24| The First Of Hugs

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Travis felt like doing something wrong by listening to their private matters but he couldn't help. Richard Crawford was practically screaming at her and it was impossible for him to not hear.

Although his own Dad wasn't exactly exemplary, he has never heard someone being so rude to their own blood. He couldn't imagine being in Zoey's shoes and listen all the cruel things her father was saying to her.

Yes, dancing with a middle-aged man in drunken state was wrong enough to make Richard's blood boil. Hell, Travis himself felt a little angered on hearing that but still, she didn't deserve hearing that her father wanted her gone. She didn't deserve hearing that fighting for her custody was a mistake.

He was still standing there when he heard Zoey's footsteps walking up the stairs. On seeing her face, pity filled him. Her pale face was flushed and her eyes were filled with tears, although she wasn't crying yet. Her shoulders were slumped and her lower lip was trembling badly, as if she was trying her best to not let anyone see how this affected her.

She walked past him into her room without even acknowledging him. Once she was on her bed, she whispered, "We will work tomorrow. Close the door when you leave."

Travis felt torn as he contemplated what to do. At one hand, she looked like she wanted to be alone so she could cry to her fullest but on the other hand, she looked so vulnerable that he didn't want to leave her alone.

He assessed her gaze that was focused on the floor, her lower lip that was still trembling and her tears that were threatening to spill out any minute now. Sighing, he made his way to Zoey and sat down beside her.

"Zoey, do you want to talk?" He whispered slowly, unsure of how she would react.

She lifted her face and then looked at Travis, the vulnerability in her eyes melted his heart. A lone tear slowly spilled out of her left eyes and then travelled down her cheek.

"Am I that bad, Travis?" She whispered.

His own eyes started to feel blurred at this. For some reason, he couldn't see her in pain. "No, you aren't a bad person."

"I think I am. What else would explain my actions?" She muttered, fighting the trembling of her lips.

"I may not agree with your lifestyle but I know that deep down, you are a good person, Zoey. You care for those around you and you are quite helpful even to those you don't know." He whispered, suppressing the urge to hug her.

"Then why does he hate me so much?" She mumbled and with that, the tears spilled out of her eyes uncontrollably. She sobbed in front of him and Travis kept sitting uncomfortably, not knowing what to do. Her sobs felt like shards on her skin and the urge to calm her overpowered him.

Throwing the caution out of the window, he leaned forwards and pulled her into a hug. She stilled in her hold for a minute but then her body relaxed and she leaned into the touch.

He could feel the wetness of her tears on his shirt but he couldn't care less. There was something about this girl that had always fascinated her. Whenever she is smiling, he wants to smile with her and now that she is crying, it was making his eyes moisten a little. It scared him how she affected him, no matter how much he tries to stay away from her.

As for Zoey, she had never hugged someone before like this, when there was no intention of sleeping with that person. She wasn't very fond of this kind of intimacy and hugs always made her feel smothered. But right now, she couldn't help but snuggle deeper into his chest. He was warm, so deliciously warm, like a huge soft, cinammon bun although the hard contours of his chest suggested otherwise. Against all her judgement, she wrapped her arms around his waist.

He smelled different; earthy and masculine, so different from the expensive cologne of the men she knew. The scent filled her nostrils and she buried her head deeper to inhale more of his delicious scent. For some reason, the thought of her father left her mind and the only thing remained was this weird feeling inside her stomach, like small insects moving inside her belly at a fast speed.

They stayed like this for a moment, breathing silently in each other's embrace. Neither of them knew what to do without looking awkward. It was Zoey who decided to pull away first and then slid back on the bed, wiping her face with the back of the hand.

"Nobody can know about this." Zoey said, letting out a huge sigh.

"About what?" Travis asked.

"That I cried in front of you." She said.

"Crying doesn't make anyone weak." Travis whispered as his gaze lingered on her flushed cheeks. Weirdly, all the crying had made her face look more glowing.

"It does. Besides, it was just a temporary reaction. I don't care what he thinks of me." She said in a dry voice.

"Well, I think you do. Maybe if you try to limit your adventures, you can mend your relationship with him. Yes, he was a little out of line with his words but I think he cares for you and he doesn't want anyone to take advantage of you." Travis tried to make her understand but it only aggravated her.

"Listen, Anderson. Just because we hugged doesn't mean you have the right to lecture me." She said, not looking directly into his eyes. She was angry at herself for showing him her vulnerable side and how he was telling her how to behave.

"I wasn't lecturing you. I was just---" Travis said, standing up.

"It's getting late and you are annoying me. So why don't you keep your advice to yourself and leave?" She blurted out and hugged the blanket around herself. She hated being pitied by someone so she decided to push him away by being rude to him.

"Fine. Whatever. I am leaving." Travis grumbled and then cursed himself for feeling bad for this girl who couldn't be nice even if her life depended on it.

"Close the door behind you." She said from under the blanket.

"Do it yourself. I am not your servant." Travis said and then walked out of the room.


"I'm so tired. God, I need a shoulder massage." Althea said and the rest of the group turned their heads towards her in disbelief. "What?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Don't act like you were the one who did all the work." Zachary said and pointed towards all the boys busy bringing the woods.

It was Friday and Majesty High had their annual bonfire tonight. As the head of Student Council, it was Althea's duty to arrange all such parties for senior year. But she didn't have to do anything. All the boys came rushing to help her just so they could have a chance with her.

"What? Do you think it's easy to make everyone do a job the right way?" She asked and then went to the boys to tell them what to do next.

"God bless her future boyfriend." Zachary muttered under his breath.

"I don't need the blessings man." Ethan interjected.

"Don't get so cocky, Ethan. While you are busy screwing girls, someone is getting successful in carving a path to her heart." Zoey pointed towards Althea and all three of them turned their heads to their brunette friend, who was talking to a guy named Marcus. He was the vice president of Student Council and he was quite well-endowed in looks department, with his flawless dark skin and piercing grey eyes.

"No way in hell." Ethan's angered voice rose from the side and the next moment, he was rushing towards them in an alarming speed. Zoey, Zachary and Olive, all three witnessed in amusement how Ethan tried to mark his territory in front of Marcus and failed badly.

The amusement died soon when Zoey's eyes met Travis sitting on a farther bench. Today, they had their Literature presentation and although both of them had worked on their own, they had no chemistry because of not working on it together. The teacher was quite disappointed with them and although it didn't affect Zoey, Travis looked too dejected with his grade that was a C.

"Come on, we are late for our last class." Zachary reminded her and she nodded, making her way back to the school building.


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