54| Another Step Forwards

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It was about 8 in the evening both cars stopped in front of Zoey's grandfather's lake house. The caretaker let them in and the boys brought in all the luggage bags.

"Wow. This place is beautiful." Ethan said as he slumped on the couch in the living area.

"Yeah, it's been so long since I came here." Zoey said and stretched her limbs to kill the exhaustion.

It was a two-storey house built of imported woods that was designed by her grandfather herself. She had been here before her parents divorced, when they were a happy family and there was no toxicity among them. But everything changed when her father drowned himself in work and her mother found love outside her marriage.

Shaking her head from these thoughts, Zoey announced, "There are four bedrooms here and we are eight. So let's divide in pairs. Cindy and Ethan will obviously stay in one room so they are excluded." Hearing this, Cindy and Ethan exchanged a look and then nodded hesitantly.

"I have an issue with sharing a room." Althea said.

"You can share with me. I won't be in the room most of the time anyways." Olive offered and Althea agreed.

Zoey then looked at the rest of them, which were Maya, Travis, Zachary and herself. "I don't mind sharing a room with anyone. Just decide yourself." Zoey said and went to the kitchen to make a sandwich for everyone. Her stomach was growling by then and she was sure everybody else felt the same.

Five minutes later, she returned with a tray containing bread, mayonnaise, jam, peanut butter and Nutella so that everyone can make a sandwich of their own choice.

"Travis and I can share a room. We don't mind." Maya said.

"Okay then, Zachary and I will be in the fourth room upstairs." Zoey replied.

"I'm tired. I need my beauty sleep otherwise I'll end up with dark circles in all the pictures of this trip." Althea said and made her way to one of the rooms, causing everyone to roll their eyes.

One by one, everyone else dispersed, leaving Zoey alone on the couch. Few of them left to explore the lake while the rest went to their rooms to take some rest. Zoey stayed behind because this place brought so many memories for her. She felt overwhelmed all of sudden and the urge to do anything else left her.

She kept sitting there for some half an hour, eating the third sandwich she had made while her eyes remained fixated on the floor.

"You are still sitting here?" Olive asked as she entered the living area in her swimsuit. "Wanna go to the lake?"

"No, I am a little tired." She said and stood up. "I need some sleep."

Wrapping a shawl around her arms, Zoey walked up the stairs to her room. Once she reached the door, she peeked inside and found Zachary and Maya sitting on the bed, busy in laughing at whatever they were discussing. To avoid disturbing them, Zoey slowly backed away and made her way to the next room in line.

She knocked on the door and then entered inside, only to find Travis lying on the bed and reading a book. He lifted his head to look at the intruder and his eyes widened when he found Zoey.

"Your best friend and my best friend are getting cozy in my room." Zoey said and entered inside. "Move over."

Travis scooted to a side and Zoey hopped on the bed, pulling the blanket over her. "This place is really nice." He said.

"Thanks." Zoey replied.

"You don't look so happy." He pointed out.

"I'm just a little tired. Can I lie here until Maya comes?" Zoey said.

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