5| The Brunette Bombshell's Threats

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It was the day of Zoey's sixteenth birthday when Travis' harmless crush changed into contempt for the spoiled girl for whom his mother worked. There was a party for her at Crawford mansion and almost all the rich kids of the city were invited. Most of them were children of famous actors, businessmen and politicians.

Travis knew her mother had mild fever today but she couldn't skip the work, not when Mr. Crawford had specifically asked her to make sure the party went smooth. So he did the least he could do, he accompanied his mother to the Crawford Mansion to help her in work.

The whole day, the decorators, caterers, florists and other such workers kept coming in and going out of the house. Wherever he looked, there were people busy in making sure it was the best party any of Zoey's classmates ever had. Despite her own poor health, Rose kept checking all the arrangements again and again.

In the evening, Travis was inside the kitchen, washing all the dishes. Rose had asked him to stay inside the kitchen because the owner of this house won't appreciate any unauthorized person in the party.

It was only when he heard the sound of everyone cheering, he silently walked out of the kitchen and peeked inside the lounge. Zoey Crawford was walking down the stairs and everyone was staring at her in awe.

She looked so pretty, almost like an angel. She was wearing a rose gold dress that reached her knees, small sequins dusted all across the bodice. Her hair was pulled up in a braided bun, with few tendrils framing her beautiful face. Travis' breath hitched on seeing her and his heart started beating faster.

Before anybody could catch him standing there idle, he walked back into the kitchen and continued doing the dishes. Throughout, his mind remained focused on the beautiful girl he had just seen, the girl he had a crush on since the day he saw her. She was his classmate but she never acknowledged him. Why would she? Their worlds were far apart from each other.

It was only when it was the time to cut the cake when he again stepped out. He silently made his way to the hall and stood there behind a curtain to see her again. His mother was standing beside her as the caterer placed the huge cake in front of her. Her friends were standing at her side, eager to see her cut the cake.

"Where is Daddy? Is he here yet?" She asked Rose impatiently.

His mother's eyes lowered to the ground as she muttered, "He... He said he can't be here. He has an important meeting."

The whole hall went silent all of sudden as Zoey's expressions changed from happiness to sorrow and then to anger. Her jaw clenched hard and she threw away the knife.

"Miss. Zoey. He wanted you to enjoy this day. Richard sir really wanted to attend but he couldn't..."

Before Rose could finish her sentence, Zoey pushed the table angrily and the top tier of the cake fell forwards onto Rose. The clothes that she had bought from her savings to wear today were instantly ruined by the thick coat of frosting.

"You and your Richard sir both can go to hell." She screamed at Rose and then stomped back to her room saying, "Don't even think of following me into my room."

Travis felt so helpless at that moment. He wanted to stop her from insulting his mother but he couldn't do that, he knew his action could land her in more trouble. At that moment, he felt immense hate for that girl. Because of her, his mother stood in the midst of the crowd, ashamed and embarassed.

He went back to the kitchen and punched the hard wall in anger because there was nothing else he could do. He hated the class system at that moment and how just because they had more money, the rich people can insult the poor any time.

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