One hour, maybe two but a knock came suddenly at his door.

"Xiao Ming? Is everything okay in there?"

It was an unfamiliar voice. Chen Ming jumped, he was flustered. He quickly stood up. Immediately, he felt lightheaded and his vision blackened.


The person outside heard the noise and busted in. He found the youth unconscious on the ground. He lost his cool composure and ran inside. He tugged the towel that was nearby and wrapped Chen Ming in it before bringing him out.

He called in the nurse and examined Chen Ming. He found that he had only fainted. The heavy boulder in his chest lifted off of his chest. Never had he ever felt so scared before in his life. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and sat down on the chair by the bed.

Chen Ming looked so delicate, so fragile and thin as if a soft breeze would blow him away. He clasped his hands and placed his elbow on the bed. He doesn't want to see him hurt or cry ever.His heart would ache as if it's being torn.

He noticed the marks on the boy's body, the self inflicted ones overlaid the ones underneath it. He reached out to touch him, just to make sure that he was actually still there but stopped halfway and pulled back. He ruffled his auburn hair. He needed to have a talk with Xuan.


The next morning, Chen Ming opened his eyes. He was in bed? How did he get here? He tried to remember what happened yesterday and then his cheeks had a hint of rosiness to it. 'How embarrassing' was all that he could think of at the moment.

Just on cue, the door slides open. Yu Zian gracefully stepped over to him, "Good morning, Xiao Ming. How are you feeling?"

Chen Ming hesitated a little, "Good morning, Doctor Yu. I'm feeling better, thank you."

Yu Zian, "That's good. You'll be discharged this afternoon and Mrs. Cao will be coming to pick you up."

Hearing that Sheng LiRong was going to come, he stiffened and a fearful light flickered in his eyes. Yu Zian was naturally observant and saw this. He knew that Chen Ming was going to be guarded against him and he needed to slowly break down those walls.

Yu Zian smiled, "Do you want to go home, Xiao Ming?"

Chen Ming's eyes brightened as if saying 'you won't give me away to her?' They were filled with hope just from that simple sentence. Yu Zian's eyes grew a little frosty, but his smile remained unaffected. This time, he didn't hold himself back and touched the soft and fluffy umber colored hair.

Although, Chen Ming trembled at his touch and was slightly having symptoms of his hephephobia, he accepted the other's touch and didn't try and avoid it. Yu Zian, "Don't worry. I'll help you, Xiao Ming."

Yu Zian's words echoed in his mind. 'Don't worry. I'll help you, Xiao Ming.' Chen Ming's eyes sparkled and he nodded his head. His face was filled with worship and a genuine smile that he had never seen before. Yu Zian couldn't look away. His heart stopped for a second and flooded with a warmth, he never thought he would ever have.

This, this was what he wanted to protect. To hold dear. To hold in his embrace and forever keep close to his heart.

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