3| Prada Boy vs Walmart

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Once the driver stopped the car in front of Majesty High, Zoey wore her Ray-Ban sunglasses and stepped out of the car. Walking through the school gate, she looked around to find her friends in the ground and found everyone in their usual spot i.e. the bench under the maple tree.

Althea and Olive were sitting on the bench, Ethan towering over them from behind and all three of them busy in a heated discussion. Zachary was practicing for his coming basketball match just few steps away.

Zoey gave a lingering glance to Zachary, his hair tousled back and his focus on the basket. As if feeling her eyes on him, he turned around and acknowledged her presence. Zachary was the golden boy of this school and most of the girls in the school had a crush on him. His blue eyes, his golden brown hair, his muscular built and his tall height, everything about him screamed perfection. But Zoey couldn't understand why she was hesitant of going out with him when he clearly asked her out in junior year. What more did she want from a guy?

Passing a smile to Zachary, she made her way to the bench and listened to what Althea was saying. "No, you can't wear a crop top with a low-rise shorts. It's a fashion crime and it makes you look tacky and desperate." She said, pointing towards a leggy blonde that was walking out of her car in said outfit.

"I think it's hot. I would totally date her." Ethan said and she rolled her eyes in return. Ethan loved to annoy Althea to core and one of his ways to do so was to challenge Althea's dressing rules.

"Because you have disgustingly low standard, Ethan. You would penetrate anything that moves." Althea said in her signature dismissive tone and Ethan turned red in embarassment.

"And you, you have such high standards. Maybe that's the reason you are single." Ethan grunted.

"Well, I would rather stay single than being with a hormonal, compulsive teenager. If that means breaking many hearts, I think I can live with it." Althea commented and stood up to leave for her class.

The blue-eyed brunette was definitely the most beautiful girl Zoey had seen and the most elegant too. Being the daughter of a senator father and a socialite mother, she had inherited both sharpness and grace and she knew how to bring both of them to use. Right now, she was clad in designer clothes specifically designed according to her taste and Zoey knew that because she was there with her when she was dictating each and every detail to her stylist.

The Harpers weren't just rich, they were wealthy. Their family line consisted of many big names of this country and everyone was aware of their power, even the school authorities so it won't be a lie to say that they did own the school and Althea made sure everyone knew that. Her twin brother Zachary was different, more humble and down-to-earth.

After Althea left, everyone else dispersed and Zoey made her way to her literature class and carried on with her usual routine.

They all had their third period free and they usually meet in the cafeteria. Today, Zoey was early and none of them had arrived yet so she gave a brief look to all the cafeteria. Her eyes stopped at a particular table and she squinted her eyes to get a clearer look. It was the same boy she had met in the car two nights ago, sitting there with his two friends. They all were silently eating their foods and discussing something related to Chemistry.

Picking up her handbag and mobile, Zoey trudged towards their table. All three pair of eyes filled with confusion raised towards her, as if she was in an uncharted territory.

"Can I sit here?" She asked politely and it was the girl who nodded. Smiling, Zoey seated herself on the fourth seat and crossed her legs. "Hello, my name is Zoey."

"Maya." The girl extended her hand for a shake. Zoey had seen this girl before in her class and she remembered her because she once peeked at her answer sheet in a test.

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