55| Lake, Bonfire And Jungle

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The next morning when Zoey woke up, she felt suffocated all of sudden. Something, or rather someone was crushing her. Groaning, she opened her eyes and found Travis lying on top of her, his head resting on her breast and his legs tangled with her own.

Heat crawled up Zoey's neck at their intimate position. She tried to push him away but he was too heavy for someone who looks so lean. Giving up, she stayed like that, ignoring the funny sensation in her stomach.

What is it about this guy that makes her feel like this? All warm and gooey, like a cliché heroine in a cringeworthy novel. Was it even possible to like someone this much, without actually liking them romantically? What was the name of this stupid feeling she had for him?

After some five minutes, she felt him move. Immediately, she closed her eyes and acted as if she was sleeping. Travis moved over her and then she felt his heated gaze on her, making it impossible to act like sleeping.

To avoid any embarrassment, she opened her eyes slowly and watched him with fake surprise. "Why are we cuddling like an old couple?" She asked.

"I don't know. Ask your pelvis which kept grinding into me last night." He said, staring at Zoey's lips with hooded eyes and her cheeks flushed.

"Liar." She said, staring into his penetrative eyes that makes her feel strange. "Do you have any proof?"

"I had one last night. It's quite settled now." He replied sarcastically and Zoey gasped when she understood the meaning of what he just said.

"God Anderson, you aren't as innocent as you try to be." Zoey said and pushed him away.

"It's all your fault. You have ruined me." Travis said and hopped out of the bed. He then made his way to the bathroom while Zoey called Zachary to check if her room was empty now.


After finishing the book he was reading at almost 4, Travis decided to leave the room and explore this place. He was a little hesitant of intruding in between Zoey and her friends so he was trying to maintain his distance. But the fourth text from Zoey finally forced him to move off his ass.

"Finally." He heard her say when he reached the lake. Everybody was dressed in bikinis or shorts and swimming around the lake. "You have too many clothes on."

"I'll just watch from here." Travis said.

"Come on in, Travis. The water is really cold." Maya said.

"I'm fine here." He said and made his way to the wooden bench where Althea was already sitting and sipping her mimosa or whatever fancy drink she was having.

He sat down beside her and followed Zoey with his eyes. She was dressed in a blue floral strapless bikini, her wet hair gathered on top of her head with some loose locks framing her face. They all were playing in the water like kids and her facial expressions were also that of a little kid.

"You like her, don't you?" Althea's voice reached his ears.

He sighed, pulling his eyes off her laughing face. She had just won a race to the edge of the lake against Ethan and was now dancing to celebrate her victory. She looked cute as a button and all he wanted was to kiss her as if his life depended on it. "Um... I do, kind of."

"She likes you too. In fact, she is crazy about you." She commented and Travis felt his heartbeat quicken. "I don't understand why. I mean, don't mind but you are too average for a girl like her."

Travis didn't feel bad because Althea had a reputation for being blunt. Instead, he felt pity on her. People like her see the world in black and white, they don't realize that most things exist midway in the spectrum.

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