72| Sweet child o' mine

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"I am confused. What should I do now?" Zoey asked Althea and Olive who were sitting on both sides of her. All three of them were sitting in the salon, getting their pedicure done. It was the night of prom and they had reached the salon hours before the prom actually starts. First, they decided to get their manicure, pedicure and hair-wash done while waiting for Maya and Cindy to arrive.

Zoey used this opportunity to tell them about her mother's Milan invitation because she herself was unable to decide what to do. On one hand, there was opportunity of a lifetime and on the other hand, there was this guy whose presence in her life made everything better. She wanted to go but she didn't want to leave him.

"I'll say don't let a guy dictate your life decisions. Boys aren't worth leaving your dreams behind." Althea said.

"No, he doesn't want me to pass up on the opportunity. Travis wants me to go." Zoey told her.

"Of course he does. I am sure he wants freedom to date a college girl. He doesn't want to be chained in a relationship." Althea said.

"He isn't like that. He is an amazing guy and I don't want to leave him behind." Zoey defended Travis.

"Sweetie, all boys are same. I'd say, go for it. What if you stay behind and then Travis breaks up once he finds someone else in college? How will you deal with the regret then?" Althea said and her words made Zoey ponder. She does have a point. What if Zoey becomes a burden for him once he starts college? What if they both fall out of love? What if this Milan thing was universe's plan to save her from the heartache?

"I think Travis is a nice guy but Althea is right." Olive added, picking up the cucumber from her eyes. "Remember what Cristina Yang said to Meredith Grey? He is very dreamy but he is not the sun, you are. So you do you, girl. And if he is still single once you return, give this another try."

"So now, everybody including Travis thinks I should go to Milan." Zoey sighed, clenching her eyes. This issue was stressing her out for a whole week now and she wanted to reach a conclusion as soon as possible.

She weighed both options in her mind. She also weighed the possibility of staying here. Travis will find hundreds of intelligent women in Harvard. What if he then decides that Zoey wasn't smart enough for him? What will she do then? It won't be easy competing against other women in his life, when she was just a stupid highschool dropout who passed up the opportunity of getting in a dream institute.

She was busy in these thoughts when she got a call from Travis. Bracing herself, she answered it and heard his voice from the opposite side. "I'm here to drop Maya. Are you sure she will be fine with Althea there?" He asked.

"Um..." Zoey gulped on hearing his voice. "Yeah. Send her in. She will be fine."

"Okay." He said.

"Wait," she called his name before he could cut the call. "Stay outside, I am coming. I need to talk to you."

"Sure." He said and cut the call.

Zoey nervously made her way outside the salon . She located Travis' car from a distance. Once she reached it, he opened the door and she slid on the passenger seat.

"I have to tell you something." She said.

"What?" He asked, turning to his side to face her. He held her hands in his own, gently rubbing them together, making it harder for Zoey to speak.

"I... Um... I have decided to go to Milan." She said.

A smile broke on his lips and he moved forwards to hug her. "That's amazing." He said, wrapping his arms around her waist in a way that they ended up in an uncomfortable hug.

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