29| All Work And No Play

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"Where is Zachary and Ethan?" Zoey asked once she reached their usual spot in the school ground. Only Althea and Olive could be seen sitting there, with the former blabbering about something unimportant and the latter nodding in an uninterested manner.

"Zachary is studying in the library." Althea said and Zoey's eyes widened.

"Since when did he become such a nerd?" She commented and seated herself in the empty spot between Althea and Olive.

"You should have seen him last night cramming all the formulas. Apparently, he has an Algebra test today." Althea told them.

"And Ethan?" Zoey asked and got the answer when they saw Ethan coming towards them, his hand around a girl's waist.

The girl looked vaguely familiar and Zoey remembered that she was a new transfer student in her History class who just came from London. The girl had fiery red curls that reached her long neck and pale skin. Little golden freckles were dusted all over her button nose.

"Hi guys," he said, pulling the girl closer to him.

"Who is she?" Althea asked Ethan, ignoring the girl altogether.

"This," Ethan leaned towards the girl and pecked her on her plump lips. "is my girlfriend."

"I think you pronounced fuck-buddy wrong, Ethan." Althea said rudely, completely disregarding the girl. Both Zoey and Olive elbowed her to stop her from insulting the cute girl.

Giving Althea a warning glare, Ethan whispered something in that girl's ear and she nodded in understanding. The girl turned around and walked away from them, but not before kissing Ethan's cheek.

"Her name is Cindy." Ethan said. "And she is my girlfriend, believe it or not. I am pretty serious about her."

"She is hot." Olive said and then shrunk in her seat when Althea glared at her.

"I don't believe it." Althea said dryly.

"And I don't care. You said I would never get a girlfriend but I did. Now, suck it, princess." Ethan smirked and the rest of them could practically see the smoke coming out of Althea's ear.

Once Ethan left for her class, Althea stood up angrily and groaned. "He is doing this just to show me that he can have a girlfriend. I bet he doesn't give a rat's ass about Miss. Ginger."

"But why do you care? You should be happy that he is leaving you alone." Zoey said with a sly smile.

"Who said I care?" Althea almost spat and both Zoey and Olive controlled their giggles at her transparent jealousy. "I have better things to do than worrying about them."

"Like?" Olive said, clearly in the mood of pushing her buttons.

"Like going to my next class." She said and picked up her pink leather bagpack.

After Althea had stomped off, Zoey made her way to the literature class with Olive. Entering inside the class, they both made their way to their usual seats and once she was seated, Zoey angled her head to stare at Travis.

Ignoring everyone else, his whole attention was focused on the book in his hands. His light hair was falling on his forehead in an adorable manner and Zoey felt the urge to gently tuck them away and feel the texture.

Olive cleared her throat by her side and she jumped, as if she had been caught doing something wrong. Gulping, she opened her notebook and began jotting something down, ignoring Olive's gaze on her.

"Somebody has taken a fancy in Travis Anderson." Olive whispered under her breath.

"I have not taken any fancy in him, whatever that means." Zoey snarled back. "I just..."

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